'It's very comforting to know Jeffrey Dahmer was also a 5w6 sp/sx.... :rolleyes:
Your total vocabulary size is estimated to be: 26,800 words For foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from 2,500x969,000 words. Okay, now. How stupid...
Cognitive Process - Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use) extraverted Sensing (Se) - *************** (15.2) unused introverted Sensing (Si) - ********************** (22.2)...
So I wanna know. What happens when you're diagnosed with both schizoid personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? And or possible AS?
This. Buying.
My best friend of six years is an INTP. My father, with whom I am really close, is an INTJ. There's an INFJ I usually don't mind the company of either, and then there's also an ISFP that is my go-to...
Hmmm... Music I like includes, but is not limited to; - Seether - Avenged Sevenfold - Marilyn Manson - Dropkick Murphys - Cradle of Filth - Disturbed - Apocalyptica
Story of my bloody life. I've asked my psychologist before if there is a... guide to emotions, or something. A list of emotions and the situations one can expect them in, and then how to deal with...
Aye, cheers.
Sorry. What? Just... No, I'm sticking to what? Go cry to someone else? Bullying - or any sort of abuse - doesn't account to insecurity. I've been mentally abused, sexually abused and...
How do you know they'll be overpriced? Do you have statistics that say what the going rate is, or do you imagine their price, and automatically assume they'll be over that? In the kind of future this...
And thus an agnostic atheist believes they cannot know for sure if there is or isn't a God, in any way shape or form, and while they, in their every day life, live as though there is none in contrast...
Ehehehe, grammar nazi is ingrained in my head. It was just a random voice in my head that idly pointed it out, I don't needssleep to be a grammar nazi. But I'm equally laced up on anti-psychotics...
Incidentally* Plus, you realise that sarcasm is largely lost in the written word, yes? It's the tone that inflects sarcasm, and as there's no actually tone to accompany the written word, it's hard to...
Why repeat everything I say? What kind of argument is that? If I want someone to repeat me, I'll buy a parrot and have heated discussions with that. Anyhow. Back on track. My actual favourite...
No need to repeat yourself twice in practically one sentence, darling, lmfao. Also. A running gag would need humour introduced into it somewhere for it to be a running gag. Try again next time.
joke n. 1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line. 2. A mischievous trick; a prank. 3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or...
Exactly. And that's why I'm a Thinker, and you're a Feeler. (:
You aren't suppose to see how turtles go mutant. It kills the magic of mutant turtles.
Episode III is a myth. Episode VI - looked like a mutant turtle to me.
You know you're a Thinker when you're quite willing to amputate most of your limbs and remove all of your organs, just to replace them with cyborg parts, if only to make yourself that much more...
Aahhh, INTPs. Next thing you know, you'll be talking to the voices in your head too. Good times, good times.
How about This Isn't Your Band, So Fuck Right Off, and No, We Will Not Be Handing Out Autographs Any Time Soon, Because We're Now Snobbish, Self-involved Rock Stars, Hell Yeah? Or,...
AUTO-TUNED: Oh no. I caaaan't believe it's not butter. No, no, no, baby. I just caaan't believe! CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER! I THOUGHT FOR SURE IT WAS BUTTER, BUT HEY, BABY, IT TURNS OUT IT...
Scam: A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle. Scar: A lingering sign of damage or injury, either mental or physical.
My favourite TMNT is Darth Vader. Before you say anything; You don't know he wasn't a mutant turtle under all that black fabric and shiny helmet, so you can fuck right off. <3
Lol. Nah, that's not cool. How about we have a very serious discussion in auto-tune? Make an album out of it. Man, we'll be RICH.
There's your evidence. Unprovoked random singing. Pfff... Also, why are there two jewels staring at me, love? I am severely perturbed by this. I do not go on the internet to be stared at by...
Ugh. Honestly, I find myself attracted more to Rationals, both male or female, than Idealists. According to Dr. Keirsey, the INTJ's complementary type is the ENFP. I know at least two ENFPs who I...
Persave; A Middle English form of perceive.
Ignoring the many replies before me to give my opinion and findings unbiased; You'll find that socially, conventionally, people with a lower (or rather, average) IQ will, in most cases, be much...
In short, INTPs = endearing. I love INTPs. They're brilliant. Blatant INTP praising, wtfwtf. Dnc.
Errr... No, they don't know. They don't care to hear, and I don't care to tell them. They know about my RPing, coding and graphic.. ing.. (?), as well as my writing, but no details. Not their...
In this next feature, Teacup (Tyler, aka Jen, whom I have named Teacup due to the dress she was forced to wear to her sister's wedding, Quelly, it looks like I'm wearing a teacup...) is an INTP,...
It's either because you're insane, or because there's a big bug on your face. Either one. I'm not judging, though. -cough-
Yeah, no, not as much INTJs as there are INFPs, I'm afraid. I'd watch out for Frosty especially, boy's craaaazyyyyy. -cough- Js.
You INTPs are so cute. Srsly.
I'd try not to have my kidney stolen. Obviously.
I think it's endearing when my INTP friend starts sending me '<3's. Or when we're on the webcam, and she starts rolling around on her bed because she failed to take her meds. Or when she's...
I'd consider myself an atheist, but more specifically, an agnostic atheist. If there is a God, and they find a manner to prove it, I'll be very happy to believe in one. As long as they fail to prove...
In addition to this, my opinion stands that it's good for children who are going through abuse, or have gone through it to know that this is not the norm. It is not normal to be abused - sexually,...
I have been sexually abused, yes, and for the longest time, I thought it hadn't bothered me. Now, this isn't the only incident in my youth that made me a psychological train wreck, but it definitely...
I've resorted to telling her I don't actually care... Maybe your way might've been better. -cough-
There's this girl that swears she types INTP. And all she does, every day, is whine at me about so many things I really don't care about. I just want her to shut the fuck up already, unless something...
I actually have only two people I'd sincerely consider my friends, and that's an INTP and an INFP. The INTP, we're both amazed at how similar we seem to think, and handle, even though she's a little...
Sometimes when I open my mouth, sound comes out. Wondrous.
http://harrypotter.neoseeker.com/w/i/harrypotter/b/be/Voldemort.jpg He likes you.
Out of service's test; Opennes to Experience/Intellect: 76% High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex. Conscietiousness: 83% High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized,...