
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Aggressive religious people who insult anyone else of a different religious background Aggressive non-religious people who insult anyone of any religious background People who force their...

I understand that UFO's does not have to be related to extraterrestrials; just something I wanted to point out. This evening, I was riding home on a highway with my mom when she said she saw some...

Happy Birthday http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_X8kkU30yuvU/SZyyF-Rl36I/AAAAAAAAAHg/u77lKxg5P1c/s400/0218+pachy+finished.jpg ...

I've always wanted to go to Egypt to see the pyramids, go to Machu Picchu, and other places of ancient civilizations.

I usually only do enough work to pass. If I don't feel like doing any more, I stop and do something else.

I can't be in a dark room by myself, I sleep with a lamp on. I also do not like being on large bridges, being in a car while on a bridge is even worse. I'm not ashamed of it though I would only...

Have you watched Hell Girl?

-If I didn't have my family, I would feel like a nobody -I fear rejection -I have just recently became agnostic and my family is Christian. I did not plan on telling them, especially my mom,...

I don't have friends and I feel lonely :sad:

My mom and I were returning some clothes that she couldn't fit into. She then went to shop for some more clothes. Her: I bet I could fit into this. Me: I bet you said that the first time you were...


I hate it when people slam their books on tables.

I believed my home town was the only place the existed, when I started to learn geography I was like :shocked:

When the doorbell rings, the first thing you do is hide and debate whether or not you want to check who's at the door... or is it just me.

http://www.onlineweblibrary.com/gallery/d/5551-1/acrophobia2.jpg http://sandstead.com/images/san_fran/bridge/STRAUSS_Joseph_Golden_Gate_Bridge_begun_1933_LS_d100_f.jpg ...

I'm Christian, not one of those crazy sheeple Christians though.

Welcome. I like your avatar, Soul Eater is an awesome show.

My personal belief is that maybe God wants us to be responsible for our own problems that we have caused. Most of our problems are caused by greed and hatred, Jesus said we need to be rid of greed...

I don't remember, the last time I spoke was about six hours ago.

Welcome :happy: I do not believe everything in the Bible should be taken literally, some events may have been made up to make a point. Sadly, I do not have any examples because I have not finished...

Bananas and raw carrots make my eyes, nose, ears, and mouth itchy.

I don't think I've ever watched one, but I would be extremely disturbed. Fake deaths do not bother me much.

Ketchup I hate needing ten characters -.-

If anyone started helping me without asking, I would hope that they do not assume that they are going to get paid, then I wouldn't pay them. I hate it when I answer a question on an assignment...


Said by a family friend: You look like you could manhandle someone. I think she said this because I look angry sometimes, I'm not very muscular at all. According to my oldest brother, this...

I find this thread somewhat amusing.

Loud breathing People who think they can just touch me when they feel like it Having to wash other peoples' dishes because they won't clean up after themselves Re-washing dishes because no one...

I wanted to be a shepherdess. Sitting around watching sheep, traveling, and living in a place that still used the barter system sounded very nice back then.

I hate having a critical thinking class. I thought it would be easy since thinking critically comes natural to me, but we also have to learn how to work in teams, which is what most of the class...

When I'm arguing with someone who is being unspecific and doesn't want to collaborate an idea THEY brought up or just illogical arguments in general. A story for those who want to read it. My...

Language Jokes • An Essay on Hell from Chemistry 101

I'm an anarchist.

Math is my favorite subject, so yes. I also do not like using calculators when I don't need it. Sometimes I have to close my eyes when counting so I can see the numbers better.

I usually cry when I'm really mad, but I think it's just because I do not know how to deal with anger well. I tend to repress it, which is probably the reason why things get out of hand later. Things...

I think it is. :crazy:

I plan a lot before I buy something, I usually try to calculate the exact amount that I would need, so I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of doing it at the last minute. I also try to know...

I get irritated when people touch me longer than necessary or do not care to listen to my suggestions/ideas. People who just try to have small talk with me also annoy me and I have to tell them that...

I hate it when people say You don't know what you're talking about. If I didn't know what I talking about, I wouldn't have been saying anything. I also hate it when people use multiple cuss words...

I rarely watch The Office, I don't even know the characters' names, I had to look it up. I would consider him my second favorite. :laughing:

Thanks, I like being honest :proud:

Thanks everyone :happy: Asexual meaning that I do not feel sexual or physical attraction to others, I prefer platonic relationships anyway. :laughing:

Was born in California, I now live near Atlanta, Georgia.

Thanks guys.

Thanks, Hannibal :happy:

Thanks for the welcome, needing more than 10 characters to post sucks :tongue:

I'm Raine (not my real name, just felt the need to point this out) and I'm a INTJ. I love my alone time on my computer and have no social life. I have not left my house since last week :crazy:....'