
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything

'Weird, I used to think I had Autophobia. Now I am introverted. Hmmm...

Indeed! What have you recently researched that caught your interest?

I fancy dark red, but recently I have liked dark green.

I don't know if there is a thread for this, but I did look for one, and I didn't find one. I just want to know what some of the hobbies that you are interested in. My hobbies are reading and...

Well, if anyone was wondering I broke up with him tonight. For reasons other than posted, mainly because of the age difference and it was ruining my relatinship with my mother. Me and my mother are...

So they act like this for a certan amount of time, then they stop, then it happens all over again? Where did you read this? I am assuming you don't remember, considerng you didn't include it in your...

I think this is the best decision to be made. It worries me that even if we did break up, I don't think I would be hurt all too much by it.

I put this in the wrong forum, how do I move it? I am such a n00b.

I seem to be having a problem with my INTP boyfriend. I am not sure if it is just with me, but I fee like he is a very clingy person. He calls me 1-4 times a day, expecting to talk for hours. I have...

hacking by jon erickson :laughing::proud:

I am 16, which is probably obvious if you look through my posts.

Ugh, my handwritting is so bad. I hate it, it varies from big to small, messy to all girly-like, I don't know. It is bad. I tried buying some Calligraphy pens to see if it makes me write better...but...

I only know one INTP, and I have taken pictures of him and he can smile fine. As for me, Meh, not so much.

I don't like birthday parties. I don't even like when people buy me presents. It is too much attraction towards me. Last year, my twin sister is extremely popular at my school, and i am that loner...

I have literally been on this thread for 2 hours. I love this thread so much. I have been creeping around all 13 pages.

Oh dear, I like Nevershoutnever a lot, I have never heard of them. Thank you! Do you know of any other music that sounds similar to Nevershoutnever that is more underground?

If you like The Birthday Massacre try Mindless Self Indulgece.

I think that you should tell them that you like them at the right time, and be sure to tell them why you feel the way you do about them.

I think that I am a lot less feminine that most girls. That has a lot to do with it, and I think most women are Feelers, atleast around my area. Then again, they are all teenagers, considering I am...

Ghost in the shell

Repo! Edward Scissorhands Radio Minority Report :proud:

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Any song by Elliot smith or Andrew Bird. I'm not sure how popular they are, though.

I get decent grades; A A A B B C. I could have done better. My teachers consider me a great student, considering I have come such a far way from who I used to be a couple years ago and how I acted...

Haha, I'll let you know how it goes. :tongue:

Well I took it because I was interested in how other people saw me, and personality all together. I just researched different tests and such, I think it is pretty accurate.

I am currently listening to my INTP play rock and roll band by Boston :cool:

I have been pondering this question all day, to be honesty :tongue:

age discovered:14 current age: 16 type:INTJ

No, because there are so many things in this world that are not tangible, therefor you can not physically put them anywhere...including a box. :tongue:

When I get compliments, I get really awkward and uncomfortable.I think it is because I feel like I always need to improve something, and when someone compliments me, I feel like my standards are to...

Well, I love INFP's, My one and only best friend is an INFP. My only advice is to be yourself, and If we like you, well...we like you. Don't force it, because if you do, then we will find out sooner...

I am quite a daydreamer, but then again I have ADD. :tongue: Its like I go on autopilot when someone is talking to me I am not interested in, yet, I can't control not paying attention, and then they...

Since some of you didn't answer the question Are you needy of your significan other? Well, do they ask too much of you, want to see you too often, call you too often, constantly worry about you,...

I am the same way, I wish I could look into other peoples eyes. :sad:

Well, my INTP seems to talk about physics and science, that kind of stuff, and he really appreciates that I enjoy listening to him and asking questions about it, he likes that I am interested in the...

I love reading the long threads, but I don't like writting too much. That is the main reason on why I like the INTP threads so much.

I aso saw it with an INTP, and right as we walked out of the movie he started talking about the science behind it :tongue:

I have a lot of questions, but I will only stick to a few. What do you find to be the most attractive trait in a person? Do you like making music? Are you needy of your significan other? How many...

Oh, and also, my INTP always does this, and I think its creepy, but I like it. A lot. I also asked him about it, and he gave me the reason, somewhere along the lines of You are beauitful I love...

Well, I am not an INTP, I am an INTJ, but when i do this observing/staring thing, It usually means something about that person catches my interest enough to actually focus on them. It means that I...

I second all of this. :3

Currently, my biggest problem is dealing with other human beings. I have become more and more intolerant of others, and it just keeps on getting worse. I think that it is coming to a point where I...

Avatar was fantastic. I loved it, there where so many moments where I was just like what is going to happen? Someone, please tell me, I have no idea! but, he did try a little to hard, but he pulled...

sweet :wink:

Did you just read my mind?!

I don't really like TV or the radio, actually. I do watch TV sometimes, I like discovery channel. I also like this show Lie To Me. The Office is good too.

I am very picky about my food touching eachother. I also do count my calories. I don't really like eating that much. I eat just because I need to. I often like to fast, it makes me feel clean. I...

I really like those kinds of texts too. :happy:If I was in the position you are in, I would break it off it nothing gets better soon. Since I don't really know the relationship, I couldn't say how...

I honestly have no clue. Sorry, if I ever do find out I will let you know. I can't get her to take the test. But I can tell you that she is the complete opposite of me (or atleast pretty close) I...'