
Analysts INTJ

Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything


I love Gibran, and my favorite is the end of The Farewell in The Prophet: Patient, over-patient, is the captain of my ship. The wind blows, and restless are the sails; Even the rudder begs...

Yep - I get working on a problem, and I'm thinking Okay, do this, do this, do this, and then this thingy over here, and we're done, and then...nope... I 'fixed' the lock on a storage room door,...

When you legitimately have no questions while in class. The reading material made sense, the corresponding lecture was thorough, and everything was understood.

Nothing huge, just simple some simple automating and maintenance of macros and other errata. I was previously a Q/A engineer, now an admin in a university construction office, and I've also become...

Awww yeahhh... I loves me some Frasier! The Golden Girls, Leverage, Community, Psych...they all are good pick-me-ups. Props to Ballykissangel, too - I haven't seen that in ages, and I have it in my...

Messy hands make me spaz out until I can wash them. Sticky hands are the absolute worst, followed by gritty, then oily/greasy, then slimy, then bloody, then just wet with no way of drying them.

I would start by not telling people on an internet forum how I would go about it.

I tend more towards individual sports, but on teams, I was usually a defender. I was able to cover a lot of ground pretty quick, which put me as a wing-back in soccer and center field in baseball....

Very much these things. I have a fetish for office supplies (I'll go to Staples or OfficeDepot just to browse for an hour or so...), and have my pens and pencils, and the ones that other people can...

No STEM for me at the moment - currently an office admin for a university construction department. It's pretty 'meh' work, probably about a 6 and slowly dropping. Because of my previous work as a...

I always have at least one backup plan, and constantly revise the main plan and the backups as new information presents itself. I'd rather not blindly commit myself to a single course of action,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhG8zC4npsE My wife passed away from ovarian cancer two weeks ago. This was our wedding song, to which the lyrics unfortunately came true...

Long, languid, loquacious sentences, profusely peppered with plenty of parentheticals (as I do like frequent asides (and asides to the asides)), ellipses...and a particularly pronounced proclivity...


What do you call a doctor who is half man, half horse? Centaur for Disease Control! Rolling of eyes typically ensues, and my work there is done...

Personally, no, I will not raise my voice much beyond a casual speaking level. Once yelling becomes involved, it stops being a conversation and starts being a pissing contest. At that point, the only...

Everyman - I had to read/analyze/read/analyze some more/read some more, and performed in two separate productions of this (with some unusual staging), so this has a special place in my heart. ...

Pessimist. Which is still an optimist - If you always expect the worst, you are never disappointed.

I'm terrified of being on stage, but yet I keep taking theatre classes at my university, and have had a variety of parts in a few productions with a local theatre company(5 small roles in one...

About two days. Boot camp was awesome. Not.

It doesn't bother me all that much. In the end, I'm the one growing and learning and having experiences. I just learn not to suggest anything to them - if they don't want to try anything new, then...

Age: 39. Gender: Male. Country of residence: United States. Nationality: American. Languages: Fluent English and Pig Latin, some Latin, Spanish, Nederlands, Old English. Belief system: Athiest....

Undergrad: Anthropology (Historic Archaeology) major, Theatre (Technical/Stagecraft) minor Graduate: Library and Information Science (Archivist/Document Preservation) Planned Occupation: Archivist...

My own personal motto is Service With A Smirk, as it's usually the best I can manage...

I've often been accused of being 'quite nice' and 'pleasant' - although I've also been labeled as 'evil' and 'manipulative' just as often. However, both sets of accusers also identify me as being...

By loudly exclaiming Pancakes!, you can instantly conjure a plate with three 10-inch pancakes with butter and syrup, and a fork. After 30 minutes, the plate, fork, and any unconsumed pancakes will...

Visible lines extend from your eyes to whatever it is you are looking at. Ability to sweat profusely on command. Ability to make all of your body hair instantly grow up to six inches (cannot be...

We just lost our eldest cat - Ned - to FIP induced liver failure last week, and I am still trying to get used to it. We have his paw print in clay, and his urn on the mantle. I keep expecting to see...

Punch Clock Villain and Good Is Not Nice - I am a state employee after all. I also get a lot of: I thought you were a Magnificent Bastard at first, until we all started talking about you figured...

Not to purposefully start a debate, mind you - I just like to be contrary. I already have a reputation as being difficult, but I also come right out and say that right from the start. They usually...

The rooster came first...as men are wont to do...he might have even fallen asleep right after.

How do you act when you are nervous? More calm than I probably ought to be. Analyze the situation or issue, rationalize potential outcomes, and if possible, have some tea. How do you act when...


Yep - Ned for Ned Flanders on 'The Simpsons'; Georgia for the lead character George on 'Dead Like Me'. They typically avoid each other like the plague, but every so often (I can count all the times...

95437 My little ankle-biters and a cat avatar to boot...

I would probably just say I apologize for making you feel that way, explain my rationale as to why I said/did whatever it was that they took offense to, and then move on. I don't say I'm sorry,...

Exactly. And it isn't like a concerted effort to reach my Thinking Quota for the day. I've already re-typed this post eight times at this point because I refine what I want to say or have since...

People. Other people. All other people.

Gender TransformationAlso Called Bisexual Transition Gender Changing/Shifting/Swap/Swapping/Switching Male/Female Shifting Sex Changing/Shifting/Swap/Swapping/Switching Capabilities...

Female: Merida from Brave - Willful, obstinate, sharp as a tack, skilled with a bow, bonus for being a redhead. Male: Jason Bourne from the Bourne movies. Skilled with everything, observant, problem...

A. If you could get away with one murder in your lifetime without any legal, social, or emotional repercussions, would you kill someone? -Yes B. What is your first thought when you receive a...

I find it actually keeps me down at night.

Drink from Russell's Teapot and the jellybaga will speak to you in your dreams with whispers of imminent rue-age...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvexJdq_XaQ by 100 Monkeys

Just like the inside of Fibber McGee's hall closet...

Geek Squad by Former Fat Boys

Egg Foo Young whipped out The One Eyed Unicorn (as he had named it one drunken evening in college) and stuck it into her dark matter, reacting adversely to the Tootsie-pop that was on its way...

Archive librarian for a performing arts center or collection.
