'I know that. I was just kind of giggling at the tone the OP seemed to take about his son.
Congratulations to your boy. Welcome to the INTJ master race. Why are so concerned with his prospects with women? Let him focus on his career or higher education. The rest will come naturally. ...
Personally, I believe in the Original Intent of the US Constitution as set out by Madison. But... Just to clarify things: This is the right wing: 94466 And this is the left wing: 94467
Modern Feminism in the first world is joke.
I drew a few unintended gasps. How am I supposed to have compassion for someone I don't even really know?
Girl I sit near in a class: You would be sad if I died, wouldn't you? Me: I don't know. I was only being honest.
What do you mean less cynical?
http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/3685260/scumbag-steve-o.gif ESTP
This is a quote from my family.
My God is distant and somewhat cold, and expects you to use your free will to live your life. So yes, I think it rationality and religion can fit, though just not the way it's commonly...
To my fellow INTJs: Is my school prom a life experience I need to have that I will regret not going to?
As an INTJ, I would like to say that I find cats wholly unappealing. I do, however, see the parallels between my type and cats.
Finally stickied! Thanks mods.
You are quite welcome.
Why is this thread not a sticky?
Stop worrying about small things and things beyond your hands (current events, the actions of others, etc). Just accept that bad things happen and focus on what you love.
The Umbraic Light Your INTx is so true.
That's one of my favorite Smiths songs... Hmm...
The puppy is the INTJ? </sarcasm>
My death stare only emerges when I'm dealing with an extremely stupid person who will argue and debate, even though their positions will never change.
I have a fairly good ISTJ friend. We have a similar sense of humor and get along alright. He drives me nuts sometimes though.
Flirting? No, I wouldn't try that. INTJs find flirting tedious and silly. Being intellectual helps.
Apologies, there was a poster I thought was the OP laying down some serious generalizations about INTJs, claiming that we're all calculating and seek to belittle people. The poster was an ISTP.
The OP. I need to fix that.
I love me. I'm the writer of my favorite (unpublished) SF stories.
I'm done here. I'll not be told I'm an emotionless, insincere automaton simply because I have a certain set of personality traits. Every response I've received from Vion is a set of jumbled SAT words...
This what a special occasion recently. I was dressed in an expensive suit. Random girl: Wow, that's a nice suit. You look good. Me: I know. That's why I'm wearing it. Dirty look ensues
@Vion I think this is a case of misunderstanding MBTI or the INTJ typing specifically. Again, anyone can really have immaturity issues no matter their type. And calling me out for reading between...
Did we have a bad relationship with an INTJ? Anyone of any type can be the things you just described, and are in no way exclusive to INTJs.
I'm an INTJ and I tend to joke around and laugh a lot. I'm not sure I act as an amoral feeling-less robot.
This is me at the end of every English course I've taken.
Why would I want everyone to be an INTJ? That would be boring and I don't think human society can function without each type.
INTJ in conversation with random person: http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/1134170/spock-orly-o.gif What you were saying... incredibly fascinating (/sarcasm). Now, let me get back to what I doing....
Can't be INTJs judging from the second gif. He's far too animated.
Physical looks aside, I am proud to say I've never worn sweatpants or gym shorts outside of workouts or my home.
I don't much careif others find me physically attractive.
You see, the idiots I have to deal with are convinced that they are smart because bureaucrats have convinced them to take courses way beyond their understanding.
Possibly, but only if I see the woman to be up to my standard.
Je ne pais le tempe my spelling might be a bit off.
'Hanging out'= waste of time for me. I see most of the people I wish to speak with in school, why do I need to see them outside of that?
Thanks for the advice.
Resident Evil 4. I think I've completed that game 8 times over. It's one of those games that never gets repetitive.
Strange Moon A good choice indeed.
Anything Rammstein for me. Cheveyo I need to add Fire Frei to my playlist.
Emotionally unstable? I internalize most of my feelings. Is that unstable?
Those kids didn't deserve their fate in the slightest, but yes the media coverage of these things is always way too much. I think Chicago has enough homicides to the point where it's about the one...
The title explains it. Who are your historical or contemporary heroes? They don't need to be INTJ necessarily. For me, I would say: Vice Admiral Nelson- superb naval commander, led the Royal...
I pick Neutral Good for my characters, as that's how I see my real life morals- I respect the law, but feel they can be bent or broken if good needs to be done.'