'For me nihilism is a starting point to filter out crap, I deny everything and then focus on what surfaces as important.
This is totally on-topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1ss0uc8pNQ
Dark Souls.
So I'm not the only one
Yeah, posting pictures of my face on a public place in the internet! Seems like a totally good idea, nothing could go wrong.
You scored 76.667 out of 100 masculine points, 43.333 out of 100 feminine points, and 57.5 out of 100 androgynous (neutral) points.
http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--4IOdFkgA--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/adjaw4zxkbd3c7srzzbt.gif You'll Need A Flexible Key To Open The Weirdest Lock On Earth
conx95crete adj. [often: before a noun] being a real or actual thing; solid; substantial:concrete proof. [often: before a noun] relating to or concerned with real instances...
This is the hard part.
¡Damm you ENTP villains and your movies! I guess never being the hero must be difficult for you, something an INTJ like me could never relate, if only there was a series of multi million budget...
When you decide to go against your interests because it's fair and people get offended. I mean being truly neutral.
I started procastinating less once I started doing more.
I'll tell you tomorrow.
I tend to maximize knwoledge adquisition, back in the days of taking classes I used to sit at the front row, so there were less noisy pieces of meat distracting my sight and attention. I also used...
Take a look around here, you might find it interesting, hell you might find interesting the whole forum: Beauty
No, my self confidence might trigger an aggressive response sometimes but it's not my fault.
When people get offended for you being honest.
They're great for park your brain for a while style of fun and thus they end up being not very serious and unreliable. They tend to overdramatize everything. Females are very sexual and provide...
Me too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zLfCnGVeL4
He's an ESTP with INTJ /ISTJ parents IIRC, in some of his other videos he seems to be traumatized about INTJ's. He seems to be a nice guy.
¡Me too! That and having an elaborate plan to escape without anyone noticing for years.
If it's true... they're doing a shitty job.
Why so much drama? Just text him the gay seal image and see where it leads.
What if he's doing the same as you?
Start or form part of a study group.
What if she was an horrible kid that did horrible things to kittens or other kids, or other kids' kittens?
Well according to my experience women antagonize other women just because of being women.
You've come to the right place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQv8G-CwNgU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2tGoVY6ddQ
MIT Blackjack Team - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Every single day I dream of a world where everybody else but me commits suicide. On a more serious note: Go and get help, that's not sane.
Voight kampffabulous
1) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea Yes, but I prefer ice tea. 2) Do you often think about society and how downhill it is going? ( of course thats a loaded and assumptious...
Meh, I am so disappointed, I thought this was going to be a humorous thread, INTJ appreciation day sounds like an oxymoron to me... Plus, the idea of XXX appreciation day is a bit off, does it...
I was going to post: Says the guy with a Jim Morrison's avatar, but then I figured out that it could be considered offensive.
less than zero
No you shouldn't, it'd be stupid.
Ego tripping, that's why they work. If you wanted, will you be able to take a duck faced selfie? (Note, I'm not asking for you to do it)
Oh, you have to be like Batman, totally. First start by being a millionaire, once you're into that I could arrange someone to kill your parents, if you need help with that... obligatory...
ESTP's, I can't stand their bullshit.
M (1931)u200e
Out of the Past (1947) - IMDb
You need to get him out of his confort zone, outdoors sex does wonders.
¿Are you expecting someone to do that for free? If not you should offer some kind of compensation be it monetary or spiritual. Anyway, if you already know js maybe using a crossplatform framework...
boardgaming club
Sorry to hear that, maybe you can give a try and start drawing / painting again.'