
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'This is absolutely true for me. A recent example: My headphones have been a bit broken for quite some time. Still functioning, just a bit of wire showing. I bought new headphones a few weeks ago....

I agree that introverts are better with public speeches. My one of my chemistry classes, we were required to do a presentation about our work we had done on a project. I was the only introvert in the...

I was in the shower once and started to think about chemistry (I'm a chemistry major, so I suppose it makes sense). In my ochem class we learned about sodium hydride, NaH, in which hydrogen acts as...

Got home from my first year of college lest Thursday. Only unpacked the necessary things: Laptop, charger, wallet. The rest will be in boxes for a while... 37930

House and Breaking Bad are my favorites. The Big Bang Theory is pretty good too, but only in small quantities at a time.

Looking at that made me feel colorblind... I only attempted the first row because I got a bit bored, but my score was 783. Well, that was entertaining.

Sleep and I have a love/hate relationship. When I can get to sleep early, I'll wake up around 4 or 5 the next morning (after 6-7 hours of sleep) and feel completely awake and ready to take on the...

I hung out with a few different groups in high school. I had the fellow nerds that I had most of my classes with (It happens there's only around 30 kids who have an interest in AP sciences). I also...

Good thing I read through everything before posting because I was about to say the same thing. My only competition is myself.

My emotions in dreams tend to be extreme. I have two recurring dreams, one in which I can fly so I'm incredibly happy, and one in which I'm trying to avoid being killed which leads to more fear than...

I think my mom has told me that she's an ISTJ. Maybe ISFJ though. Either way, the J is pretty annoying and the reason for most of our disagreements. I'm not sure what my dad's type is...I'm guessing...

Peace of mind = waking up early to avoid seeing people in my dorm. Then just continuing throughout each day making the most of the little things. I guess I would define peace of mind as happiness.

I don't drink or do drugs. I think it's a bit out of fear of the consequences. In my opinion, there's really no appeal either. Why would I want to be intoxicated?

AP chemistry was my favorite class in high school. I'm currently taking two chem classes in college, analytical and organic. Analytical can be boring, but the labs are fun and interesting...lots of...

For some reason, I always want to spell derivative as derivitive.

Initial reaction: Thank god I'm not a J.

English is my native language, and I've been learning spanish since I was in fourth grade (10 years now). Last semester, I took an Italian class that was for people who already knew another romance...

That was fantastic. Must watch more.

Type O. Some of the description is totally accurate...other parts are the complete opposite of me.

I had always thought that I would go to a small school and that I would love it. When I actually chose a college though, I realized I preferred larger campuses. I'm in my second semester at a large...

I don't care. Pro football is boring...

Italian, Spanish, and German. Maybe once I can speak Russian I'll say that as well.

I'm dismissive Attachment-related anxiety score is 2.36 Attachment-related avoidance score is 4.11 Would've expected the anxiety score to be lower, but whatever. Since I've never actually been...

Option three is funny...so I voted for that one. :)

Do you have a standard greeting to coworkers, friends, grocery store checkout people etc? I say, Hello. Do you hug/kiss family members? Hugs sometimes. Not kisses...that would be weird. Do...

Woah... This is essentially the same thing I was going to say, except school instead of work, and dorm room instead of cubicle. Cool.

Dr. Cameron from House Ferb from Phineas and Ferb (Phineas is pretty cool too, I guess) Robert Langdon from The DaVinci Code, Angels&Demons, etc.

Typical phrase: I don't care. I couldn't even count how many times I say that each day...

I follow some of my favorite baseball players as well as my college and its chemistry department. And every once in a while I'll tweet something that I want to say, but don't want many people to see...

I act normal around them because usually I don't want them to know, in case the feelings aren't mutual.

I only know one friend's personality type, and she's an ENFJ

Although I suck, I do enjoy some COD Zombies every once in a while. I also love most iPod apps.

iPod games, go for walks, and mess around on the internet. And in the winter, I like to ski. What an exciting life.

Chances are pretty good I didn't have my phone with me. Or I just didn't notice a message.

9, 3, and 5 are my highest. Not sure how wings work...

Bright Star Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art-- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, The...

I'd probably change to E or S. It'd be interesting to be extroverted, and I'm already on the N/S border.

Yeah. I think it's because I don't really get too angry about stuff. Plus I tend to forget little things quite quickly. If it's something big, I'll forgive, but probably not forget.

Tv: House MD because I really like the characters and watching how they change throughout the seasons. In my opinion, the first three seasons were the best, then the show started going downhill, but...

Happens all the time. Makes me look like an idiot, but I don't care because if I'm giggling, I'm definitely enjoying myself at the time.

I started learning Spanish in fourth grade, and it was the easiest class for me through high school. It came naturally, and the grammar was always so simple. I loved learning all the different verb...

I guess I'm different, but I smile a lot :) Probably because just about anything can make me laugh...

Facebook is boring, but it's what I use to communicate with people. A few people at least...

No thanks! I don't understand the appeal of cigarettes.

I can be pretty shy. I'm shy in front of people who I respect a lot, such as teachers, because I almost fear them. It's weird but whatever. Anyone else feel that way?

College! It's fun :D

I just finished my first semester of college, and I loved it. My favorite classes were chemistry and calculus, but I enjoyed Italian as well because, surprisingly, the other nine kids in my class and...

There are three good things about Christmas: 1. Skiing 2. Home Alone movies 3. Cookies Not bad.

Almost two years ago, a friend killed himself. Less than two months later, another killed herself. Those two months were probably the hardest months of my life, and I cried more than I ever have...

I'm 9w8. Interesting...'