'one's life only makes sense within the context of the whole
love is optimizing your girlfriend's source code file when she's too tired to search for the bugs herself and leaving textual hearts in the comments as you go.
A great, cheap alternative for Windows and a top-notch, kick-ass work station.
Ubuntu (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dislike the desktop interface and am too lazy to figure out his to disable it. I'll probably need to do something like that eventually. I've completely forgotten about the Ubuntu phone, partly...
0% Frotsies make me frosty.
delete pls
there is an error in your link apparently. there's an extra forward-slash in that link, also, remove the junk after .gif if it helps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHALGMtSNAY for 10.04, around 256MB RAM, 5GB free HDD is needed. installs/uninstalls dual-boot and sizes HD directly through windows last time i checked.
1. LTS stability 2. years worth of patching and debug work without breaking with an upgrade 3. familiarity 4. best developer's environment i've used. i use xp for my gaming needs, when not...
http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100607142403/sonic/images/a/a3/Froggy.jpg Froggy
oh boy, you should really fuck around more carefully next time. i recommend you start a charity ASAP, priests find it rather hard to be kept left waiting. ask the priest if he can arrange a...
don't pls.
anyone is which the villain wins
You have to be very keen on these things or you'll miss it completely.
http://i.imgur.com/hnV9YKf.png Isaiah 14:12King James Version (KJV) 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (morning star), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,...
Well I wouldn't say society inherently is slavery, but I do believe capitalism is legalized slavery. If you push it far enough you could say life itself is slavery as we are slaves to our impulses...
Mages are the best investment IMO. They start off slow, but the eventuality of less-button mashing and more mass casualties is worth it.
http://img1.nymag.com/imgs/fashion/daily/2013/08/27/27-armpit-hair-woman.w529.h352.2x.jpg Because I just couldn't wait for decembeaver.
The food comment made me think about joking on how last night your mother was such a satisfying, glorious full course dinner that everything I've tried eating after that was just shameful in...
Twichl - in time my padawan, in time... maust - http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/gallery/omg/RDJ_Woah.gif I was half joking, but the prospect is attractive.
80% because i hate that cave as well.
Math problems? Like a boss. http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/mathhhh570.gif I don't know how to handle life problems too well though, i'm a lazy procrastinator. that's why i'm looking...
most nice is fake nice, and yes i hate it no manipulative, patronizing bullcrap pls, or at least save it for the SFs
Hell yeah, that's my specialty
60% + 6% gamer points + 6% programmer 72% smashing
You don't know you're an INTP
A box of crayons when my parents weren't looking. Good job. Next time throw in some leftover pizza somewhere in there.
NT + 5% Pokemon fan + 5% Spamability + 10% Female + 40% 60% smashable
k, go
https://thesofacinephile.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/dick-tracy00003.png http://whysoblu.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/dick-tracy-8-e1357803145469.jpg...
potato shits
One cool winter days When outside snowflakes play And I'm feeling kinda lazy I'll cuddle with my baby All through the night With my head between her thighs
Ah, see me and my femtits would never allow that to happen. Femtit Rule #318: Always make sure to keep an adequate supply of plow-horses in your dungeon.'