
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'I don't know how many of you saw the post, but it is bad, I don't feel fine.


Not yours.

I predict you'll continue to be an idiot throughout 2017 and thereafter.

Typical female degeneracy.

fuck outta here with this anti-pollen propaganda

I can tell since you're a radfem and a vegan. Hope for a speedy... uhm, end to your misery.

big as long as A what

Nobody cares. Isn't there a containment website for people like you to jerk off to cuckold porn?

I would prolly say Why, I, and, yeah, Agent Plumey to the store had done going to be went off to.

This thread is edgy. Not just one kind of edgy, but all shades of edgy.

American, I've been told. Vocab and everything else is just fine as well. Since most of what I read and listen to is in English, I feel comfortable only when speaking English.

Who gives a shit about people of color think. White is a colour, last time I checked.

Female humour, guys.

Unironically a communist-fascist who's totally for purging out WEED.

i was totes amaze i was spitting that nietzsche nigga like it aint nothing while all my stupid peers was being dumasses and shit yeah

Something white girls yell out while online to seem cool while not knowing that all their memes, from Pepe to John Cena, come from 4chan and simultaneously getting triggered by 4chan.

well it had to come out sometime

What idiot answers good?

r-rude desu ;_; y so mean

I can sense your fractured auras. May Brahma accept you into his colourful embrace. Aamiin.

The totality of quantum consciousness manifests itself in all spiritual dimensions of the psyche, and thus causes a wave function collapse of our chakras. Wrote it myself :3

did you see that? that was horrifying


I don't understand. Are you again mad at an institution that doesn't subscribe to your warped up worldview?

I can easily name and describe the people on this forum that I hate and would enjoy seeing burning in hell.

Dog sent his son, Pup, to die for your sins, and this is how you repay him, by making a mockery of his being? Repent ye heretic.

Provide some facts, and stop making up stories about how you think things would've/should've progressed. I can do something like this too. See: Men have been more active in political, academic,...

Niggercuntfaggotdykefag. just kidding please dont ban me pls

It's a app some webdev made. I think it's called Alex; prevents you from publishing insensitive stuff.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CO1fJi3VAAASUAX.jpg pls end this misery nao

I would and do trust IQ tests.

muh gender is what it is


I hope he wins.

I can't fap to this.

You know... a little bit of lipstick and shading and it would look pretty real.

my neck hurts

There are people over 10 who watch anime?

That's my fetish. jk

That's what they all say.

Just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing mighty good on your own.

ummm no

Why is it? And what can be done about it?


K. Here's your good boy card.

why you-wa mad imasu ka?

Penis of course. Vaginas are useless and ugly.

Dolphins are the Jews of the sea.

Quick. Count your privileges and repent, sinner.'