When people say and I when they mean and me. So pretentious. So incorrect.
Disclaimer: This is based only on the people I know personally. ENTP: Really funny, energetic, interesting people, but they burn me out very quickly. ISTP: Depends very much on the ISTP. I get...
I certainly hope so! I'm dating an ISTJ.
I don't see why this is a debate or why the ISFP is winning given that it is. There's a lot of personal bias in this based on my own preferences in an SO, but this is what I see: ENTJ Pros...
How flexible is your straight physics course? Would you in second and third year be able to avoid some of the physics you don't like in favour of physics you do? Or is it pretty much all core? ...
Sorry to bust out my sob stories here, but my dad passed away last year. I'm at university, so I couldn't tell most people in person, so I had to text a lot of my friends to tell them. I hated it...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just you. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2012/09/I-see.gif (Do you see what I'm doing here?)
What's the subject?
I never said that they were. Do you honestly not think that women being considered less valuable than men leads directly to men deciding they can do what they want with women? I don't think that...
First off, I think you're taking my response too literally. I just meant that no one is taking about women having special privileges, but equal opportunity. Hence the same privileges. As for...
I think Liz Lemon is an ISTJ played by an INTP. I'd say that Elizabeth Bennet is an INFJ.
How about the same privileges that the other half get for being born with a penis?
I watched a really harrowing documentary last night about Jyoti Singh's rape and murder called India's Daughter. It really highlighted the general problems of attitudes towards women in India. The...
INTP female: 44/100 masculine 40/100 feminine 49/100 androgynous
Personally, I think take the job unless you can find another one in the meantime. There's nothing wrong with not wanting that job (it sounds shite), but it also doesn't strike me as sensible to...
Why doesn't it matter? To both quotes. Yes. Rape isn't about the sex. It's about the power. Just because someone is sexually promiscuous does NOT make it any less wrong to rape them. A...
I can go either way. If I have snacks with me when revising, then I'll eat them all without thinking. I'll go to grab another biscuit and there won't be any. If I don't, I forget to eat. I'll just...
Called it! Just sayin'. http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/102846-questioning-my-type-you-intps-know-me-pretty-well-so-help-please.html
I've always got along really well with ISTJs. It never felt like a one-way street.
My boyfriend and I made profiles at the same time to test the match algorithm (96% - just sayin'). I've not actually corresponded with people on OkCupid, but I receive messages. They're mostly crap,...
I know it's a children's book, but if you haven't read it, I'd suggest Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Maybe it's because I am a (budding) mathematician rather than because I'm an INTP, but I...
Fe. The Fi users that I know are really self-absorbed. They're lovely people. They just don't grant me the same depth of thought that I do them.
Do you know his love language? Home | The 5 Love LanguagesĀ®
I really can't stand science fiction with the exception of the occasional dystopian novel. And even that has a very fine line.
I really wasn't buying the whole Snape being an INFP thing, but then I read this article about inferior functions, and inferior Te sounds so bang on. Especially aggressive criticism. What for?
My local pet shop has this sign in the store: https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/305264_3695784755401_313140691_n.jpg?oh=dbd0b34b4f1d6f88b08803626c582a1c&oe=548D0794
Yeah, it was. My friends do joke presents. There's also a Cliff Richard calendar in the picture.
If you're right, then all you're going to get from people is, Well done, bro. You discovered astrology. :dry: The idea that there is a link between birthday and personality is like the least...
The relevant part of the video begins at 1:49. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNYHX7SksNk&list=UUZYTClx2T1of7BRZ86-8fow
I couldn't get much further than IxFJ, and I'm not hugely confident in that. I saw Fe, so that's why I think some kind of FJ. I think introverted because it sounds like he prefers one-on-one...
True that. I can't handle the ENFP guilt trip look. I've got an ENFP friend at uni with no concept of personal space. I usually accommodate it, but if I'm working and he just walks into my room...
It was all expected. You want completely different things. You want adventure and fun. To her, that's living her entire life the way she did in medical school. You saw that. She didn't enjoy it. She...
Casually crying at John Lewis adverts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N8axp9nHNU
Gabrielle Aplin didn't particularly change the song, but she sang it better than Frankie Goes To Hollywood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNpeK7sDLzE
I'm like Sherlock Holmes with spreadsheets.
Whenever I do those HelloQuizzy 'Which type should you date?' kind of quizzes, I always get ISTJ. I thought it was a load of bollocks until I actually dated one. Also, looking back, a lot of my...
I'm leaning ENFP, but I don't see particularly why you couldn't still be an ESFP. You say that you feel like your personality has been changing. Could you be more specific? Also, I'm sorry to hear...
I didn't think I could bring myself to post it if I listened to it back beforehand, so sorry if the sound is messed up. Vocaroo | Voice message
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, anyone? http://blog.lib.umn.edu/meyer769/psy_1001/Eternal%20Sunshine%20Of%20The%20Spotless%20Mind%202.jpg Seriously though, I think your options are to...
1. Do you make friends easily with other INTPs? I've never met any, but probably not. We'd both be too shy initially for it to get off the ground. Maybe if we were forced to spend lots of time...