'Remove post.
No self respecting INTP hasn't watched Eraserhead, the ultimate mind fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU7OqGCIcak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyB4Vx-TavQ
I'm brilliantly funny sometimes to some people on some occasions.
u200bMy family and I just got back from a trip to London yesterday. One of the things I wanted to do while there is visit the street where David Bowie's picture was taken in 1972 for the Ziggy Stardust...
Yes the dreaded I already told you comes into play. Go directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect $200.
You didn't tell me. Yes I did! Well I didn't hear you. You only hear what you want to. Sorry what did you say?
To relate to everyone else. I've long since given up on that pipe dream.
Without emotion we could try to exterminate each other for logical reasons instead of using hate.
My wife is seven years younger than me and our age has never been a problem. We will have been married 25 years this fall and I'm still an immature slob and she still thinks that bitchen going to...
ISTPs take risk with their lives while INTPs take risk with their ideas. ISTPs don't trust intuition so they prefer to stick with what they have had success with in the past. INTPs don't mind putting...
Not being miserable.
Now where did I put that damn thing?
Way back when I was single I would run the AC in the house freezing cold to keep the piled up dishes in the sink from stinking me out.
50 year old man that keeps little boy in mouth. Dark indeed.
The doctor lies
Captain, he called me Captain! I'm Captain Sarcasm, I'm somebody!
Our concern with SimplyRivers well being is overwhelming.
I would find the term sociopath insulting and hurtful it someone used it to describe me. As an INTP I take pride in telling the truth and total honesty. I may on occasion tell a white lie but even...
http://www.chicagonow.com/god-running-partner/files/2014/09/thinking-happy-face.jpg ...
I know how to overcome it I just haven't taken the time to implement.
Your post was incomplete and lacking in essential information. Then you post a video with another complex problem not related to the original perhaps hoping to confuse me even further. I just think...
I can't hear the song.
Being rejected from someone you've opened yourself up to is both hurtful and humiliating to me. And not getting to play in any reindeer games really sucked as well.
Donald Trump. He's a billionaire and people love him no matter what he says.
I'm above average but timed games are more difficult for me. If playing casual or online turn based with hours or days to move I'm quite good. Do you play Adonnus?
Are you kidding! Have you seen my legs? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/03/04/article-0-08915FE4000005DC-137_468x609.jpg ...
Patience grasshopper. For some of us it takes years to fully develop some of our most prized traits. When I was young I too longed to be like everyone else and tried to mimic and fit in. Not...
Don't take any wooden nickels.
Blue, no wait ahhhhhhhh!
Reducing it down to the absolute most very basic and understandable language without leaving out important details it all boils down to the fact that we're just plain awesome.
I couldn't think of anything clever or funny to post so no.
If they has went and brought me back some beer I'm OK with it.
Unless my wife does it for me this is typical of my bathroom. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3125/3164059182_82c1286782.jpg ...
So do you think their into bondage? OK that was gay.
People have difficulty interpreting my humor in person so our type of humor via a forum can be easily misunderstood especially after a mild disagreement. I can be a bit dense sometimes so thanks...
What is know as a faithless elector has never changed the outcome of a presidential election. So I'm not sure why you find me naive. Perhaps I was wrong in your intent. I felt you were...
The electoral collage cast their vote according to the vote of the people of the state they represent. While they may do otherwise this has never been the case so far. So the vote of the electoral...
The terms democracy and republic overlap but that is not the point I was making. You stated that a representative democracy is where you elect leaders as if we do not. The president of the US is a...
Most of the time and especially when alone I don't even think of myself as above average. That low assessment can be challenged in the presence of others.
Oh my mistake! I thought the thread was regarding Donald Trump, a GOP hopeful candidate for the office of president of the United States. A position that is elected by the people and is considered...
Hello Satan?
Closes thread and tiptoes away quietly.
Next time go for cash. With money you can always get boobs.
My thoughts are not of Trump but the people that support him. No one on this forum should be surprised by his popularity. We discuss it here everyday, our frustrations with the majority of the...
Would this include myself?'