'I don't know if this is a problem for OP as well, but getting through the initial bunny rabbit fear stage is the hardest part. Someone does something you don't really like or inidicates the potential...
If he were a naked male model who would make you scream while feeding you the delicious food he cooked. Oh and he came with passive income of a million dollars per minute.
Third on the stress. I only obsess about work during the first few weeks of a new job or if I'm too tight on money.
If you're looking for a link to enneagram type, those subforums are the place to ask this. About 50% of INTP's are 4w5 so you won't get much of an even spread here. That said, comfy clothes...
Hey now, don't edit your posts to erase your message. This ain't snapchat.
I've been told I'm too analytical, I think too much and that makes me intimidating. My personal favorite is inhuman. It's not true, I have feelings and emotions and I can care about people. How I...
Fights where one person accuses the other of not trying enough is never a small fight. I've said and received that statement enough times to know it is never small and no one is the martyr. He...
I like all my friends and I wouldn't hang out with anyone that I didn't like. But all of my friends also do things that drive me batshit crazy too or things that I fundamentally disagree with. If I...
When facing a stubborn bullheaded pig - tell them the holes in their ideas, give a solid explanation as to why and offer an alternate solution. Then say the part of their idea that you agree with. If...
Other: Games, animal care, animal psychology, psychology, science, architectural science and history, cooking, larger DIY projects, smithing, nutrition, writing, grammar, medicine, biology,...
The only time I've have ever had trouble finding things to analyze is simply when I am too exhausted to really notice anything.
Money is freedom and passive income is the way to go.
If you have anxiety, you should be cautious about using any drug as all of them have great potential at exacerbating it, stimulant or depressant. Weed treats all individuals differently, but in my...
Similarly, with everyone else, I wouldn't go visit a grave after their burial. I can appreciate the desire, but for me, it would just rip the scab off of an old wound. I much prefer the idea of...
Yeah, small risks sound about right. I only smoke as a coping mechanism and swearing- I swear like a half naked drunk in the red light district.
Looks like OP didn't value their INTP's word and somehow expected other INTP's to side with her. Shame, really.
Well, legal wasn't a stipulation in your original post. To be honest, I didn't think that would be a problem since you were talking about pain killers and the like. But if you are looking for a...
Small amounts of Indicia will help everything slow down, large amounts will knock you on your ass though. Personally, I found just being slightly high did the trick while being extremely high just...
I agree with what was said above. I have depression and I have a back injury. So I have a direct comparison. At their absolute worst: Physical Ongoing pain: Physical Short term pain:...
I have loved so incredibly deeply but the thought of that person dying has never entered the realm of possibilities. I think vulnerability and love have a lot to do with eachother, because you can...
No, I don't get it at all. I have asked these people they say it always inspires them. The one friend does have a goal of starting her own production buisness and that's what she wants to stay...
Most laws line up with my moral code. Like murder for example. But I just don't generally like to do things that would directly harm another person. I just don't see a good reason why. But 16...
Being totally alone throughout my life. I don't mean in romance, but just alone altogether. No friends or family. Literally, no one to rely on. Being vulnerable. Outside of the existential stuff-...
My left hand is so incredibly useless.... How in the world would you notice something like that via forum?
11Quality Time 9Physical Touch 5Words of Affirmation 3Receiving Gifts 2Acts of Service Results aren't surprising really. I'm very touchy feely and love to spend time with those who are...
Recently, I've played Fallout 4 for the second go around, got bored at about 70%ish through the story and switched to the Witcher 3 and have just beaten that for the second time. After that it will...
One thing to watch for is the chameleon INTP. If we want to we can make ourselves appear as other personalities if needed/wanted. I have not met enough INTP's to say how to spot one, though. The only...
I don't unusually try to be emotional when writing, but when I do it still ends up being very reminiscent without actually stating emotions or cause and effect style. Hey, remember that thing we...
Did I read? What? Books? God no. This- exactly.
Every single one of those fields is over saturated and that in fact none of those jobs can be succeeded in unless you're just naturally very gifted, or are- in fact- an extremely hard worker. Those...
In non-personal situations, I definitely defend my reasoning but I wouldn't say it's necessarily defensive. I have x opinion for x reasons or no, it's x thing for x reasons and the majority of...
I love boring jobs. I think being a dishwasher gave me the most freedom to have my mind wander, but the job I have now is also pretty good. It's like a more complicated data entry, so it's not just...
I think the thing is that you can be intelligent and not be an asshole about it. Also I think people, in general, are intimidated by intelligence... or more specifically those who are more...
Under The Same Sky - Joeseph Kim and Stephan Talty
Haha, I like the imagery. You should change your avatar to a duck I don't need arch support unless I'm standing for long periods of time. My arches are freakishly high, makes even buying tennis...
I, in fact, own 2 dresses. I guess they're considered day dresses, but they have lace, therefore, that means I dressed up. I sometimes wear make up too, but I don't really find makeup to be too much...
You know what though, it's all too true. I personally stay out of social situations where men just sort of come up to greet me (or dates really), but there too many women I know where their only...
Dang, now I kind of want to meet you. She makes you sound like a unicorn that poops magic and rainbows. I've also been told I'm obviously very intelligent and well-spoken and my personal...
1. On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to the idea of having a life partner? 3-4 I'll only marry if I have a relationship that I can see as long-lasting. I've seen many marriages that devolve...
What were you in high school? Nerd, Jock, Gamer, Computer Geek, Prep, Ghetto or others? Full outcast, didn't belong to any single group - mostly shunned. There was a rumor that I was a psychopath...
MBTI reigns pretty close to horoscope territory, so it's all in good fun
I get allergies every season change, even in winter from all the sand they put on the roads. About once a year I'll get a lingering feeling that I'm coming down with something that never comes and I...
I don't fit any single one, but my order to letters would be ITNP according to tests. These are the top five. IPTN - gamer (pothead) – This mode uses themselves as the basic element in their...
Wish I could tell you in an objective instructional way, but I don't have great idea myself. This is my general process- maybe you'll be able to glean something from it. When it comes to verbal or...
I write long notes, leave little gifts around places, little handmade presents, make them food, keep stuff they like around the house, lots of compliments, public displays of affection, generally...'