'I don't really get clingy. If I feel as though i'm being ignored I just tend to pull away and will be more apathetic than usual. Typically he'll notice though, but I don't want to talk about it as...
I think joining the military at this point would only exasperate your condition since they're.. well, not too friendly there, and since it's not something you seem to want to do yourself you'd come...
Fuck having an island, I could buy Iceland! How much would it cost to buy a country ;) If that was an option, anyway. I'd probably buy a large plot of land, customize my house to be zombie and...
I was thinking of perhaps moving to either Canada or somewhere in Europe.. probably England, Britain, or Germany after graduating college. The thing is, I know it's extremely expensive to immigrate...
I understand you have personal qualms with that place, but I don't really see it as being any different from anywhere else... A change of scenery is always nice, and I think my plants would probably...
I've moved out of my parent's house, have started college, I work in a nursing home.. I didn't move to a different state like I'd originally wanted to, but I'm just glad to have my own apartment. I...
It's been a long time since I've dropped off the face of the earth and neglected most of the forums I loved to frequent, and things have changed. So once again, I say hello to you all. :)
KFC (my previous employer) wasn't going to pay for college. There's not much that I could do at my age and job experience. So I figured: What's going to give me an advantage over other people when I...
Less technical difficulties seem to happen when texting rather than speaking on the phone. Technical difficulties seem to irritate both parties. I also have to pay more attention when on the phone,...
I just got a call today from one of the places i've interviewed with. I am now a Certified Nursing Assistant at HCR Manor Care. I don't know whether i'll like it there or not yet, i'll get back to...
Hrm. I don't respond well to anger. My response back would be, Come back when you've cooled down and we'll discuss this calmly. Have you directly, calmly, brought up this issue before? Before any...
I did check on Tinychat and there IS a Personalitycafe room on there, run by the user Happy (so i'm guessing that is this forum's Happy, or it's someone who used his name). The link to it is Happy -...
I've managed to poke and prod at some friends enough to get them to fix their bad grammar and spelling. I have made new grammar nazis, and i'm proud. :proud:
Certain flaws are adorable, others are highly annoying. My favorite ones: Social awkwardness, grabby/touchyness (think more with random pokes and hugs) , randomness, the total romantic, and the...
I'm A+ I've donated once, and, donating actually helped me confront my fears of needles. That was basically my plan all along - subject myself to donating blood to desensitize myself to my fear of...
Are you sure this isn't because you're a 7 rather than being ENFP? :wink:
I haven't really been physically violent, but I have used other means, like personal knowledge of the person and observed weaknesses and manipulation against people who have done me wrong. I can be...
I love ENFP's large egos and self confidence :happy: Being one letter away (and a few cognitive functions switched) away from an INFP makes me like you guys already~ -mushy NFP hugs all around-
ENTJs, for sure.
Awwww Kevin! -hugs-! This made my day =D It really did~
I've noticed on here that a lot of INFPs are, for their friends, the shoulder to cry on, and the ready ears to listen to whatever problems may come up. This also hold true for me. I do, however,...
Since this is for INTPs, this wouldn't work for the other types, eh? (as i've been seeing different types seeing what they'd be :tongue: ) If it could be used for other types, I suppose i'd be...
INFP 14. I guess I just barely made it to not being highly sensitive. :shocked:
With our great powers of empathy, it is certainly a capability we have, however, some don't use it. I've never heard of Ho'oponopono... maybe i'll google it. Hm.
Aw hun, when are you going to show them? Keep us updated. :) I do believe you went about this in an appropriate manner as well, and, just don't worry so much about what they say, since this isn't...
I find relationships to be emotionally and physically draining when it's with the wrong person, so I am careful with who i'm dating. The majority of my relationships hadn't gotten past two weeks...
What DO you want then...? How does one reply to a comment like that?
I'm a virgo. I'm nothing like the description of one :tongue:
Nice to see another INFP! *gives a big warm bear hug* I do believe you'll like it here :)
My favorites at the moment in no particular order: INFJ, ENFP, INTP, ENTP.
1. How do you feel when you're starved of emotional understanding? I start stressing and getting frustrated with myself, then I eventually detach emotionally and from others. In those times i'll...
I'm currently a Junior. I'll be graduating in January, since i'm in the Early Graduation program. I don't know how many other schools have that, since most schools have all eight classes in a day all...
It's nice to see what's on the other side :wink: I do think it'd be more helpful though to look at the functions and break those down for the types rather than just E/I S/N F/T P/J. Do you have...
Well hai thar, welcome :proud: Please don't eat me!
Yeah... I don't think INFP globalchatter will be back up anytime soon. Promethea talked to Kara, and I forget -exactly- what was said, but it was sort of basically she wasn't going to put time into...
Fuck yes! Except, I love the frappucinos. They're like coffee milkshakes. <3
In my experience, it's easier for me to manipulate Feelers than Thinkers... Thinkers take more time and energy. With feelers, at first you befriend them, empathize, lull them into a false sence of...
Mom - ESFJ Dad (finally had him officially test =D ) - ISTJ Older brother (not exactly sure?) - INTJ Little siblings (not exactly sure either and may be too young to type): ESFP, ESTJ, ISFP ...
The Thirteenth Step - A Perfect Circle Lateralus - Tool The Lonely Position of Neutral - Trust Company Ghost Reveries - Opeth Saturday Night Wrist - Deftones Fucking amazing <3
O_O You're far beyond the age of the supposed Oedipus Complex I'm sure.
Another part of the sabotage - The trust issues. Sure, we want someone to open up to, who may understand... there may be someone right there. But. Do you trust them? Do you trust to let them see...
Blue INFP :) Green was just below
I can completely relate ^_^; I only have about 1-2 really really close friends too. But even though... most of the time, no one really knows what's going on. And, with the skills to read other...
New INFP. Come to take over your forums. Best beware :tongue: Me and a few other newer users on here are from INFPglobalchatter, however, since that site went down, some of us have come here. ...'