
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'Well I could recommend The Witcher saga by Andrzej Sapkowski. It's not dark so much as I'd say it's nihilist, but anyways... (The books were written by polish autor but they've been translated I...

I can't help but I can relate. I'm also turning 20 in a few months. I feel like I've wasted my youth on studying and beeing scared of people. And I still am, I mean wasting time and beeing scared....

It goes so quicly, I actually have existential crisis based around it. :rolleyes:

Hi, I've been experiencing some problems with mental health lately I guess. So I've been doing this weird thing which is when I'm upset/very stressed I do something I call 'mental cutting' (which is...

Two types of human art when you're a marble statue you look like an angel daylight through your hair but when you're a chubby elf you should seek the firelight or twilight to chisel...

SAY NO MORE (my family thinks I'm going to die prematurely due to amount of energy drinks I consume and sleep I don't get) also *hugs*

Best worded ever!!! I can analyze myself and see my flaws so I can analyze people around me and see their flaws. But at the same time I understand why they are who they are and at the end of the day...


women's gymnastics

Ha! I'm Polish too and from what I heard Polish accent is very 'fluctuating', meaning it has a lot more ups and downs than many european languages (like in comparison other accents feel flat). And...

I avoid speaking whenever I can. Trouble is I can hear the accent and pronunciation in my head but I doesn't work with my mouth. I have no music intelligence, can't really tell difference between...

I dreamt my parents had another baby. It was only few weeks old, but could run faster than any of us, solved detective kind of riddles and at some point was supposed to drive our car. It also (by my...

A new game, perhaps? We shall call it The Humble Games. We take 16 individuals, each one from an MBTI type. They have to fight in the arena (thread), throwing invectives at other types (the only...

I hope. Once we have our specific subjects it might be more interesting. But now it's math and boring things like enviromental protection. And when I say I'm studying aerospace engeenering they...

I see what you mean about commitment, like is this what's meant to be (/best for me) and since I have doubts does it mean it's not? I guess I'll have to deal with it at some point. Looking forward to...

Adele meme's still funny, but it's Adele, so what do you expect :) Gotta warn you, from my experience you'll find here more questions than answers. But I'm INTP and we're always analyzing, so it...

I would definitely say it's not a good thing. I only realized it recently and been working on it, but it's freaking hard. For me it's either well of insecurities or arrogance and I struggle between...

I guess this would be question for fellow INTP girls mostly. Are you sometimes worried you'll never find your SO? I feel like it's sort of pathetic, the amount of time I spend worrying about it. It's...

Not even romantically. When you don't feel anything about them, they can't hurt you. That's how I get over crushes: say, I like this boy, I think he's great, I imagine our future together and all...

Not sure what 'pure' means, but I guess the answer is yes. I had algebra&geometry and calculus this semester (and have 2 more of calculus in next two terms, not looking towards to them).

Well, I'm studying aerospace engeenering, just passed all of my exams for first term. I kind of hate it, it's really difficult often, especially math subjects and I feel stupid most of the times (but...

So, it's not a drawing or painting, beacuse I don't have 'em digitized, it's a photo-collage-new-meaning-thing. It's called 09/11/01 (The fall). I used “The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Bruegel the...

when you prepare 15 minute rant to tell somebody off, but you've said it all in your head so you peacefully leave

Do you feel like it's just so much more easy for you to really open up to strangers? People you probably won't meet anymore? I very rarely talk about my feelings with people close to me, like they...

And about becoming INTP? I'd say get an idea, get obsessive about it, get bored, drop it. Repeat. I recomend thinking book plots to every little detail and when it's all figured out, forgetting...

I beg to differ. I'm 100% INTP and I hate philosophy. In the way that I REALLY don't care what others think, and I can't express the pain of having to learn someone's theory when it's just so...

85 but honestly I think that we should differentiate emotional intelligence from emotional maturity even though I've been aware (for a long time now) that my EIQ is low, I don't care that much as...

5ft6 female well, I thought I'm just an average

Jealousy (or envy, you name it), funny thing, huh? I've been wondering recently about jealousy and personality. Like, does it reflect MBTI or enneagram type or maybe is different for every...

I think the problem is that I've seen my face a thousands of times. I can no longer tell apart I love myself from I love my reflection in the mirror. It's like when you read a word again and...

Yes, I do. I find really annoying people who get their fellings hurt or need emotional reassurence all the time. I mean it's not easy for anyone, humans are difficult, agreed. It's just that we've...

I think that compter science is fascinating. It's just I'm really not good with that stuff. I feel like it's the field you have to get into when you are teenager, it's really tough to catch up when...

A lot of people say it here, this is kind of accurate, but... there are usually some brands that do a lot of clothes you like, in your style/fit/vibe/(you for one freaking second know your sizing so...

I patted my friends on the head in 'I don't understand you, but stil you're cool' way. I had to stop, though, they felt it was waaaay too patronizing. It's good to feel I'm not the only one...

Exactly what I'm trying to explain everyone close to me. They usually do the look it's another one of her theories, but I swear it's true. My best friend for 6 years lives in the same city. And I'm...

See, for me this is quite the opposite. I'm the one initiating touching, but I do separate touch and feeling. I very rarely let my feelings take control over me. So, in most 'sexual' (not quite sure...

Do you hear the people sing?

hi Emily what kind of (or region) of mythology are you interested in?

how cheap are we talking? see, I have this one spot in my garden, I definetly see a medium size bridge fitting in there :glee:

See, I always was of the opinion that sunglesses do well on beauty. And I can look at people without them looking back at me. YASSS. Also, bridges are actually pretty expensive here in Poland...

Well, I love BBC series. I thought I was Sherlock too. Never solved any crime though :dispirited:

Not a sociopath, it's good to know, because INTPs are often percived as ones. Now I know I'm just a personality type :glee: Thanks, those sunglesses are unfortunately retiring now. More sadly that...

Personal I'm Charlin but whatever sticks, I don't mind Female Living in Poland. I would like to return to London, visit Australia and do cross-country in USA. Also, more exotically I would...

Haha, yes, I'm from Poland. Shall I call you Sherlock Holmes from now on? :joyous:

I think I started like that, then just extended it (as it was helpful) to casual situations.

Wow, I was very sure I'm 4w5 and the description was very accurate, but I haven't done enneagram in two years, so... It might be a reason of this touching thing: being INTP and a 4 type. (can you...

It would be a bit different for me I guess, because of gender roles. I would want my partner to take the lead, make decions etc. And so would be the social expectance. But I had similar experience...

Ok, so I can only speak for myself (and never have dated enfj). From my experience first thing we desire is companioship, maybe because we struggle to find someone who can understand us. First first...

Yeah I got some of can't touch this reactions from people. I chose not to care. But I'm young female, hanging out mostly with other young female. I guess that might contribute to touchiness.

So, you not-touching people, do you just use your words? Isn't it like, I don't know, irritating or boring? It's just that I need to say exactly what I mean and therefore making sentences is a long...'