'17, average female scientist, also a couple less autistic than the average man
(that means he likes you.)
40% Left brained, 60% right.
I've driven a little before, but never alone. When there is a passenger with me as I drive, I am more confident in the fact that I will not drift away into my own world, since they will be engaging...
Are you atheist, as in, the kind of atheist which believes that god doesn't exist and believes that theists are absolutely stupid and dumb or w/e
Why would you not consider God to be infinite?
You're not apathetic enough. You need to care less
I'm sure many rappers are atheist. Maybe you would like to re-word your title to say A rapper who makes songs about atheism?
There's 18 months in the year 2211. The calendar system was revolutionized and they have found a non-relative time system.
I'm pretty artistic visually, though I wish I were more musical.
Umm, yeah. I'll be watching House.
a D-Day re-enactment on the beaches of Normandy
That conspiracy theory document in there was pretty interesting up until the point where it mentioned the Knights Templar and the Illuminati, out of nowhere, and of course without reason.
Was just thinking about anarchitektur's post in the synesthesia thread, and am currently wondering what it would be like if one where synesthetic in a way that hearing the word Hitler would...
Another neurological disorder which sees eye to eye with the INTP personality is Schizotypal personality disorder
Why is 6 afraid of 7? Cause 7 8 9!!
What's Death Note
I have always wanted some sort of synethesia. But, sadly, I am neurotypical as ever.
This thread reeks of Fe. You are all disgusting.
These threads are so useless.
Cool .
Not necessarily. She is constantly coming up with new ways to solve a problem, which shows abstract thinking. Major P indicator.
That Vi Hart girl who's been getting buzz on youtube recently seems INTP.
It is.
You know, everyone gets The Renaissance Ideal.
What did you get?
http://gyazo.com/96acaa54667c804a43a112b372827e75.png Only semi-fits me though. I guess it's the idea that taking a test for the first time yields inaccurate results for whatever reason. On...
We're cutting this cake while Transformers are taking over the city!!
The point isn't believing it's true. Isn't the whole point of being INTP to be interested in hypothetical works?
Cool. I'll check him out (Except I won't, as he sounds completely uninteresting)
Do any fellow INTPs perhaps own this book, and would be willing to possibly give me a nice little INTP Discount (:tongue:) so I can have something interesting to read this summer?
The explanatory essay attached to that is very biased lol. [By the way, I scored (80 , 60 , 70).]
I never wear sunglasses, even though I own about 20 pairs of them.
You also can't forget the fact that a large percentage of INTPs(and INTJs, for the matter) are mis-typed. The tests aren't always correct.
If you wanna fly me over to san diego i'll be glad to join you guys.
Link ?
Yeah, uh.. Irrational fear of someone entering my house and chopping me up with a cleaver.
Yeah, I got that. I was saying heh at your reference.
heh .
I disagree with this, I used to live in southern France and many of those people had la Marseillaise as their ringtone.
This is great and all, but I would like to hear some arguments from the more patriotic side of the forum. At least one person has a dissenting opinion and a valid argument supporting it, right?
A little less than a year ago, my dreams were all tied into one another. They all involved my classmates, and they all ended with me ordering food from Carl's Jr. They were also kind of following a...
Oh no, don't throw out the idea of Intelligent Design like that, it might hurt someone's feelings! ...lol.
Recently, I have been going to the gym to stay fit and healthy, and it has not been much of a burden on me; I would go on the treadmill for 20 minutes or so then do some of the basic machines to work...
I'm an only child.
This shouldn't even be a discussion.
Isaac Brock is INTP. So is Julian Casablancas (seemingly). Jeff Mangum is INTJ. NTs tend to have moderately successful music careers.'