'I have an ISFJ mother and an INTJ father. Pretty cool huh? Too bad they didn't work out in the end... My older brother is ISTP.
Even here I disagree. So, The Mona Lisa was driven by emotion? I think emotion was behind it. But it wasn't the main drive by far.
Here are some of the people I get along with well. Kathy - INFP, probably Tat - I'm guessing ISFP Brittany - ENTP. She is my best friend. John - INFP. Boyfriend. Michael - INTJ. Ex-boyfriend....
What is that metal piece called? How do I do this? :blushed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GHX8dvuFUQ
This was so cool and so brilliant. And the sound effects, hrrrnnnng. I think I came.
I tend to keep icons and images of favorite characters. So if you don't mind, this is going to turn into a small image dump. I have a lot of favorite characters, more than I'm going to list...
I don't usually think about it. I treat the internet like a real place. Anything I say here is honest. Anything I don't say is left out on purpose.
No, but I really like that song.
I don't study much but when I do it's usually in-between classes. I just sit down somewhere and read the section over, scanning it over and over again quickly and briefly. I pull out whatever I think...
Honestly, at the moment I could use some sexy time and some Chinese food. :P
Random word generator. Next up I'm googling urbandictionary integrity. I wonder what they have to say about that.
All I know is that in any relationship you have to be open and honest. Ask her if you can just sit and talk to her. Be very gentle about it and take it slow.
What kind of pet peeves do ENTJs have in relationships? Contrariwise, what do they enjoy from their partner?
I think it's because you guys are brilliant and sexy. Waaay too much of a threat.
Haha, oh you. Get outta here, ENTP. ;D
I'd feel like I was taking advantage of guys and whoring myself out.
I do the same things. I love being scared, but it's hard to get me that way. Sometimes I sit and wonder why things have to be so difficult. (Gosh... it's hard to think of things I do when I'm...
I think dressing sexy is just something that INTPs don't do. I normally don't. I feel extremely, EXTREMELY uncomfortable when I go out looking sexy and then start to notice tons of eyes prying...
Here's yet another viewpoint, although I'm sure it's been drilled in everyone's head by now that we don't go where all the people are. Most of the time I spend time in my cave, too. Computer, art,...
Oh God, why did you tell me to try Omegle? Usually when I use it I just get the ASL routine, but this time it turned onto a full, in-depth conversation about sexuality. And it was interesting. And...
When I have free time AND am on the computer, I gather data. Lots and lots of data. My typical computer session these days involves: -Open tumblr, then continuously like or reblog whatever I...
Well, here's the ideas that are mulling around in my head since you asked for them. I think God is a concept that human beings naturally create. I'm not sure why we make-up the concept, but...
Yes, I do. But I want only one child, and I would like it to be a boy. I'm only 21 but I have it pretty firmly settled in my mind that I want a husband and a boy. Here are my name ideas. The girl...
Why is it that whatever I'm searching for on the internet never gives me the results I'm looking for? I've been at it, trying to find a perfect online community for what seems like decades. I want a...
Wow, this is interesting. Thank you. I know 23,200. I was also very honest. If I wasn't entirely sure on a word, I left it unchecked. I need a larger vocabulary.
I'm an INTP and yet I identify with these stereotypes. 1.) Artistic - Absolutely. 2.) Rebellious - No, just going along with the system is easier unless I disagree with it. 3.) Animal Lovers -...
Humans are killing machines. It's all good.
I'm not making ISTP's a beaver. For one, my brother is an ISTP and although I can kinda see it it's still ridiculous and embarrassing. I wouldn't say ISTP's are big cats, though... as of the INFJ...
Oh hello, what is this? I'm sorry, bro, but you guys aren't THAT awesome. You're pretty awesome. But never as awesome as vermillion clouds spouting out rainbows and unicorns and-- what? ...
You know, my brother is an ISTP and I can totally see him as an otter. Maybe ISTPs should take the otter role? I think beaver suits ISTJ okay, perhaps, but would any type want to be associated with...
Yep, speedy sketches. Ah well, part of the point of this is to get adorable, loveable mascots that every type can agree happily with. But I just can't help but feel that INTJs are rodents... and...
http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x345/Industry_Ink/100_2611.jpg I can see ENTP as either... but I think monkey is pretty appropriate. ...
Yes, The Great One. Absolutely brilliant. I'll get right to it. http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x345/Industry_Ink/100_2610.jpg < INTJ. It's so fluffeh! TheOwl, I'm liking your choices so...
Ahh so sorry guys, I got sidetracked by life. Let's just blame it on me being an INTP for now. I'll edit this with a lengthy reply in just a moment.
Thank you, ISTJ's, for sticking to the job and getting it done! Something I tend to fail at. ;P
An idea just struck me. No surprise there, but I think it might be a fun project. What if I drew little mascots representing each personality type, and then afterwards stuck them all together on a...
Thank you very much, guys. I find it strange that I don't have any ENTJ friends. I can tell that none of them are of that type. But it won't be long until I start to pick them out from the crowd....
Eh... I can see how INTPs are considered lazy. I don't really care about application. I care about philosophizing and mulling thoughts over, but I do want them to be for something useful in the long...
Ahh, thank you. I'm not a very go-and-get-'em type, but that gave me a very big clue as to where I can scout out some ENTJ's. On a whole, I want to become better and spotting and picking out types...
I'm really shy and bad at reading people, so first of all, can anyone tell me how I can spot an ENTJ? I'm not sure if I know any or not, but I'm curious about them and would like to at least observe...
I dated an INTJ. I left for many reasons, but the ones that I can call to mind right now are that he was far too critical and also lazy to the point where it was ridiculous. I loved talking to him to...
I really appreciate it when somebody... Actually listens to what I have to say and supplies me with decent feedback.
Going over what has been mentioned so far... Death Note: I love it... to death. Inception: I hate it. My Little Pony: I'm obsessed. Blade Runner: One of my favorites. The Matrix: I like the...
Hm... maybe they just relate to the characters. Could be as simple as that. Or they really like the characters. The thing I enjoy about anime and manga is that it allows for such a variety of...
Haha, it's no big deal. It's just when I initially saw it I got that creepy feeling.
Yes! I love God Module.
Is anyone else creeped out by the thank you feature, just for picture threads like these? It makes me wonder why you appreciate my post. Getting a stalker vibe out of the whole deal... :/
It ticks me off when people don't listen to the topic areas that I know best, like art. I would think that even though I don't have the charisma that you should still listen to me exclusively because...'