'Honestly? You tend to seem passive-aggressive. I assume that you're frustrated with the process, but you seem irritated with us for not having an answer. That's unfair. All we can do is try to find...
I probably should've said interacting with rather than relating to. It's not a judgment or anything, you just said in several places that people tend to criticize your personality or...
So ... I'm moving this to your most recent type-me thread. That other one has been horribly derailed. Maybe we can finally figure it out to your satisfaction? (And have it last more than a day or...
dreamer4life It's hard to type people when they're depressed, and I don't think that's really what you need at this moment. You're looking for a way out of the hole. For that, I think you should...
I dunno, that just sounds ... human. I'm the same way when I'm depressed. I mean, that's kinda what depression is: Loss of hope in the future, loss of interest in your favorite activities, loss of...
mimesis Thanks for that video! I'm watching it now; it's very interesting. :)
Where do you want to go? We need to focus our combined energies for this to work. ('Cause it totally will.) I spent hours in the cold and snow today, so I'm thinking somewhere warm. How about...
G'night, mimesis! I'm gonna try to pull you into a joint dream tonight. :sleepytime::ghost: Do you think that'd work? We could go explore the world!
Eh. Right is a relative term, and useful only to the extent that it helps you find what you're looking for. As long as you're using personality theory to explore yourself (not just find a box), I...
That actually makes a big difference. Your written English has a poetic, sensual feel. I considered that, but it didn't sound like the case for you. There's a subtle difference, which I'm not...
Saying random things to people isn't Ne. If anything, it seems like a reflection of introversion because you're not treating the external world as something wholly separate from yourself. You just...
Fallacy. The idea of a social battery is MBTI nonsense. An extravert is oriented by the external world (objective), while an introvert is oriented by the internal world (subjective). That's the...
nestle_bird You're an extravert in the Jungian sense -- very focused on the external world. As for functions, I'm inclined to say that you're a healthy Te-dom with a developed S aux. This is Te,...
Wow, so much Te-Fi. I'd say that's clearly your primary axis. Te is probably your dominant function, considering how much you seem to identify with it. I see no indication of an auxiliary at this...
Why do you think you use Ne over Ni? More importantly (and relevant, I promise): How do you feel when you look at a landscape or listen to music?
itselly Both Fi and Ti are introverted judging functions, so it's understandable that you might get confused. I would recommend that you don't worry about the auxiliary function, but spend some...
Makes sense ... makes sense ... makes sense ... nope, does not compute. Is it my inferior Fe? Or maybe it's just ridiculous to believe, You ain't a real man if you don't join my...
Are you on a preventive inhaler? I discovered a love of running after a new prescription helped with my asthma. I wouldn't recommend soccer if you have knee problems. Swimming seems like it would...
You're one of the few people on here who seems like an Ni-dom under Jung's original definitions. I don't know if you've read Psychological Types, so I'll just transcribe some stuff. (Sorry if it'll...
Lauressa: The previous poster was talking about functions. I'm not sure how much you've delved into them, but I'll try to translate a bit. (And hope I haven't forgotten anything. I've been gone a...
I read the free preview on Amazon, just to see why everyone's been going crazy over it. It got repetitive really quickly, and I still don't get the appeal. But hey, it wasn't a wasted venture....
SAT: 1420/1600 I took the SAT once in 2000 (no ACT), and I was so glad that I didn't have to bother with taking it a second time. Some of my classmates took it 3+ times because their parents...
There wasn't much love for Thanksgiving in this poll, but for those about to feast: Happy Turkey Day! And thank you for being awesome.
I think that the dominant function will be noticeable by early to mid-childhood, but aux functions should not be applied to children. The first observable aspect of type is...
I'll play opposing counsel here and say that the teenage years are a confusing time. You're reaching sexual maturity, your body and mind are undergoing significant changes, you probably feel the urge...
I've found that you can accomplish a lot with just a look. So, bust out a mirror and start practicing an expression that conveys this thought process: I think that your IQ is in the double-digits....
I assume that I can still contribute here? The Firefox that I use for PerC doesn't have a lot of extensions running, just: - Firebug 1.9.2 - Novell Moonlight - Pocket 3.0.0 - Print Edit...
Yay, it started working for me today! I don't know if timeless fixed it (thanks if you did!), or if the magical elves paid me a visit. But I thought that I'd give a heads-up in case the problem has...
I haven't read the thread to know if it's been covered, but there's something that I just don't understand about Republicans. Some of them think that a person's value is based on the size of his bank...
Getting your mail held at the post office would be best, if possible. And I assume that you don't have access to a service like this: Save time and money with Online mail management for Mail and...
Well, we may need to mandate the use of headphones so no innocent children will be harmed.
It should be based on the potential for harm to others. Pedophiles are dangerous and should be regulated, and so should people with violent tendencies, etc. The problem is when people throw fits...
IRL, I recently applied for a job in another town. In my dream last night, I received an email from a woman at the company. She apparently knew of me, and she told me off. She said that I'm a coward...
Same here. Chrome and Opera work fine, so it seems to be a Firefox issue. As far as I can tell, it started when we had that problem with the user profiles. FWIW, you can add HTML breaks to your...
Not perfect, but .... http://cdn.sheknows.com/articles/2011/10/Bridget-Marquardt-Halloween-decor2.jpg I was going to say this tomorrow (forgot about the time difference for everyone),...
I'm sorry for taking your username. Wanna share? Hey, Coyote2.0: We gotta recruit some fellow Christmas lovers to get in here and vote, or else the Halloweiners are going to crush us. ... But I...
I'd probably be way too curious, and would talk to her just to find out what's up. ... But really, people seem a little close-minded about exes. A long time ago, I discovered that a casual...
It sounds like some of you are getting gypped out of a great holiday. Perhaps we need to have a PerC All Hallows' Eve, costume required. ...
@jendragon I originally tested as an INTP, thought that I was an INFJ for a little while, then realized that I am indeed an INTP. Once I read Jung's original descriptions, I knew that I wasn't...
Aww, yes, that is what's great about Christmas. :) I think it's meant to be the ultimate thanks-giving, where we thank our loved ones for being part of our lives. But, but ... at 25, you got to...
Haha, yeah, I'm sure that your birthday has a little something to do with it. :p But you're right, Halloween is fun. And since it's about a week away, I hope that you have a great one. And also,...
I'm very excited that Christmas is on its way. I'm not much for traditions and I've skipped lots of holidays, but I do love the Christmas season. Pretty lights giving a warm glow to the snow, lots...
Sounds more like a fear of whoever might be lurking in the shadows. I'd say that's related to being a woman alone in a dark bar, not really type.
Oh, yeah, that's definitely going to affect matters. And I don't know how you're handling his teeth, but I feel like I should warn you. I weaned my daughter off night feedings around 18 months,...
Does he get upset just because you're telling him no, or because he likes to help? Could you have given him a metal, non-dangerous tool to hold onto until Mommy and Daddy need it? A heads-up...
Year 1: In a dorm, with a roommate I hated. I was rarely there, so it didn't matter much. But she gave tours early on Saturday mornings, and I'd wake up with a bunch of strangers staring at me....
Is he still learning to talk or hitting a growth spurt? Those seem to make kids crabby. What usually sets off the tantrums? Hmmm. Did you eat a cookie too, and tell him how yummy it was? ...
Under Jung's original theory, the psyche comprises the conscious and the unconscious. (It might help to think of 'em as you and not you, respectively.) The dominant function rules the conscious,...
Sometimes it helps to rename food. I make curly pasta and call 'em french fries, which my daughter gobbles up. My youngest brother was/is a terribly picky eater and he hated pork chops. My...
Well, then I guess the better question is: Which one do you prefer? :tongue: What, did you miss the third grade? Secrets, secrets are no fun. You should tell everyone! Sleep on it, come...'