'Every time I wake up, I feel like I've had my ass kicked, not achy, but just wore the hell out. I've been up for nearly 48 hours now, because that's how I operate sometimes.
I spend the entire day weighing the evidence for and against my sanity. Right now the radio is talking to me, prior to that I was under the impression an Asian man was carrying a knife or gun with...
Agenda based
With naked pics of course
There's always that one guy, do you distribute yourselves logistically? I imagine you people to look sickly thin, with dirty cloths everywhere. And you are too lazy to wash them so you just rotate to...
Lol, yeah... time looping would actually be fun if you were a sadistic person. Otherwise, not so much. Wait, does that make me sadistic for thinking that carrying out sadistic acts would be fun? ...
Haha no worries man, I've been pissed too and lost sight of the beauty in front of me. If you ever see me doing that, do me a favor and remind me. Also welcome back, I didn't know you because I'm...
You already have the prestige, not sure if you noticed this thread or what it represents. In my opinion it represents something far greater than a post/thank count. Humility goes a long way. I...
I demand proof
It's actually counter productive to debate trivial stuff. I saw a TEDtalk that outlined exactly why it's more than useless, and the reason is basically you are arguing with a person who already made...
Yeah, that's what I thought at first, it's actually fairly interesting if you're into character study and abnormal psych
I'll speak for myself so you can add to your census: 1- I will stay in contact with my ex's , and moving forward I will help them in any way I can, within reason. What I won't do is speak to them...
Lol most of you guys hella phoned it in on #16
I don't think I'm that competitive, I'm secure enough in life to lose games without getting angry. What does upset me is when people bend the rules or cheat. I enjoy a good game played well , win or...
Yeah, I can play the cliterous well.
Sorry about any misunderstanding. My list was a list of socially demanding behaviors that normies/extroverts might expect of us and that are hard for us. So yes, the opposite of what INTPs want. ...
You have to do your quiz too, or be arrested for some reason or another, I can't think of anything witty.
Mine is: Laughter, a sense of humor, A dark side, because I have one The sex should ideally be amazing - moaning is very important, quite sex is awkward. Open minded, not an addict, but a girl...
Intuition is a method of perception, it involves connecting abstract details, nuances, facts, and experiences in order to create an understanding about something or project the possibilities of...
Yeah no problem, and I know it sucks, being alone that is... it's the prospect of loss, coupled with having to change whats is comfortable. , even if the relationship is painful, the notion of...
1.) go to Play Hex FRVR - Hexagon Puzzle Game , play one game. Post a screenshot of your highscore. Too lazy 2.) what is your favorite Shakespearean insult? I don't have one 3.)...
@islandlight I know what you're doing, because ive done it myself. I went to great lengths to try and maintain a relationship that was detrimental to my emotional wellbeing. We can convince ourselves...
I'm 32 and I have no idea what I'm doing. No kids, no family, no motivation, just going through the motions. That said, I'm a Army veteran, I have 6 years of experience in technical design... yeah...
Ok yeah, as a general rule - you win the debate on that one.
Clinton signed into effect the GATT, and the GATT is what will kill this country. You know what's really fucked up though? We go to war to fight communism, that's the mode of justification, and...
The depth depends on the capacity of the NT, not the specific type. Einstein is the quintessential icon for genius. Intelligence comes in many forms. Creativity and imagination is every bit as...
Haha, sometimes desperation... the yield on the websites has an effect on quality too.. it's just the easing way. I think it reflects a fear of rejection more than desperation, but I mean at the crux...
Awesome strategy, thanks man, that's going to be how I find my rhythm, part of it anyway.
Lol, yeah that's me right there, first I'm going to write under par, then I'm going to perfect it and hate or just as much. The natural inclination to avoid stress is why I don't play video games...
Yeah, self publishing could be a viable avenue of approach, I think I'd try and go with the big names first. Failing that I'll release something like two novellas for free, and then charge on the...
Well its impossible to really know what to do, I don't really know what to do. I've just had enough tragedy that I'm now naturally detached, I'm not overly excited about the prospect of a...
You're justifying your mode of bonding as being the only acceptable method. Your mode is logical on paper, but not all things translate to reality well, at least not for the big picture. You will...
I mean don't allow the novelty of the relationship cheapen through certainty. That is the best way I can convey to INTPs what the game represents. I could explain the phenomenon behind it, but...
With all things, employ moderation. This is true for anything that can consume us if we are not careful. I understand how you build a sense of identity around a significant other, and while this...
I'll venture a guess and assume you're being deliberately vague because you're in some way embarrassed by what you've done. First, you need to come to terms with what you've done before you go on...
Let me tell you a secret, the first girl I had sex with didn't know I was a virgin, I made up some very convincing high school relationships because I was embarrassed that I didn't get laid in high...
Shit, I don't even know how to put this into words. The subconscious mind is a significant factor in our lives. I mean, call it willfully ignorant, or simply blind to the emotional reality, the...
Yeah, rejection sucks, that's why I'm thinking I need to get used to it. It doesn't bother me anywhere near what it used to, but I'm thinking I need to step into the fire a bit more. So this is my...
Yeah I can see that, writing as a method of self identifying, need, and hobby. I have this reluctancy, and I think at the core of it is some sort of subconscious fear of failure, it doesn't really...
I don't know if personality type is an accurate indicator for dating and relationship prerogative. I think the prospect is more relative to subjective circumstances. So in my case, my wife left me...
Hella words, I use the word hella ironically of course, because California people do it a lot.
Has anyone here ever written anything significant? If so id like to know the following: What are your thoughts regarding the language usage in a book? Do you have a philosophy that you write by?...
The last time I lol'd was when a duck flew into a window during a community meeting. I don't laugh at my own jokes tho, maybe there will be a rare occasion that I do
Yeah it's not so much a finding problem as it is a impulse control problem. Also, I'm going to go ahead and say that it's good practice for bantering or flirting. I have no idea what I'm doing.
That used to be me post-O. Okay I'm done, now stop doing that and get away from me. What? Now it's your turn to what? But now I'm all growed up and ooo stay right there. And when Prince Charming...
Bob had bitch tits. So poetic, I love fight club, outside of the street fighting and terrorism - I totallly identify with that movie.
Sorry, sorry, it's a new habit that's taken over my personality, and I haven't learned to curb it.
We should make a sister thread and call it - Feeling social in stupid situations I remember a time when a situation was dumb, and I had to verbalize just how much I disliked it, because it was...
Laze, are you arbitrarily suggesting that Anne rejected me? Because I got that vibe too lol That's funny, just like an INTP analyze reality and then completely disregard the topic at hand, I do...
If you were my Buddha, I'd pay homage all day.'