
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'Is Susan Boyle still a virgin? :ninja:

It's probable she has the typical religious attitude that sex is dirty and only meant to produce babies.

Which has never explained a harem.

Sports are such a bore. Aristotle was a much better writer than Plato. Some people prefer Shakespeare others prefer watching people bleed to death in arenas.

NT the DC is so pretentious. I feel like I've just watched a dozen commercials trying to sell me something assembled in China. I wonder how he got obsessed with consistently defending his manhood.

This is the way she complains about a man missing the toilet because it's harder to aim a big rifle.

Find a personality type who enjoys being ruled. Then fit him for a collar.

Hotter than Rome after being raided by barbarians. But not an SP shallow phony or NTJ tyrant.

Loyal, Freethinker, sweet, and not a cuntmeister.

Cat tormenting a mouse, and he'll claim to be the mouse. Don't fall in love with an ISFP. Don't look at him. Keep him at the very bottom of the friendzone with the INFPs. He'll never love you.

If I never loved a crazy person, I'd still be a virgin. Logic is my particular style of straight jacket. :crazy::crazy:

Tell him to stop acting like an INFP. If you don't stop it the Romans are going to throw you to lions works too. LOL.

It takes a lot of comprehension of people to understand NTs. I'm impressed.

On what? Be specific.

The only ISFP I was interested in was playing with me. I don't think he was willing to take responsibility for anything. He blamed his problems with alcohol and anger on his parents. If he saw my Fe...

I don't think of INFJs as the drama lama type.


I meant INFJ and INTJs don't usually make a compatible couple. My error.

I'm not the emotional expert but I'm sure a difference between emotional types is a significant communication divide. To me, matching the emotional types matters more than the level of the emotional...

INFJs and INTPs don't usually make a compatible couples. INFJs are individualistic, which INTPs find attractive. INTJs prefer a type that looks to the INTJ for an opinion. ENFP is the INTJs natural...

That's it. Where do INFJs usually hang out?

Whatever floats your boat.

I like the self deprecating humor, the creativity, and even the daydreaming. I'm not a tyrant like an INTJ. So I'm not into the chase if it lasts for YEARS. Not that artists aren't hotter than hell....

No problem carbon dating.

Oh man. I have no idea why an INFP would feel inferior to an INTP. INFPs are usually gifted artists. It is nearly uunfathomable that the right brain feels inferior to the left brain. Or visa versa. I...

It's safe to define intolerance as opposition to differences. Why should this merely apply to racial, and sexual differences? Shouldn't it apply to personality differences? Since we have as...

My brother was Autistic. I don't have much problem spotting behaviors on the autistic spectrum. Women carry the gene for autism and my father carried the NT gene..So there is a difference. Aspies...

I am attracted to INFPs but they only seem to be attracted to me at first and then run off. Usually with someone who is warmer. Then, they tell me how my distance and logic made THEM FEEL BAD after...

That's the size of it. I'm pretty emotionally shy. But those feeling types that confident and mature enough to emotionally lead the way, usually bring my feelings out. Maybe they are afraid I'll be...

Thank you.

I guess that's because we don't need approval. People criticize me all the time to the point of tears, and I don't usually say anything about it. Don't take this personal, but avoiding someone is far...

Butt hurt? If you don't respect a sexual partner's mind, that's much worse than never getting involved at all.

I was thinking about Jean Jacques Rousseau's social pact. If that didn't work to free mankind from enslavement, nothing will

Oh, and I forgot. People who push religion down your throat.

Lying Insecure douche bags War Politicians (see lying) People who think logic is boring When people ask, are you sure you're not angry? When people misconstrue your words, then want you...

I am a firm believer in individualism. People need to accept the constitution is the foundation of this country, and government cannot solve your problems. Without big government, corporatism...

Libertarians are not socialist. Obviously, you've never read Ludwig Von Mises. Sadly, listening to a podcast, most likely hosted by a clueless political mouth piece like Glenn Beck, is not true...

I'm an INTJ woman, and *sigh*.....those tough guys call me a feminist and a lesbian. The words, Baby, other women want me to be a dick...I just don't get you are in no way attractive. If you...

Are you kidding? My first boyfriend was an INFP. I never thought of him as gay. He was creative, able to express his feelings, and he didn't go along with the crowd...very attractive qualities in a...

Randy Rhoads 37613 John Waite 37614 Bryan Adams

The male and female archetype is outdated. What does personality have to do with gender? This type of thinking originates with the mythos that real men never cry, and real women follow men like...

Being careful about entering relationships sounds like a positive quality. Relationships are serious.

Feeling types that claims a patent on caring are being just as selfish as thinking types claiming a patent on logic. Neither are right and both have a self-centered agenda behind cutting the other...

Children are the cutest. And fun, too.

I love to sing.

Intuitives...sensors are too shallow.

ENTJs aren't gods either.

I'm the outsider visiting, but here is my opinion. When two people are deeply in love, it makes logical sense for them to devote themselves to one another. Most people settle for the person that they...

What sarcasm?

INFPs are too sweet not to like...god damn it.'