
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'i want phone number, IQ, and all other kinds of measurements, so whip out your calculator and ruler and gimme your digits, boy. size matters.

worked for me, didn't work for my INFJ roommate. actually, he didn't get the point of the question and thought it seemed silly (which it kind of is). how did they come to this generalization?

i watch tv commercials that promote stereotypical gender roles make me want to take a club and beat my tv to a pulp but then i realize it wouldn't be the wisest idea considering i spent $300 on it.

o___0 as i remember, INTP forum was pretty chill most of the time.


On a scale of 1-10, how lazy do you feel? Boredom usually comes with either laziness or being pumped but not knowing where to empty all that energy.

After 2 glasses of wine, I'm verbally harassing all vulnerable persons in the room. After 3, I'm trying really, really hard to not derail or laugh hysterically at that lonely little fly on the wall,...


Do you know what it means to think your thoughts are linked in puzzling ways you cannot say or describe or ascribe meaning to - what is semantics, antics, pedantic? What is a morpheme, or theme, or...

Technically, my birthdate is teetering on the scale of Libra and Scorpio. PSA - you're all your signs unless you were born in 2011, during the precession. You're a Capricorn because you were born...

Uncooperative players who say, But that defeats the purpose of the game! (...lol) They gave up when I tried to usurp a rule last night while playing Apples to Apples. =_=;

Displaying predominantly left-brained characteristics sounds SO boring... ;D

Damn, it does. Haha. That's a thing I like about rap - so many plays on syllabic emphasis.

It is nice when you see a reflection of your mentality, without it actually reflecting your entirety.

Probably an NTJ, or whatever type impersonation involves aggressive bitching or bossing and bullying around over irrelevancies, fueled by raging Fi and Te.

Depends on how I initially connect with the person, and how our relationship develops on the time. It used to be be certain but unstable (a string in pendulous motion dangling from the rearview...

I came to terms with the impermanence of being circa July of 2010. I still have little bursts of anxiety over transience, but I don't dwell on it for longer than a few minutes. It has only been...

Laziness, apathy, excessive focus on trivial matters, and loneliness. I'm pretty sure they'll fuck up my future if I don't control them soon.

Yeah, but only because I didn't know what a fixed interest rate was, or that Becky was codename for giving head, or that you had to pay for credit reports. Where do you live, under a rock? I...

Like a kite - free to float, like I'm sailin' on a boat.

I don't care much for chess, but I love the idea behind Scrabble - the only thing I have against it are its restrictive rules.

Everything is amazing and nobody's happy.

Cold strawberry cheesecake pie that I made. MMMMmMMm.

i wish you would find me interesting like men who watch paintings in awe, attempting to digitize colors and compute the motion of brushtrokes but i am not so beautiful and i am not so rare i am...

half the time i don't even know how i digitally-electrically master the art of lexical retrieval when overpowered by a strong chemical agent flushing my brain focus is phenomenal - tunnel-vision...

don't take it seriously, just take it easy make yourself happy, make yourself dizzy

2,622x thanked, and 641x thanks. I'm with you there, Scruffy...

Watching Aladdin for the first time since I was a kid while on drugs. So many new referential points of view...

Guy who cries at sad movies and likes The Notebook and frequently TELLS me how much they love me? Fuck no. Guy who knows to quietly run his hand on my back when I feel sad without me asking? Fuck...

What? D: It sometimes makes people take you less seriously if you use them. :/ But they connote facial expressions that may otherwise be necessary in order to evoke some sense of pathos. ^.~ Overuse...

Why wouldn't they? I'd still interpret it the same way. It depends on the social context and persons involved.

All you have to do is compare my nature to that of an electron and, just like that, you've got my attention. ;)

Steampunk and mechanical doodles Robots Florence + The Machine MBTI Neurobiological sciences Rhyming

Tempeh, egg, feta cheese, walnut, spring-mix salad with orange balsamic dressing.

type fora were created for serious (or even semi-serious) discussions of relevance to typology or general inquiry. you've just clearly stated this is a DERAIL thread for INSULTS, and professed to...

Dude, I totally made a thread about random thoughts earlier back, haha. There is a mathematical equation for everything, even for things that have no answer.

It's like you set your brain on a roller coaster trying to see as many landscapes as you can while speeding through an emotional flowchart.


I wonder about your sanity. Roommate, 5 mins ago.

I was programmed to emote sentimentality upon external detection of my system's lack thereof. It hurts my feelings that you think we are emotionless. :*(99;'''..,,

I'm trypophobic. That means this kind of thing freaks me the fuck out: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs36/i/2008/278/b/d/Trypophobia_by_logoscries.jpg Somehow, I get both disgust and pleasure...

i believe i'm sober, my friend but it was strange, i understand sometimes the difference is hazy between what's normal and what's crazy

if you only knew how much time slows your mind when blown by the span of rhyme-crimes ignoring the boring laws (or flaws) that gnaw and saw away ingenuous ways of expressing depressing compressions...

Consuming more carbohydrates than I probably have in a month, and trying to be okay with it.

I want to stop wanting so much without ever wanting to want more than I could ever want!...?

Attempting to calculate how my energy expenditure (converted to kilojoules from calories) relates to the exchange in energy occurring between me and the environment, measured thermodynamically by the...

How often do you take concepts from others and modify them to your liking? I don't mean this in a necessarily evil way, but rather, a natural process where you like an idea you heard, add some...

Ne in art is beautiful...

It's an action movie with an action movie plot, which was still decent and adapted to today's audience. I wasn't expecting some grand arc of drama and superb character development (and it had some)....

I'm an advocate of progression/change, and this is a realm that holds Linkin Park's identity in sound, only modernized. Nothing like Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but they said it themselves - they have...'