
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'How 'bout Shahada then? Gay necrophilia? How 'bout no

My stance though: Legalize it completely without any restrictions; for medical use, for recreational use, and as a commodity in the free market. It should be considered equal to if not less...

Hue Hue

Jesus christ my head hurts This looks pretty good though (food) Kinda weird to type something ambiguous just to include the context afterwards in (these) instead of just including it in the...

I like Trump

Inb4 more leftists are nominated just to say that socialism is authoritarian and evil and that nobody who follows that psychopathic ideology is deserving of anything even remotely resembling love. ...

(checks location) (it says hell) ((implying that weed is legal in hell)) (weed is legal in North Korea) ...

How about something like this: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/92/a1/9092a13976e0b66b36256a9b646809fe--animal-masks-animal-heads.jpg ...

Nope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocW3fBqPQkU


Maybe Also, Book Antiqua Size 3 works pretty well, I've just noticed, particularly for short posts.

I love polls - and I imagine most NTPs do (with INTPs being more likely to do them based on their general activity). It's only annoying when polls that should be multiple choice aren't :/ Also,...

Busy fucking everything that moves


Futaba Anzu I finally bothered to find the actual character.

((Artistic screeching intensifies))

Are you sexually Dracula or Frankenstein?

That's the abbreviation for Special Snowflakes

To be fair, cutting through crap is easy when you spew it.

Commies sure love force lmao You ought to think about the things you learned yourself. Learning is pointless without thought.

Not gonna lie, I sorta expected that kind of answer. The oldest he could possibly be is 37, given that Generation Y is considered to start at 1980, which I'm assuming is what PerC considers as...

Changes *Added outta compton to Straight *Added Curled to Bent *Removed Fuckin' gay *Replaced with Faggot *Renamed Boneless to B O N E L E S S *Added I eat private property *Renamed Bionic...

Lmao - three people apparently have artism

Nope, I'm 20. Edit: I was making fun of the gender is a social construct thing. (here's some random lower case text to prevent it from automatically removing all of the caps)

Nahh man I ain't English Akkadian

Sorry to disappoint you if you're a satanist but no I'm don't enjoy receiving pain.


Age is a social construct

That is genuinely a great idea.

Depends - what day and month (year is irrelevant) were you born?

I legit thought you were the same person as @Sundae until you changed the picture.

Who says my house isn't up here?

*Upgraded to include multiple choice feature

Watch out - Nazis might read crony jew Also, Shahada has no crown jewels. I agree 100%

Nahh fuck this shit I'm doing it again This being spam world, I'm obliged to give zero fucks Bonus fact: Those who give zero fucks keep their virginity (unless it's already lost; what is lost...

Forgot multiple choice but eh Not like people these days give a shit about freedom of choice anyway amirite


More like 500

Also I said I'm high as fuck, not high as rape xD

England is my city Don't be so critty Ask me something litty

The stuff of the gods - for its own sake Debit card number: 3141592653589793 Code: Geass Name: less

I'm honestly not sure. Most likely, I suppose. Also where's the fucken' dare? ... Anyway, /TRUTH/ If you suddenly died and came back without any lasting damage, and a stranger appeared to...


FTFY (i hate this damn anti-caps shit - i had to redo this and insert this message expressing my hatred for the anti-caps shit so that i have enough lower case letters for the anti caps not to...

I become extroverted

Not sure - probably.

LIBERTY WINS!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M A balance has finally been restored. After the tragic executions of LibertyPrime and Cheveyo, a fraction of the totalitarian...

Then how the hell do certain individuals get away with totalitarian propaganda on a daily basis?

Nahh man, I'm not into strawmen.
