1.enfj 2.entj 3.entp 4.isfp 5.intp
Someone outgoing, decisive, understanding with an open-mind that can carry on in a conversation of ideas.
I know this an old forum, but just so you all know because I'm sure you all care, I believe I am in one of the early stages of being a mature soul, and am an artisan-cast scholar. I'm not convinced...
Not really sure it qualifies as a nootropic, but rhodiola rosea extract definitely causes an increase in focus, alertness, memory, wakefulness etc. I always make sure I take one before doing some...
Abed - INTJ - However, I think that his shadow functions are often displayed in many of his story arcs, causing the confusion of him being an INTP. Troy - ESFP - Don't think anyone can argue with...
I wouldn't be surprised if I ended being like Louis CK's character in Louie in 25 years, aside from being a comedian.
Both INs and ENs come off as bigots? So why not just say all intuitive type? That's a terrible generalization to make. I know many different types of people that are all bigoted in some way.
Not something that I would ever listen to. Sure, it has some nice sounding instrumentals and he has a nice sounding voice, but I found it lacked any real depth. It's very straight forward lyrically...
Movies 5) Mr. Nobody 4) Fight Club 3) Gattaca 2) The Departed 1) Cosmopolis Albums 5) Angels and Airwaves - We Don't Need to Whisper 4) Blink 182 - Self-Titled
Your Aspie score: 63 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 119 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
In no particular order: 1. Blink 182 2. Radiohead 3. Kings of Leon 4. MGMT 5. Taking Back Sunday 6. Angels and Airwaves 7. Brand New 8. Bon Iver
INTP Economic Left/Right: - 4.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74
Definitely an either you love it or you hate it kind of album, but We Don't Need To Whisper - Angels & Airwaves
The other day I slipped and broke one of the pins holding the strap onto my watch, so yesterday I want to a jewellery shop to have it repaired the guy just put a new one on and gave back to me and...
I've seen websites say things like INTJs need to keep a simple external world to focus on their internal world. or some variation of. So, ESTJs may suit them in that regard, as they are logical,...
I hate buying expensive clothes. I'll usually buy things when they're on clearance or sale. My typical style, usually are slim-fitted jeans, with a basic T and a button down, I wear a basic-looking...
INTP I've started to become bored of drinking and don't go out as much as much as I used to. When I do drink, it's always a liquor/caffeine, usually jager, vodka, gin with red bull. If there's no...'