'Ia, Ia, Gentlemen Fhtagn! Pokemon worship the old ones!
Capitian Cool or Admiral Awesome.
I ate a pizza topped with cold chicken. It's surprisingly good.
By years, do you mean aeons? If not, I am waaaaay over the age here. I am 20 aeons old.
Now that you mention it, I do have the uncontrollable urge to eat cultists.
I'd try to open an inter-dimensional portal between Heaven, Hell, R'lyeh, and the rest of the non-euclidean dimensions. Then I'd sit back and watch the show.
http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff437/DigitalFlea/tumblr_l0dve5kplo1qbtxc2o1_500-2.jpg You need the computer for spellcheck.
I am fluent in both English and the abhorrent language of the Old Ones.
He believes in too many conspiracy theories(NWO), he doesn't accept evolution or climate change, and he wants to end the EPA. He has some good ideas, but not enough to overturn the bad Ideas he has.
But wouldn't all the energy in a singularity just instantly turn into matter again? Or would it destroy the black hole completely, kind of like a mini big-bang?
What happens when an antimatter black hole falls into a normal matter black hole of the same mass?
She is a troll. It's pretty obvious to anyone besides /b/tards and youtubers.
I have dreams of unspeakable horrors. And Ponies. And unspeakable, horrifying ponies.
Puns, especially bad ones. Deadpan humor Hidden Refrences Humanity's inability to see the cosmic horrors lurking beyond it's collective consciousness.
The planet may be warming up naturally, but there is no denying that sucking up dead algae, and digging up dead plants from the Carboniferous era, which was one of the warmest times in earth's...
I mean both the original and Peter Jackson's version.
I am from the U.S., but I plan to move to R'lyeh soon.
King Kong. I like the stance that giant monsters aren't pure evil.
When life gives you lemons, you realize that you don't need to buy them. Thanks, life!
Necrothreading is the best king of threading :laughing:
Everythings going to be destroyed in the big crunch, so why bother doing anything?
Unspeakable horror.
I plan to return the old ones to power.
I've always imagined living in an underground city, too bad there are none.
It would be improbable for there not to be alien life out there. They could be hyper advanced or pseudo-bacteria. They could be vicious warmongers 100 times worse than us. What I am sure of is that...
I find them adorable. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff437/DigitalFlea/th_images.jpg?t=1312764969 Ok, maybe not that adorable
I feel out of place, I'm not very good at math. But I think the greatest concept I've ever heard is that there might be infinite existences, and in those existences infinite universes. This is all...
I love any color that comes from a glowing source. I love all colors of luminescence. http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff437/DigitalFlea/th_ll.jpg?t=1312763301
Parties bore me to death. At least parties which most people find normal bore me to death, that is.
Anything over 9000
The military is like Pandora's box. Once you open it, it will remain for the foreseeable future. My only gripe with the military is war crimes, officers' god complex, and the money it siphons from...
Wow, this thread has over 9000 replies.
2 words: Corpse Explosion
I remain ignorant of these higher powers, because realization of their existence drives humans to insan-Ia Dagon! Ia Hydra! Ia Cthulhu!
I have a fear of non-euclidean geometry.
Randomness is an illusion, caused by leprechauns feeding Sasquatch Nazi-o's breakfast cereal.
Horror movies look like my little pony when you open up terrifying vistas of reality, and view humanity's impending spiral into insanity, and eventually death.
Considering the fact that most of those people don't even know of the existence of mbti, yet alone join forums, this doesn't suprise me at all.
This is the main problem with societies puritan work ethic. We have the automation to do most manual labor, and our computer programs are becoming better, which eliminates some of the hard science,...
1/3rd dragon, 1/3rd man, 1/3rd octopi, and variable height.
I usually go insane from the revelation.
I like me. So does my cult.
Hello, I'm Chris Hansen, why don't you take a seat
No, I don't smoke. I don't want to waste my meth money on cancer sticks.
This board reminds the great Cthulhu to avoid eating internet trolls, and skin them alive instead.
Snake oil salesman.
Break your finger. The pain should keep you awake.
I always thought INTPs are best represented by the humble sponge. We are porous, hollow, feed on bacteria by filtering water through our bodies, and we can be used as cleaning utensils
How can you be happy when the great old ones are going to reclaim the earth and wipe out humanity? The stars are almost right...
Tell me about it. There is much forbidden knowledge that opens up terrifying vistas of reality, a reality humans are too insignificant to understand. You would either go insane from the revelation,...'