
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

Edward is an XXXX.

Ix92m definitely an N then.

When I was a little kid I didn’t have an imaginary friend – I had an imaginary gymnastics class. Weird thing was, most of them were total bitches – there was only one girl in the class that I...

I think I generally come off as very cold and distant, and usually quite ‘weird’. Also a bit stuck up if someone tries to impress me or flirt with me. I also seem to appear very serious. Not one...

I don't mind it. I've always been too introverted to really notice that I'm a freak...

Ix92ve never really given it much thought, but now it occurs to me that I probably think best while wandering or pacing. That does present a problem when I need to work though...

I'm 16 years old. Not the youngest, but still.

I also have hazel eyes that change colour. It depends on whether the light is artificial or natural.

I'm not sure if I make eye contact or not though I suspect I don't. When someone has their face close to mine while talking, or when they persistently try to make eye contact, I find it incredibly...

Brisbane, as it appears in Wikipedia  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Brisbane_CBDandSB.jpg

Ix92ve been at a private Catholic girls school for the past three years where they wanted everyone there to be an ESFJ. As an INTP, this is simply something I cannot do. They promoted love, caring ect...

Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder.

I'm the type of person who has a lot of trouble answering this sort of question. I'm considering stealing thewindlistens' answer. It's close enough...

It varies. It's currently English with music coming in at a very close second. My least favourite subject is maths.

Big Five Test Results Extroversion 18% Orderliness 20% Emotional Stability 62% Accommodation 36% Inquisitiveness 78% RCUEI atheist/agnostic tendencies, unconcerned with public image,...

I do that too, or I just find old stuff I haven't seen in a while and get completely distracted. Either way I don't get much tidying done.


I think that procrastination is probably more of an NP thing – absent-mindedness and disorganisation aren’t a good combination, but it could really be attributed to any type. I know I’m certainly a...

I like Wikipedia x96 I am constantly researching things and Wikipedia is an excellent starting point. Teachers don't usually mind you using Wikipedia for assignments as long as you have other...

I reckon that you're an INFP.

I felt like I did too. I also identified with Piggy to some extent, though Ix92m not a target like he was. This is going by how the characters were at the beginning of the book.

Dilapidated things look more real and have a certain je ne sais quoi.

What does doing anything accomplish?


When it's cold, grey and rainy.

Yes - I have never wanted to grow up. I knew how good I had it as a kid and didn't want anything to change.

Aries and Rooster.

I don't mind instrumental music but I don't particularly enjoy classical.

In a crisis, listen to the main character – they’re always right. Always make important decisions with your heart – your head doesn’t know anything. If ever you need to make a long, heartfelt...

If only...

I normally flair up at completely pointless, insignificant things. Like people who say that fishes aren't animals, or what button on ties should be called. Also everything on Snowqueen's list.

I wanted to be a vet and live in a round house and take the chairlift to work.


My clothes are very plain - jeans and a very plain T-shirt. I don't like to wear skirts because I find them impractical - the only skirts I own are for my school uniform and I usually wear those with...

My handwriting is very small, messy and sort of spindly looking. Basically it's illegible, especially when I'm in a hurry. On written exams I have to print if I want it to be marked.

Actually my mum was always trying to feed me really healthy, nutritious food. I just didn't like it.

When I was about nine I became a vegetarian. It was not a good choice for me - I got sick. Anyway, with some prodding from my mother, I realised that humans are meant to eat meat - it's part of the...

Lurkers unite! Welcome.

Ps just seem a lot more relaxed and 'go with the flow' than Js do. Js always seem to want to know what's going to happen.

I think it's just a cutsie way of drawing rosy cheeks.

I don't think anyone thinks anything about me. No one notices me.

I don't get it. Is there some other form of intercourse that I'm unaware of?

Always remember that you are unique, just like everyone else.

I'm even shy online.

I'm happy with being an INTP and it describes me very well.

Confusing intersection  http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn138/helmetel/confusing.jpg

I love to argue. People can say almost anything to me and I'll argue against it, unless I end up arguing a point that I strongly disagree with. I argue about almost everything with people I know...

Sometimes I'll start talking to myself, or more start thinking aloud, and I'll end up having a conversation with myself about how insane I must sound talking to myself.

I play piano, and I'd like to learn bass guitar but I don't think I'll ever get around to it.

The Megalomaniac. Hmm...I'm not really the world domination type.