
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'Once when Adam and Eve was being discussed in Sunday school I asked about dinosures... Still waiting on my answer

-People messing with my personal belongings (laptop, cell phone, ect.) -freakin manicures where they use those things to push back your cuticles... -people being to emotionally close -people...

Mom: infp Dad: entp (divorced) Sister (14 year old bff/nemesis): infj I'm pretty close to all me family. They piss me off, but everyone does. Over all I'm pretty lucky to have them.

You forgot about the hours it takes to cook the food because you wonder off then it catches on fire rendering it uneatable Anyways this is pretty much me except I also have low blood sugar......

The thing I like about running is that there isn't much coordination involved... just. don't. fall.

In no real order... Breaking Bad, Orange is the New Black, Dexter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Sherlock, Six Feet Under, Law and Order: SVU, The Big Bang Theory

Well that's embarrassing stupid me:sad: next time I'll do my research disregard this thread

7000 or 0...

Intps do you belong to a political party? if so which one?

I'm an intp but... -I like fashion -I get my feelings hurt easier then I should sometimes:unsure: -I don't have an iq of 140+ (even on the internet) -My family actual makes fun of me for being...

All I can say is it involves trash bags, duck tape, knives, a alibi, and the ocean :wink:

I'm a stereotypical intp in the fact that emotions are my kryptonite. idk if yall even do this but a lot of the time I unintentionally pick up on the emotional state of people around me...This is a...

Our class president use to be an intp but then he came out as an atheist... and its the bible belt:dry:

Black combat boots with skinny jeans and nerd t-shirts (also mostly black) and sometimes plaid shirts or button up... during the summer shorts with vans or flip flops and that's about it not to...

My goal in life is to live alone with 50 cat... 46 to go!!

One time in this class our assignment was to clean a kitchen... I received a 65...:rolleyes:. Personally I don't consider myself to be organized, at all! My keeping up with school shit for more...

Ever since I was a very small child I have had a great difficultly in trusting others...

As a child I had pretty bad anger issues but they have calmed down over time, or at least I've learned to control it better.

I probably seem quiet serous until I open my mouth and words come out... then no. Not at all.

In a year I graduate from High School and believe me I really do want to High School=Hell for me, but at the same time it terrifies me a little. I hear my friends talk about their future plans and...


Think about it yes, but the good news for me is I over think it:dry: When ever I start to consider ending it a debate starts in my head. I way the pros and cons and before I can reach any type of...

I wasn't trying to mock real christian I actually have a lot of respect for them. People who really go by the word of Jesus and who try to live a life where the love everyone are not bad people some...

I feel your pain:sad: At least your a boy so no one ever asks you why you don't act like that...

I live in Texas and dislike political parties but force me to pick and I choose democrat. Since there are approximately 5 of us in the state of Texas I hardly see how my vote could affect the...

Typing this

All I remember is it caused 4 death threats directed towards me the rest has been repressed

Text books aren't books they are evil disguised to appear in book form. Also I agree with you it is much easier for me to learn by listening to someone talk though things.

I live in this hard core Bible belt town. The good christian citizens are always trying to save me from evils such as hell/ knowledge/fun and the all the other horrors that come with believing that...

from what you posted you seem intp to me...

Creativity People who are nonjudgmental/accepting Intelligence sense of humor morality to some extent

Lately I've found myself having much the same problem. I need to have friends but people suck, and I'm awkward. Practically the only other people I talk to are my mom (infp) and my sister (infj) I'm...

I use to be a evolutionist christian, but not anymore... A lot of stuff in the bible is way to contradictory. Also christian. I think I wouldn't have as much problem with them if they actually...

My, could be wrong, understanding of introverted sensing is that it's related to the past and learning form it and also internalizing cultural norms. But, in my opinion at least, there are a lot...

thanks for ruining it...:crying:

I'm stuck in a loop. I do the same shit single day and it's driving me insane!!:sad: I don't know what to do... please help

When I was younger I had a very short hair cut and dressed like a boy... Other kids made fun of me a lot but I really didn't give a shit. I also hated playing with dolls from a very young age, Lego...

118369 like this...

seeing the inside of body parts and stuff bothers me... but not really because of the gore. It makes me think too much about how my body works then I feel like I'm having a heart attack:sad:

At first I almost typed my self as an infp for the same reasons as above. I think that female intp seem to have higher Fe then male intp.

My paying attention to shit around me ability is ether all or nothing... Either I am aware of every single conversation in a crowd of people or I am completely unaware that the crowd exist at all. I...

Even though I am a thinking type and supposed less likely to be bothered by such things, injustice angers me profusely. When I see someone being treated unfairly because of something that is out of...

you stay awake at night trying to turn your brain into a super computer

As long as I pretend to be someone I'm not people tend to like me but lately I've been getting pretty fed up with that. whats the point of having others like you if it makes you hate yourself?

When I was younger I went though this period in my life where I diagnosed myself with practically every mental illness in existence (true story). Highlights include: Adhd: but doesn't really count...

At first I was quite exited because I finally found something that explained me. Then I started typing other people and it explained them to witch was great for a little while, but then I began to...

My infp my is study to be a councilor and seems to really enjoy it

My infp mom has a Facebook (with 3 friends....) she doesn't really care for it...

When my infj sister was 4, she wanted to be a marine biologist, have 2 kids, and get me to raise them. She wanted all this to happen before she reached the age of 14... She's 14 now... Fortunately...

My parents are devout tablist...'