
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'Have you ever done this before? You can give him the old, We need to talk text but make sure you meet up soon and take care of it. It seems daunting because the INTP mind sort of plans ahead and...

Typically pleasant, easygoing people to be around when the atmosphere stays lighthearted. I get a kick out of the things that throw them for a loop though. They can let people just trample all over...

I like my beard. It's been fun to have. This is when it was particularly massive, before I trimmed it a bit. ...

Text. Character limit.

I don't think he has any meaningful feelings or connection to you. You should be with someone who appreciates you more.

Yes we are.

Never studying abroad. Great chem/physics opportunity in Dresden I passed up.

Thank you. I've trimmed it recently, but it's still plenty ferocious. It's the aspie eyes. Absolute giveaway.


Which is part of why democracy is a joke.

I think democracy is a joke.

Everybody else.

uhoh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErMWX--UJZ4

I make fun of them all the time.

I don't actively avoid it, it just doesn't naturally happen very easily.

5-8-4 Character limit.

Money gives me a considerable amount of freedom and independence from others. It also enables me to freely do the things I love. I can build a nice computer to play my favorite games, I can go on...

ISTJ. Character limit.

I wouldn't worry about this at all. Honestly, I'm sure most INTP males consider cyber-stalking extremely flattering [I sure as hell do], and like the idea of being pursued.

We may consider it a possibility but typically assume you're just being friendly, especially since he is older and has most likely been burned before by making romantic assumptions right off the bat....

Coming from an INTP, it will NOT be immediately obvious that your intentions are romantic unless you're pretty blatant, and I find INFJs never are. But yeah, I'd just ask him if he wants to meet...

This might be more of an enneagram 5 thing, the 5 type is characterised by the over-intellectualization of life. It is certainly a way to distance oneself . I don't think of it as a defense...

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_L_oLFHnn-cM/TO8No_TsmCI/AAAAAAAABBE/7iN62pak5A8/s912/C360_2010-11-25%2016-24-07.jpg Basically, Thanksgiving food. GBC, MP, stuffing, turkey, gravy. nom nom

This is a tough one. INTJs are more likely to be secretly passionate, Fi in the third position is pretty vulnerable and will typically be hidden to the casual observer, so most get the robotic...

In the sense that much more of their self is internally and personally derived, yes. ISTPs are a lot like this too.

Just make out of left field observations, and work on your delivery. Sometimes INTPs can be expressively dull, so don't know if your sarcasm is serious or not. Also, if you're serious all the time,...

Hello prpl

Counterphobic 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtZV5XdfqrI Type 5:

I wish I was better, socially. I don't think I'd use that skill much, I'd just like to have it. I don't like being bad at things. I think I could get more out of the world. I wish I could make...

ENFPs are fun. They will typically be high energy and will bring out your playful side. Nearly guaranteed to prevent you from going into Si-mode, they'll keep you in Ne. There's a naivety about...

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs239.snc3/22673_841616771090_925392_47794022_8142400_n.jpg ...

I tend to look away, as when I look at I've been told it looks as though I'm looking past them, or through them. Just sort of a...spacey, I'm not really here kind of look. So I try to avoid...

You did not ruin Thanksgiving.

Money. Character limit.

Like others have stated, the term scientists as applied to the types is used to allude to the similarity of process regarding the world. INTs take a sysematic, inquisitive, skeptical, and probing...

A lot of them are whiny and self defeating. It's sickening.

Lightning superheats the surrounding air to a temperature greater than the surface temperature of the sun.

Yes. I don't cope, I embrace. I like this. INTP, and probably with being a 5 too. Detachment is natural for a Ti dom as the world appears to them in the form of impersonal principles and rules...

Yes, it does sort of throw you into the game without much direction. I found the community aspect of the game fascinating and fun. However it definitely is a punishing game. Also, Bayonetta was...

Demon's Souls. Classic Western RPG, high difficulty which makes you play the game with a very deliberate pace, has an incredibly dark atmosphere. My favorite PS3 game of the year last year.

Yes, constantly. This leads to trouble sometimes, as I cannot remember which conversations are real and which I've only had in my head.

I have General Relativity and Schrodinger's wave equation on my right and left side, respectively. General Relativity describes the very big, and how the very shape of reality itself responds to the...

INTP. Typical testing will tell you that INTJs are more ordered and structered while INTPs are not, however this is not entirely the case. The INTP structures his mind, his thoughts, his internal...

Fi users naturally think Fe is inauthentic and groupthink, while Fe users think Fi is selfish and out of touch, deviant. Neither appreciates or understands the other's focus.

Your Fe is undeveloped. If it were developed, you could handle these things wonderfully. It's not Fe. It's you.

ESTJ women are extremely social and friendly people. Most people associate them with their management/work style and think that's what they're like all the time, which is nonsense. In fact, I'm...

My ESTJ slept like a rock. I've never seen anything like it. She stops moving for 5 minutes and she's out. If she doesn't have at least 8 hours, forget it.

Well of course. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to have any kind of intimacy or romantic feelings without the other person reciprocating. If the other person was truly happy in their...

Understandable, I suppose. And, you made me laugh at the phrase, objective spin. :laughing:

One has no rational obligation to protect the relationship of someone they desire. If the individual inside the relationship if enabling and fostering intimacy outside of their relationship, the...'