'I like chess. But I play for 2 weeks then leave it for 2 months and then play for two weeks and leave it for two months, etc. I find computer games to be excellent because new games are constantly...
And yet that's not perfectly accurate. Damn universe, not being perfect for our units of measure!
I agree with most of Kevinaswell 's post. I love physics. And history and math and biology and philosophy and history, sociology, astronomy (I assume that's what Kevin meant instead of astrology),...
It's too bright but other than that I don't see much of a difference.
I don't know. But I do know I can't go high and I can't go low. I'm stuck in a very narrow range. It's quite annoying...
I don't. And then I miss my chance...
I tend to look at the bright sides. It doesn't take much effort for me. Edit: Contrary to OP I don't sleep much, exercise, eat healthily, etc. My body is a mess but it doesn't stop me from being...
None. I'm not a big fan of music...
No way! There are real people behind the avatars?
To be honest I'm just not that interested... Occasionally I'll want a girlfriend or something but most of the time I feel as if it were too much of a burden. I'm pretty content. And if someone were...
Major Depression: Very Slight Dysthymia: Slight Bipolar Disorder: Slight-Moderate ...
It's my grandmother's birthday so I probably won't do much...
I used to be like this but then I started getting philled in.
You look good without your glasses Wut? My glasses are more a part of me than my hair.
Just feel like pointing out that talking to yourself is fairly common, across all types. And it's a myth that it's a symptom of you being crazy unless you actually think you're talking to someone. In...
Clear talent in this thread.
Lol, I read the entire thread and have reached the same conclusion as many of you http://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/successful-troll-is-successful.jpg?w=720
Daniel Radcliffe. I don't look like him at all. Not that I hate him, though.
The intense fanboyhood this homophobic, anti-abortion, anti-anti-discrimination laws, dude gets. He's not a lot worse than the other republicans but their followers don't wield the same passion...
I will. 10 character limit blablabla...
August 2011, that's not so old... How old is this place, anyway?
Ron paul 2012!!
Great! Forget everything I just said! (or wrote actually...)
One should read it. You know that's what L would do.
This is hard. Possibly Richard Feynman. Maybe J. Robert Oppenheimer. Maybe even Gauss. I'm also a Darwin fanboy. But I think my vote goes to William Thomson AKA Lord Kelvin. He did some pretty...
At least one, possibly two or three.
Funnily enough, if you go to certain articles this lines up with the more commonly known rule #34.
Khan Academy Let him learn by himself and only ask you if he has a problem understanding. As a teenager I can almost guarantee it'll be much more effective. At least if it were me. ...
Pretty much everyone here prefers the night, what gives? But I completely agree, night>day.
Fred Phelps and the entire creationist community as a whole.
You have been pitied. Does that even make sense?
44%, a realist it says. But the test is total garbage. I don't even consider myself very skeptical. Semi relevant.
I'm decent at olympic math and arithmetic but I'm not very good at memorizing a huge number of proofs and theorems.
That's not a problem with conventional food products. The problem is how much people eat of it, you can live a healthy lifestyle while still avoiding eating organic.
I can't speak for your specific tomato but generally speaking all evidence says yes. And I deny your claim that the other tomato is being grown incompetently. How is the burden on proof on...
The evidence is all inconclusive and most of it comes from a comparison of hormone injections vs cancer rates/whatever they're trying to find and ignore any and all changes in lifestyle since then.
If you choose to listen to actual research then there is hardly a debate. There is no evidence to suggest that organic food is any healthier. Edit: If you want to buy organic because you care...
Doesn't have to be related. In fact there is little evidence in favor of it. Until some standards as to what free-range means are adopted I'm not buying anything with that label.
I call bullshit! I remember 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197! But then again maybe I am a dick... It's very easy to remember using this classic.
Well lets say its effects are debated...
Each to their own... I'm just sayin'...
Tau. If I'm forced to choose between pi and e then it's e because pi is wrong.
Hate to break it to you but there is no difference, except the price... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_food Specifically sections: Consumer safety and Nutritional value and taste
I'm sure this has been posted before but I'm not going through 200 pages to find out. What pisses off an INTP? Extroverted, nonsensical control freaks.
Since there is the nerdish one I don't see why I'd ever need another mood status :laughing: But in all seriousness I don't think there is a need for more. There are like 30 already. Edit:...
Lol someone necroed a 5 months old thread... But anyway, I don't really have a problem with it. As long as it is not for too long.
I don't believe in a god. Honestly I find the whole idea to be a little ridiculous, just how did you arrive at that conclusion? But I try not to be a jerk about it. Especially not in real life. ...
To be fair the Greeks probably invaded Troy because of commercial interest. Troy is in an excellent location to tax Greeks traveling to the black sea. There is evidence the Greeks did travel to the...
It can happen but in general I try not to. If it's a close friend I tend to take it more personally. But as other said, we're humans to so don't be very harsh.'