'*ruins date by showing up*
As any healthy human being should - I enjoy what feels good and I don't enjoy what feels bad.
A healthy ENTJ is ambitious, confident but not a narcissist, vivacious, bold, empathetic and sticks to his values. An unhealthy ENTJ will resemble either an ISFP or a psychopath. It will either...
This! Except I never learnt not to cut people off.
If they ask for my help, I know they can be helped and they are my friends - then yes. But I don't see why I would actively approach an introvert for the sole purpose of making them feel...
You're looking for psychopaths not ENTJs.
Share with you personal information. Become more vulnerable and emotionally open. Will reschedule my days so I can fit as much of you in as possible. Will become motherly which you will...
Because we enjoy intelligent fuss-free conversations.
Yes. I usually do it when the guy seems like a creep because I don't want to be paid for by a lunatic that I'm never going to see again.
Unless it's a person I am seriously attached to, I just don't care about being rejected and see it as a thing I can learn from (ex: rejected job application/college application etc is just a...
631354 On a serious note, men do get paid for being cam boys too, they're just not as popular as women because most women aren't stupid enough to pay for looking at a dick online. Cam modeling is...
Self-centered and egocentric are synonyms and here is what they mean - thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered. There is no other definition. ...
If you are ready to heighten their feeling of well-being, but also their sense of life (whatever that means), potency and overall cheerfulness then you are not self-centered. If you look for that...
Yes. Psychopaths are necessary to society, despite what our morality might suggest, but politics is first and foremost about governing over people - deciding basically part of their lives....
I am by no means one of a kind, but people who truly have your best interest at heart are rare because humans are self-centered beings. Reading people - not my area of expertise, but as Maya Angelou...
Major red flag! Don't be naive, dump them or you will regret it later! It's a sign of a one-sided relationship with a toxic person which trust me, will spiral into worse and worse treatment on their...
I am a brutally honest person but there is a difference between telling someone that those pants are horrid and that they are pathetic. Calling someone pathetic is in no way helpful. It doesn't...
I become a huge asshole when drunk. You can try carrying a bottle of water wherever you go and whenever you know that you're going to say something that you might later regret just take a huge sip....
Lol yes. Much harder in the moment. Actually I've become much more zen since I realized a few things : 1. Anger doesn't solve shit 2. Fighting with idiots is futile 3. The only person you...
They are jesters, but less offensive than ENTPs. You shouldn't ask for advice here though since everyone is a different human being, just go out with the dude and see for yourself. Maybe you two will...
I'm polishing my skills, still a rough diamond when it comes to it.
627162 ENFPs are a lot to handle. They're all over the place. Just like ENTPs they cannot calm their tits. One of my good friends irl is ENFP though, so it can work, but dating? Only if they...
I like to be on the bottom too at times if you know what I mean.
I've had it all - the bad, the good and the ugly. You?
I will break your balls if you do.
May sound weird, but a lot of feeling types enjoy the company of ENTJs too, as long as the mutual respect is there. However, some change is needed for every development, be it political,economical or...
Oh? Facebook? Yes! I love to just sit and scroll all day long looking to find out if Suzie and Jackie ended up together and have you seen Jean's baby? He.Is.So.Insanely.Ugly. *ahem* Noooo, yours is...
I hate cleaning so I just try to not make a mess for as long as possible.
This combination is pretty rare, especially in women. Personally, I only get along with very few women. I would suggest befriending ESTP 8w7 males (8w7 ENTJs are a good option too but harder to...
Wouldn't it be easier to just http://www.echocordless.com/images/product/chain-saw/media/CCS-58V4AH_2v1_Final_Web.jpg ?
The duct tape is your friend siggy seems to clear this up.
I got ENFJ, which is logical since I basically want someone who's like me only more emotional/social/upbeat.
I don't get embarassed even when I do stuf that would be embarassing for others. I just don't care enough about what other people think about me so that makes it hard to get embarassed.
https://youtu.be/VmeRYo10acg all louis ck stand ups are actually funny to me. https://youtu.be/9HjATD1imGc
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I have Ebola.
*I can ruin it in 3*
Not ISFP but thought I could share my two cents, feel closest to INTPs. I don't know many INFxs but they're cool. I get along well with ESTPs. I don't particularly get along with SJs and am awful...
I think she is ESxP too, but what exactly made you think ESTP over ESFP? I think you're right actually.
if you watch Louis CK's tv show Louie please tell me your mbti thoughts about Pamela.
where are you
Not ISFP but I really enjoyed the first few seasons. It gets boring after that. Character development in the first (2-3? I don't remember) seasons is great.
I didn't know we were friends. That's nice! Thank you! I think you're my only ISFP friend too!'