'http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/248685_207911225920027_113056312072186_668456_357807_n.jpg ...
Reading: 630 Math: 490 Writing: 620 I suck at math. Good enough for Temple though so... ^_^
No relationships for me just yet. One may be in the future but the guy is also an INTP and neither one of know what to do just yet.
Yay! I go to Temple ^_^ I won't be the only personalitycafe Philly person anymore.
Added! Only one in Philly so far..
Philosophy of the Human Religion in the World Journalism in Society English 0802 Freshman Seminar (waste of a class)
Well, before I came to school I worked as a telemarketer. Worst job ever though highly amusing at times. Hi, my name is Emily and I work for outreach call-.. *gasp* You're a telemarketer?!...
My mom is an INFJ and my dad is an INTP though I think it just happens to be a coincidence that he and I share the same type, though I could be wrong.
I am extremely attached to my dogs and if anything were to happen to them I would be a mess. My pets are one thing that can get me very emotional. I have lost 2 other dogs in the past and it was very...
Sometimes it takes me weeks to reply to simple emails so give him time.
Lolita. The rest are on a shelf.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAe3sCIakXo&ob=av2e I am a sucker for this song.
I don't understand it either because her and I get along great. I can honestly say I have the best, albeit, strange relationship with her than anyone else in my life. We always do say that if one of...
I flushed a beta fish down the toilet because it was close to death anyway ...then wondered how my septic tank would kill it. I disintegrated my fish alive...oops.
I have some sort of a curse for getting extremely attractive teachers. I say that it is a curse because normally I would have no problem just doing my work, minding my own business and generally...
This is so beautiful!
Ever see the show Supernatural? I'd like to practically live in a 1967 Chevrolet Impala, moving from place to place. I get bored easily. I'd like being on a permanent road trip. Alone of course.
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188669_10150116713042435_5491862434_6358820_7519739_n.jpg I made this album cover for a contest by Adam Duritz (Counting Crows). I made the top 25...
http://imganuncios.mitula.net/2002_ford_taurus_se_19056220.jpg 2002 Ford Taurus It gets the job done.
I haven't had much trouble being an INTP female and I get along with other girls fairly well. I just ignore most of the emotional baggage that comes along. The most trouble I get in with being an...
Being an INTP is pretty cool if you like being known as the cold hearted one of the family. :P
Mother: INFJ Father: INTP Me: INTP
My absolute best friend is an ENTJ. She has this magnetic quality and I could never imagine not having her as a friend. We are pretty sure we are the only ones that can put up with each other for any...
I just graduated high school in June and I must say I did not like it as a learning institution and I did not like most of the people that attended either. I do not think that the teachers were able...
I am definitely more productive at night. I like being awake alone at night while others are sleeping. I get more things done without interruptions and without someone always looming over me and...
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/268987_2071923529071_1574371132_31989769_4402558_n.jpg My friends found my sunglasses very entertaining. :P
That all INTPs are great at math. I suck at anything dealing with math.
My first crush was a boy named Jake who sat next to me in first grade. He was adorable, brown hair and blue eyes. He is now a druggie. So much for him.
I am convinced I will always be single. I am terrible at getting a romantic relationship let alone maintaining one.
Nice to meet you as well. Lurking is quite entertaining :P
It is! It's my favorite book. Very creative.
Thanks, me too. I like it here. So far so good.
Hello there. I am horribly inconsistent with posting in forums. I joined here a while ago and lurked, then forgot about the site completely until recently and I might as well introduce myself. My...
Paranoid: High Schizoid: High Histrionic: High Avoidant: High
I have a few friends. My best friend happens to be an ENTJ which people over at INTPc found quite amusing. Other than her though, I have about ten other people who I classify as good friends. I'm no...
Will you marry me?
People: Irritating and confusing Color: Wish I had color in my dreams Money: Corruption Life: A bitch Nature: Home
Go back to sleep. Obviously I'm dreaming.
Story of my life. My cousin is an irritating ditz who the rest of my family wants me to emulate. No thanks.
Me + Alcohol = paranoia, no filter, and giggling. lots and lots of giggling. I say whatever I want and get very paranoid about what others may be talking about.
INTP - atheist No afterlife, no gods, no souls
I usually associate the song that I'm listening to to a memory of mine.
Journalism/Photojournalism. Figure I should use the only talents I have.
Round Here by Counting Crows My absolute favorite song.'