'It sounds catchy although a bit condescending with genius. Maybe c-tard? C for capable.
Am I allowed to call myself a rucking fetard? On another note..I never considered mentally handicapped people retards. I think it sounds mean to call them retards, but I'm on the fence about...
hmm so I just wasted time writing my post, since I had an entirely different definition in mind. I thought the word selfish simply meant focusing on self, did not know it means lack of consideration...
Because we have constant personal needs. Look at this hypothetical human needs chart..most people do not have all of those needs fulfilled at any given time. It's part of our biology to seek self...
The internet could use more of these trolls: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTwnZSlDYUaC12di7v25lEFoxDYsUNr4rf4pID9HtpCE4Xskvgq And less of these trolls:...
Yes, no and maybe. Trolling elicits very much emotions in me. I would feel very normal, sad, happy, upset, afraid, furious, ecstatic and excited to see it banned. ...
My view is that many of these discussions don't look like they achieve much. A lot of the arguments I've seen (not just on this website but elsewhere) just look like juvenile girls vs. boys pissing...
Ok, but it just seems like you didn't understand my point.
Well there is some harm in talking about the same things repeatedly, in the sense that it wastes precious time. When I read the debates, I like to hear new and enlightening things, not the same...
Are we supposed to share our thoughts here? Ok. I am slightly annoyed with feminists and meninists alike. They seem to have taken over the debate forums on this website and make petty thread topics....
MBTI is an outdated system that doesn't factor how human brains really work. I can't blame them, it was created 50+ years ago, when they understood very little of neuroscience. But now that we are...
This is just one of the problems I see with the MBTI system. The assumption that thinking rationally is correlated with a lack of compassion or emotion, and vice versa. Not really accurate.
Next thread: Should it be illegal to stick my dick in a corpse?
I try to do that most of the time. When I am angry it's usually at myself. I can't control what other people do, but can attempt to control myself - therefore I am the only person who I should be...
I currently have..2 empty water bottles, 2 empty tea mugs, and 4 empty cups (which had water in them)..on the desk, as well as a pile of miscellaneous papers. I think it's time for me to do something...
Forgot about that..so just a text summary of everyone's desk slops and number of accumulated cups/bottles could suffice :p For scientific purposes, of course
Listening to this in the background makes any kind of mundane work feel like it's something important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at3WVWOHqMI
Somebody should make a thread to see who has the messiest space :D But most people would probably be too embarrassed to share pictures of their clutter
It means you are an internet nerd that procrastinates. You are doomed for life, basically, unless you throw your computer out the window.
Do you guys accumulate cups on your desk, or in other places around the rooms you spend the most time in?
This is why genetic counseling exists. But even somebody who is carrier could find a suitable mate who is not a carrier, thus they will not pass on the disease.
My thoughts: Why?
Female, intp. I checked the silver circle option on the forum simply because there is no option to not have a sex graphic displayed near your name. 29 out of 100 masculine points, 68 out of 100...
I think I just replied to two or three different threads about this dress :p The photo seems to be taken indoors, under warm light bulbs, with high exposure on a crappy camera phone. Those who see...
Here is the dress with the brightness lowered and contrast increased. Does it still look white and gold to some people? Curious..maybe it's due to differently calibrated screens. Anyway, when I take...
It looks like black lace with cornflower blue-ish fabric. It is likely not white, because there is a white/black dress behind it and it does not match. The yellow hue in the lighting is hitting the...
I think I am asexual. I don't want to be but can't really help it. I thought I would eventually grow out of it, but nope.
http://s10.postimg.org/on00lp6nd/3_lynx_from_wildlife_and_nature.jpg http://s22.postimg.org/e6dh0nx1d/leopards.jpg ...
I don't even have Netflix, hah
I don't have a TV and have never followed a TV series. Everytime I tell somebody that they look at me like I'm insane. :unsure:
Translation: I was in a town before called err (Langan?) village, it was called and basically there was a young lad and he looked awful similar to me. I thought I was fighting in the mirror right....
This just keeps getting weirder as it progresses.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxzgwJ8tSE0
Everyone handles pain differently..I am a wimp with physical pain. I have coping methods for mental pain but can think of none for physical pain (except drugs, which is not a good coping method.) I...
And this is why I like the ENTPs. Their senses of humor are so odd ball and creative xD
I wasn't aware that being a master debater was supposed to be a skill for the INTP types. Especially when it comes to debating ethics and politics..that sounds like a dreadful position to be in.
Turn off your internet. Or get a website blocking tool that blocks any unproductive websites you frequent. Have somebody else put a password on it. If your problem is gaming related, throw the gaming...
The internet. On one side I think it is useful. On the other side I think it is a monster that shouldn't have been created.
Does anyone actually enjoy sitting in a library anymore?
I suppose that passing on your genes is a way to have a part of your family line continue living on? It keeps the family tree going I guess. And adds some more material to the human gene pool. A lot...
XXXX Professional comfortable soft mattress sleep tester
Immune pill. With perfect health, you could easily acquire intelligence, strength, warrior and assassin skills, plus you could sell your blood to cancer patients and that would leave you with free...
I would prefer to wear something like this for all occasions. Unfortunately I have to live in the real world and cannot just roll out of bed every day and get ready to go in an ugly but comfortable...
Forget my younger self..she's a hopeless cause that already occurred. What I would tell my current self is: Get off this damn forum and go do your work. And go get me a drink with some lemon,...'