As a kid, I always wondered if intersex people can impregnate themselves... *facepalm*
Also copying because I'm lazy lol Dreaming - Every night. Memory - I remember almost every dream. Sometimes I even talk in other languages (that I'm learning IRL) and - I think - I'm not that bad...
I am seriously considering that I'm actually an ENTP instead of an INTP. I did the mbti test a few times and always got INTP, thought it matched me as well. But now that I think about it... ENTP...
Well, my mom always points out that I look sad/angry/tired and I have to explain to her that RBF is a thing and Iany problem, it's just my normal expression. But yeah, her being an ESFJ might be part...
I have the same problem. My voice's pretty low and monotone and my mom (ESFJ) always complains. No, it's not because of you. My voice just is like that. ...What's even worse though, is my RBF......
...I sometimes read Twilight when I'm bored.
If you like manga, give Tokyo Ghoul (and Tokyo Ghoul :Re -> The continuation) a try. It's quite dark and deep, I think you would like it. Seriously, it's one of the best manga I've read.
I don't know why, but I hate the laugh cry emoji. It just seems so.... fake? It's like when a person overuses LOL or XD but in a more ..snooty? (can't think of the right word rn) way? Ugh.
The awkwardness continues. LOL. So we text daily. Sometimes it's - you know, normal stuff and sometimes it gets a bit dirtier. But when he just texted me, I did it again. Lol. It's the middle of...
I haven't laughed this hard in a while...
From my trip to Seoul: 539434 539442
Heh, that's true. Skill comes with practise. He probably won't mind... ;)
It was the first time I ever actually went after someone I like. We flirt and he eventually invites me to his flat. My virgin ass seized the opportunity but I was literally dazed and confused that...
I'd say that Ryan (nigahiga) is an ENTP
I wanted to write Haruka, too! For me it's also his behaviour/thoughts like you said, and his love for water. - I just love being in the water. I could swim or just.. chill in the water for forever.... The movie's quite upsetting, but interesting
Mother: ESFJ (9) Father: ISTJ (7)
I don't want to post a selfie tho....
Firstly, I wanted to be an Astronaut. Black holes scared me though, so I didn't hold onto that dream for too long, haha. In elementary my dream changed to being a writer. I thought authors would...
Poor Ricky. LOL
I really like his videos.
Damn, you guys' pictures are all so good!! I can feel the tension in the aiiir :laughing: That escalated quickly lol
INTP I usually order the same stuff over and over again. So often that the waiters are surprised if I ever order something different, lol. There are times where I want to order something else,...
I hold my pencils like that, too! :)
I went to a family reunion last night and one thing still bugs me. My grandma was ranting how my uncle seems to be together with this 'jerk' again. I don't remember them, but then her rant went on... Imagine singing this at a karaoke bar. lol
A classic:
I had two crushes before. Both remained as really embarrassing memories. Sigh. The first time it was a boy two grades above me in middle school. I tried to erase my crush immediately because I was...
I have to admit that until high school, I liked math. I was always the fastest at mental maths and 'played' math games with my parents at home. The games being multiplying or dividing huge numbers...
I can't listen to this and sit still at the same time.
This video never fails to make me laugh. NEVER.
Nah, I meant just... horror. Like uh.. realistic horror? Anyway, don't know that movie either. ...I'm so sensitive to violence and horror that I don't even watch CSI so... ^^;;
N- no... is it a horror movie? Because I don't watch any of that kind... I'm a scaredy cat lol
Like half of my nightmares seem to be about teeth. Hm... Had an especially disgusting one last night. It was about my teeth all almost falling out, like still attached to the root like a loose milk...
I'd loooooooooooove something like this: 518874 (And I'd love it even more if there only was one house - for me lol) I'd be in the water all day. Ugh.:blushed: This is a must (for reading):...
518794 Lol, I can't help it... Also, it's an.. interesting question:tongue: