'My ex invited me to her cheese and wine party tonight, and I'm not going.
Receiving from somewhere like BBC Radio 3, I think. Now I'm thinking of the story of Daphne, who was changed into a tree as a way of avoiding Apollo's advances. How do the people in your...
Well, despite my best efforts, 'tomorrow' has become 'Saturday', but here is my reply: Well, I am bipolar, so that may have something to do with it. I dislike being bipolar not just for the...
This argument makes the assumption that the embryo/foetus is aware of its existence. You are ascribing fully-sentient, mature thoughts on to something which is not fully-formed. Do you remember...
SilverKelpie I'd be fascinated to know, too, and in as much detail as possible. However, at the same time, somebody thinking I'm mistyped would make me question my own self-knowledge. From what I...
I understand what you mean. Sometimes I'm the same, but then at other times I find that analysing my emotions in depth helps me to understand them and come to terms with the fact that I have them....
Agreed. Being an INTP is more about how you handle your emotions than the fact that you have any.
At the weekend I met a guy* who I enjoyed talking to, but he had this habit of sitting as close to me as possible, to the point where I was worried he was going to sit ON me. He kept leaning in, and...
MelusinaAmpersand Note to self - do NOT write complicated replies late at night. It will only end in terrible spelling and grammar. ('but their is', 'about their being a processor', 'tandom'....
I don't really have anything in particular to add to the above except I wanted to tell you how much I love your descriptions, similes and analogies! Also, it sounds like a highly enjoyable way of...
Ratatoskr I'd never heard of Constance de Markiewicz; thank you for enlightening me. She has an intriguing face. My avatar is simply a very silly picture I drew when I was about 17. I'm happy...
Nell Obviously, I don't know exactly what will happen, but I have noticed a pattern. After a while I start feeling smothered, trapped and restless, and I realise I no longer feel the same for the...
Sorry, I'll admit I haven't read all your post yet, and will do so later and respond accordingly when I get home, but I just wanted to say - ME TOO! Except, I have a crush on him in the...
For some reason I'm worried that my type will be questioned. I'm worried that something I do or say on here will cause somebody to say Call yourself an INTP?, If you were really an INTP you...
It really is just a personal thing for me. I don't expect society to enforce it, and I don't expect others to treat me the same. In fact, I have plenty of instances when they haven't. Yet somehow I...
You get annoyed with your friends because they want to see you too often.
Depends what you mean. Personally, I love Kandinsky because of the various things you can find in it: 614674 Really? I'd never thought of it that way. Couldn't any piece of art supposedly...
HAL True. And yet again we have proved that most people don't think, and never question anything. I'd respect somebody with opposing views far more if they could explain why they held them, and...
I like making silly jokes with my limited knowledge of French: Cochon d'inde, ou cochon dinde? L'apostrophe, c'est important. cochon d'inde - guinea pig cochon dinde - pig turkey I once...
I'm bipolar which can make me more overtly emotional than I would like to be, or than I would be if I weren't bipolar.
Oh, absolutely. I was in no way suggesting that all left wing people were Remainers. I was stating my personal opinion, that's all. Sorry, do you mean homophobia, racism etc. is seen in a bad...
1. Partly because it stops my brain from chattering. Mostly because of the responses I have to it, be they emotional, intellectual, or nostalgic. Music is one area where I can feel strong uninhibited...
HAL I wish I had your confidence. I'm definitely not centrist either, but I'm always very wary of letting slip just how left wing and liberal* I am because I have no wish to be ridiculed (again)....
Warning: unusually icky post. On Saturday, despite feeling a great urge to hide away from the world, I went to a party. I felt obliged to go and was fully expecting to be bored/overwhelmed by it....
Maybe 'compassion' wasn't the right word. I suppose it's more of a 'do as you would be done by' situation. I see no reason to treat people unfairly if I can help it because I find it illogical, and...
But can't one be objectively compassionate? I mean, I'm quite misanthropic and want to be left alone, but at the same time I have no wish for anyone to be treated unjustly. Cruelty is illogical and...
Patting them on the head with increasing vigour at every interjection might work :tongue:
I suppose we'll have to make our own thread! Exactly. Fach is usually reserved for opera, so, whilst an opera singer might be asked to sing Faure's Requiem, there is no specific fach...
First, apologies for taking so long to respond. I suppose I do. I suppose it links once again to the feeling of being an outsider because it seems that most people are indeed more emotionally...
Same here. However, I couldn't help being fascinated. I want to know exactly what is wrong with those teeth and gums and how their owner allowed them to get into that state.
Tangent: My ex (probably an INFJ) was into all these 100 days challenge things, where she would write an enormous list and set herself goals. She also kept a little box into which she would stuff...
Another vote for the cooking equipment here. No unforseen problems. Never give music stuff to a musician unless you can guarantee that none of the notes are backwards.
Oh, this is an odd one for me. If I'm in a group of women who are adopting stereotypical behaviour I begin to find it very difficult to blend in. I begin to feel extremely non-specific in my gender...
Unless it's one of those times when you feel more awake afterwards, for some reason.
I had 22 until I realised that three of them were from last week and I'd already read them and moved on. ETA: I have a related question to the Openers of Many Tabs - do you begin with none each...
Sometimes I feel almost completely devoid of emotions and nothing seems to touch me. Or, rather, there's a suggestion or maybe a pretence of emotions under the surface, but underneath them is...
Ratatoskr Yes, even though it's just a silly joke I have often felt like attempting it; well, apart from the dreadful stickiness that would follow. 'Never put a sock in a toaster' reminds me of when...
Whenever I listen to a bit of Wagner opera I can hear why people like his music. In a completely objective way I can understand how the grandeur and richness of the music, and the power of the...
Something I've noticed: If I go straight to a source - say, YouTube - and search for a particular video, it feels somehow 'cleaner', or 'tidier' than if I search for the subject of the video in...
Supposedly informative YouTube videos in which the presenter spends the first half thanking their followers, shrieking/singing/waving their hands, and gabbling irrelevant bullshit.
Whose head is it?
I think there's something you should know... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoBYYElyP4c (around 0:29 is the correct bit)
Agreed. When I said I couldn't appreciate him I meant musically (though I don't like him much as a person, either.) Wagner was Composer of the Week on Radio 3 once, and I made the effort to listen...
Ratatoskr Perfect comment.
ae1905 Oh, don't remind me! We live in scary times. Money and musical-misuse aside, I will never be a Brunhilde as my voice isn't suited. I don't mind, though. Wagner is one of those composers I've...
But sometimes a kazoo does 610610
Tips for sleeping better? What are those? I've spent maybe 30 years trying to get a good night's sleep. I suppose the only thing I've tried lately is to stop feeling guilty because I can't sleep....'