'Uh, wow, it's been a long time. I'm not sure why I came back, to be honest. Most days it feels like I'm fading and there's something steely sliding into place under my skin. I just don't have the...
WhereverIMayRoam, hey! How's it going? I check my account at three month intervals, so I could only just get back to you now. I hate living near my lab, it's basically just an inducement to go in...
Sometimes it hits me that I'm actually an adult. That makes me feel very boring.
To annoying labmate: piss off, acting deliberately dumb isn't going to make you any more likable. Your ambiguity only makes me hate you more because I'm constantly suspecting you of ulterior motives....
I've actually been really busy lately, so I've had to streamline my lifestyle a lot. It struck me that I spent a lot of my time writing and obsessing over the aesthetics. (I use a fountain pen, which...
I was just sitting here and wondering if I should change my handwriting. See, this is my 'nice' handwriting: 203562 And this is my 'normal/work/in-a-hurry' handwriting: 203570 However,...
Lore from Star Trek TNG, because I'm too evil to be Data.
I was very recently fourteen, so I'll give you this advice (which applies, thankfully, to everyone): calm down. You'll enjoy more that way, and it's not like people take you all that seriously...
Have you heard of the Forer effect? MBTI isn't very highly regarded in psychology circles for various reasons, and some of them are indeed the lack of test-retest reliability, the vagueness of the...
Sometimes I want to whack the members of this forum upside the head, for various reasons. How is it that its subjective quality appears to decline every time I come back after a break?!
Any effort on my part is either incidental, negligible, or drug-related. :crazy:
Well, today I just pocketed $50 I found on the ground without asking around, so I suppose I'm unkind.
@DarkBarlow because I still have a smidgeon of respect for you: 156594
I don't believe that turning a discussion hostile is going to help make your point. As far as I see, you're the one defining relationship as a function of effort. We're questioning the validity that...
To be fair, it should be noted that a deficit in cognitive empathy does not mean a deficit in affective empathy, or vice versa.
As long as it had alcohol and I could have my hands on it, doesn't matter. When I was younger I drank a lot of straight vodka and tequila. Also baijiu.
Actual lack of empathy, as far as I'm aware, goes beyond the purview of normal personality types and into the domain of genuine mental illness. (Don't quote me on that; psychopathy as a category of...
Well, here you're conflating some laws of physics with relationship progression. Reification is a fallacy where you conflate an abstraction with a concrete entity--presumably, DarkBarlow notes that...
I scored 1340 on my SATs back when the total score was 1600. To be fair, English wasn't my first language. I was just really good at it.
I suppose the problem I have with religion in general is that they always purport to worship the One True God or the One True Pantheon or whatever. Couldn't we just withhold judgment and see what...
I think that's true of all people of East Asian descent who grow up outside of the motherland. I'm gen 1.5 Chinese (-_-) and while I lived in China I'd get mocked all the time for my Mandarin because...
I was briefly friends with an ENTJ guy in my class. We sat together and had great fun because we were both intellectual types and could have rollicking arguments about our coursework without holding...
Game of Thrones is in the air and I don't see why it's so awesome. I've read the books; I would consider them competently executed but not great. Is it the gray-and-gray morality? Is it the brutality...
There was an acquaintance of mine who wouldn't stop turning everything I said into dick jokes and by the end of the week I was ready to punch them in the face. So...repetition?
I'm rather worried about her health, since I can't tell if she's improving or regressing. On one hand, I could attribute it to more assertive behaviour and better self-esteem, since she used to be so...
Hi, everyone. I usually don't venture into this part of the forums, but I'm hoping for a bit of insight from you guys. I've considered posting this to the INFP relationship thread (stickied above)...
I used to be pretty deadpan, but I've trained myself to be more expressive since it apparently leads to misunderstandings.
I'm seeing two stages this putative INTP is ping-ponging between: engaged and unengaged. When he's engaged, he's social and craves your company. When he isn't, you don't present any draw to him...
1.) 40 living at home in their parents' basement. Not forty, parents live in an apartment complex. 2.) 40 year old virgin? No, but probably heading there. 3.) Socially deprived ...
I'm in the 18th percentile. ...Yep.
I daydream sometimes. Someday, I hope to create a complete simulation of reality in my mind.
I also do that with cute animals.
I don't differentiate between the situations if I'm not required to engage with anyone personally. Dominating a group discussion is very much like having a one-on-one discussion, since it doesn't...
Well, INTP's as a rule aren't very big on that 'socializing' thing. Isn't that a passe concept? Guys? Friendship, though? Depends. If you just want to attract an INTP's attention, then find...
Recently, it's struck me that people (some, probably not all, and maybe not even a large part of the human population) seek out friendships and relationships for self-validation, because they want...
Sometimes I get the sensation that I am an intruder in the back of my head, watching my consciousness think and work. During those times, I can't help but loathe this petty little thing that's in an...
I've always wondered how much information the concept of self/ego contains. If I say me or you to another similarly constructed living being, how much data am I transmitting to the other...
Dear ENTJ, While I enjoy arguing with you, the fact that we butt heads all the time is really freakin' annoying. Sincerely, INTP P.S. I hope you enjoy the earrings I'm getting you for...
I had an interesting conversation today. The people below are denoted by their initials. LB: ...This is because I'm two deviations from the norm. She [friend of LB's listening in] is just one,...
I sometimes wish that the lumps of meat around me would just act like what they really are.
... Or sometimes, ....
All that work for the tedium and paranoia of ruling the world? I don't think so. That sort of power doesn't lead to the freedom I want.
-Technology illiterate -Glibness and superficial charm in certain circumstances mask a high degree of social dysfunction in others -Don't like mathematics, can only attain a certain degree of...
My typical response: mumble mumble mumble Thinking: I don't give a shit about your weekend, and I regret talking to the human population at large.
5w6, 9w1, 4w5 sp/so Definitely a hermit.
For the longest time I was a big fish in a little pond and I spent my time worrying about the time when I would find out I was a minnow. I think I'm at least a mackerel.
Some random person: Hi, [my name]! Me: ...Who are you? Same random person: I'm in your class/study group, remember? I'm [random name]! Me: Oh. Huh. Bye. This happens at least once a day.
Tell the guy who wrote it to be a little more relevant instead of rehashing the tired old argument against the natural methodology. Also, the strands of inquiry in this article don't mesh. What I...'