
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'I have waves.... I can go months without reading and then I want to read for quite a long time... I prefer non fiction, something that expands my knowledge, my understanding of the world... But I can...

I have noticed that I tend to write (creatively not academically) only when I am moved by something... If it is love, sadness, loneliness or anything, I feel inspired and I find that the words just...

I don´t really understand your categorization... Anyways I wear whatever is comfortable, but also to match the situation... Usually it is jeans and t-shirt... So kinda comfortable, universally...

He might just be in the same position... Maybe he developed feelings towards you over time and is also scared what would happen if you werent interested in him back... I guess INTPs are also really...

INTP SINGLE PEOPLE SURVEY 1. On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to the idea of having a life partner? If 1 is I'm hoping to die alone! Hooray! and 10 is OMG will this endless waiting ever...

Come on, it is obvious we do. Deterministic people are just primitive religious people that say god guides them in every step and that everything is his choice. To prove you have a free will...

Sadly yes. Past five months were a fucking feeling / emotional / whatnot ride. Started with my first ever breakup which happened over chat after three years of long distance relationship with a...

Every day, every time I have the chance, If i am at home doing something - at the computer I listen to music, if I am doing some disgusting non stimulating work like cleaning I cannot do it without...

There has been an update... We were made to interact, because of work... I was supposed to be trained at work, and the usual instructor was not at work... Usually the training is for about 2-4 people...

I have a terrible TERRIBLE TERRIBLE crush on this girl... It has lasted for 78 days now... Incredibly long crush, because I am not able to talk to her, I missed so many chances and I am just...

I have had a crush on this girl for 57 days... And I cannot find courage to talk to her... Well I talked to her about necessary work related stuff... But talking to her other than that at personal...

Hahaha, set her things on fire, install rats, snakes, scorpions or whatever is she afraid of. It is like oil and water... I have ESFJ stepmom and she simply does not understand anything, she does...

E It really depends on the person... If it is an annoying type of person who excessively uses this way as a body language or forcing or whatever then it won´t feel comfortable and I would probably...

I am just going through breakup, and I am suffering terribly, not only because the breakup wasn´t from my side, but also because I realize how great a person she was and how difficult it is for me to...

Hmm, I guess it depends a lot on the circumstances, but yeah enjoying things in private has its advantages. Sometimes I felt a little down, when someone criticized a song I like, or movie I enjoyed....

It all started when I was only 5 yo, was sent to a curative stay abroad, without parents, with older kids (like 7+)... I shared a room with older boys and one of them has chosen me as his bully...

I am deleting people from my life, so I can grow cold and indifferent to that species, but it hurts somehow. The stage of getting to total indifference and coldness is pretty tough, involves...

http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1363065866_poison_sign.png Got ESFJ stepmom, it worked well. Just be careful about picking the untraceable type. I can recommend ricin, it takes a couple of...

So what is your opinion on this phenomenon....... Do you like it, do you hate it, are you indifferent? ----- As I am getting older my hatred grows.... I would just ignore the crap if I...

Yeah, I have ESFJ stepmom, which is like the worst shit ever.......... She is unhealthy ESFJ, rages all the time about tiny fucking things, literary brags about everything, when something is not...

I cook only when nobody is home so I dont have to share ....... Also not a fan of ppl looking at me when I eat...... So I prefer my lonely quiet place...

f what?

music, ebooks, sudoku and its mathematical variants, staring at people, staring out of window, staring, thinking

http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/117450-where-find-intp-guys.html http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/94275-where-find-intp-girls.html NUFF SAID

They did stuff? They didnt waste their time? They read classics and were more wise? They were more productive, than we are... I dont know library could give me much more than the internet,...

http://i.imgur.com/tBjimBl.jpg I saw it happen, how can a person grab child as an inanimate object, as a handbag, as a lamp as bag of garbage. No empathy? No common sense? Why do you do this to me...

lol, I love the stream of consciousness

Goals? Disturbing? We are piles of dust being scattered over time, nothing leaves behind us, no traces, we are lost forever, we don´t matter.

There is this thing, not sure if it is still up http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/134561-intp-skype-chatroom.html also you might visit us INTPs hanging out together at 4sjh6 - Tinychat

Elevator Like two empty glasses, we are moving up, so many words, and we have nothing to say. Like two empty glasses, we are moving up, our eyes fencing all around, not to ever meet. Me and...

Dead people, they are quiet and don't disturb me.

Forever alone club, oh wait....... Currently working on new paradigm concerned with human beings, it is slow progress, since I have no breaking through events, that would made huge changes in...

Czech - native, English, Spanish - not using Spanish much, so I am forgetting tons.... though I can refresh the knowledge quite fast.

Perfectionism takes incredible amount of time. My mother was a perfectionist bitch and I was so happy my parents divorced, when I was 11 yo and I could leave her unpleasant sphere of influence -...

Well no bday parties, hates unwrapping presents, because he cant pretend fake enjoyment. The interaction with environment is brilliant. I notice this when I am at new places, I have to explore...

What ? Using them for fighting? No way ! I use them to build houses ! I am using Metapod's and Kakunas's harden for hardening the concrete, Magicarp is splashing water into the concrete mix, Koffing...

Discussing the original gameboy game: Magicarp, Kakuna, Metapod, Psyduck, Koffing, Pikachu

Ash Ketchum, because I gotta catch´em all and Pikachu is OP ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYeHPFR3f0

Sad, when even INTPs close their eyes to avoid truth. Even more sad when they are advocates of the system.

I think that INTPs have a really huuuuuge capacity for personal growth, when I self evaluate my progress over the years, I am developing big times and getting better and better shape every year. ...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvWCdnkPkPE Nuff said.

Hmm, interesting, usually I jump into a conversation of strangers in the same cases as you do a/ if correction needs to be made b/ if I am knowledgeable on the subject and can deepen their insight c/...

OMG, perc disrupts capslock? Well played, my message got killed :D It bothers me and if it is combined with other mistakes it is even better.....

If you were not allowed to have a soul you wouldnt have one. Humans are really programmable to a high degree, it is interesting to think about how real is the you that you consider being...

My sister took the full dose of musical talent and left me nothing. I dont remember lyrics, it sounds terrible but I do it once in a while, when I am sure nobody is within 50 km radius. If I...

http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/1f/1fb5af92bf30e58e1f0c293bd572fd666e0714e3_full.jpg It is me, and I have went like that to the university one day :D

There was this book like 700 pages of BEST jokes, I havent laughed at any of that shit seriously so lame, it wasn´t funny.

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpjc2igEEG1qjbypxo1_500.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EBfxjSFAxQ


Not really, I was always different, never understood the stupid people around me. It goes like that since childhood. Was bullied at age of 5 when I had no support (I was on a trip without parents...'