
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'You find it hurtful that she isn't friends with you?

Why do you care?

It's not your supervisors problem. Why do you care? Sometimes some people just don't get along, and thats not going to change no matter how old you get.

In terms of speed, over a year you can build up a lot of it. And a year is a short time in spacial terms.

Whats ridiculous about it? Apply said energy over the space of a week, month, year? You can get going pretty quick.

Most people have looked into them, and all scientific evidence points to the fact that it's complete bull excrement. Thinking something is stupid based on scientific evidence isn't close minded.

Nothing wrong with being indecisive. My degree progression in the last three years looks like: Mech Engineering/Science Theoretical Physics/Psych Applied Chemistry Human Movement/Biomedical...

The only impression your professor has of you is your poor marks in the first few assessable items of the semester. She reacted accordingly. Just talk to her about your workload and why you might be...

I didn't realise that we were having a competition.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/945075_644698075546994_673514836_n.jpg I'm up a tree, your argument is invalid. And the stroking of the beard. ...

Precision to front flip. Last person to ask me that was chain smoking and eating a burger...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q77/s720x720/1045190_631862330158520_2043064906_n.jpg Doing a jump.

Unless you've been living under a rock for the last months or so, you would've heard about Daft Punk's new album due for release in May. They released the first single earlier today, and I'm curious...

Not at all. This is just an observation of things that come naturally to warm, welcoming people.

I don't think other people would take kindly to having their pictures posted on the internet...

YAY! The government pays my university fees!

Thank you.

Have you burst from anyones chests recently?

Not a bad way to spend my birthday. http://i.imgur.com/CYBKa.jpg?2 http://i.imgur.com/pLbwd.jpg?2

People who talk about finding themselves will never do it. A person has to choose what they want to be, and forge themselves into what they truly want to be in their life. I think pride parades...

Set free from religion, and now worship Jesus.


http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-b.ak/hphotos-ak-ash4/425651_536631779681576_1355213628_n.jpg Sleepy after a hard day of being an INTP.

I do. And thats a fact.

Really necessary? :dry: Well, you did better than me. :laughing:

We do, but this is not a new idea, it is old, and frankly, while I can't speak for everyone, most of us are bloody sick of it.

As opposed to what? Hey why did this happen Well, I can't think of a reason, therefore God must've done it But... IT WAS GOD! Besides, these theories aren't particularly well...

So.... You're too lazy to research reasons as to why they would spin differently? Its well accepted that one or more impacts shifted Uranus' axis of rotation. As to venus, two theories exist....

I tried to rise up to the dare, I really did. I got through 7 WHOLE MINUTES of the video. But as soon as he started claiming that evolution was satan's way of tricking humanity, I nearly punched a...

What theories? These are not theories, they are the ramblings of hyper religious idiots. I've challenged creationist claims in other threads on this and other forums. I've come to the conclusion that...

Well I just posted in the INTJ thread of this. But it's still ridiculous, the guy has no idea about anything.

I almost had hope, maybe it would be someone saying the bible is compatible with science, until: about 30 seconds in. You'd think these people would just realise what a joke they are to the...

Smile she said, you'll look great she said.  http://m.ak.fbcdn.net/sphotos-e.ak/hphotos-ak-snc7/301107_10151177405757921_621845717_n.jpg

Come on. I'm an INTP, and I'm keen to meet up. :happy:

You'll find out most of us do both.

Am I the only one that listens to the analogies to God and Jesus in Christian rock and finds them ludicrously homo-erotic and weirdly arousing?

That song is the pure embodiment of why I despise much of todays mainstream music and the people that blindly swallow its premade garbage.

INTP: Anything I can close my eyes and lose myself in, regardless of genre. Examples include: Tchaikovsky's 6th (Classical) Infected Mushroom - Heavyweight (Experimental Trance) Ivan...


When they hurt themselves. If only there where a convenient word, possibly germanic, to describe the feeling I get from watching that.

Happy with any of those places, with a preference for mexican. The lion has really awesome hot wings as well.

I've have an excedingly short temper when it comes to religions. Specifically christianity. After one of my close friends committed suicide due to the fact that her family and church group had...

I like beers, meeting up, and skydiving. All at once! Seriously though, all those dates are good for me, and I'm up for anything.

I would say that an Atheist can act in ways similar to a religious person. But I would still disagree with it becoming almost religious.

I'm an atheist. And I can say science is not a sacred text, anyone who believes so is oxygen deficient, science can be questioned changed and reshape. The very opposite of a sacred text. I also...

Skyrim, not that good....  http://commonsenseatheism.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/head-asplode.png

Fallout, Skyrim, Dishonoured?

I would have to say that it would be ENTP's. After all, trolling is an science.

I probably won't be able to go through your entire argument without exploding into a ball of rage. But I am going to take this, successful design. If there is a designer, he is seriously...

Man, the amount of shit I've copped from anime nerds because I prefer it dubbed. I hate subtitles, you miss half the show with them.'