'Beware ye, there be thought experiments lurking in these deep waters.
It depends on the person, but there's certainly some common ground and the potential for wonderfully absurd conversations. An INFP could coax many a secret out of me and keep it like their own......
Of course i had to google image search that. Cool shit man.
Oops, i had been pronouncing your name in my head as 'anar-kite-k-tur'. Wtf. Do i feel silly.
I feel kinda weird about dumping this here, but it's sort of appropriate and i just re-discovered the word file earlier today. After reading it i felt a little guilty that i had just let it die and...
hylogenesis Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne!!!!!! I think so. If the death rate was zero we'd be overpopulated in a very short space of time. Although, if we just kept making more and more...
I have a natural inclination to dislike ESTJ's, i did not feel that towards her at all. Trust my prejudice guys, she's ixtp Most likely 'one of us'.
Man, i wish that stuff was readily available here. I need to jack my productivity up, the graphs flatlining at the moment.
The Thick of It and Peep Show are two gems from the UK. TToI in particular is filled with amazing dialogue and the most creative use of swear words eveeer, hands down.
stuff after reading that i looked at your picture and, man, it was like you were staring deep into my soul.
In the 'Meditations', Descartes actually addresses the idea that dreaming calls into doubt beliefs about our own true nature and about what sort of things actually exist. He uses it as one of the...
The great wall of vagina? I'll get my coat...
anarchitektur great song man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrF6LEWy6bo
I feel ya bro, when i was younger this guy called me Larusso and it stuck for a few years. To be fair i liked it, way more badass than the irish folk singer i was actually named after.
Hahah fuck Kant and his drones, that dude sounds like the anti-christ. You, on the other hand, sound like the type of freeballing hero this town needs. Sock it to em Eddieboy!
If there was some sort of competition for procrastination, how would the winner be decided? How do you procrastinate at procrastinating? Is this a paradox? Should i be studying?
Hullo. I have a fuckload of spare time, most of it is spent wiki-hopping or documentary watching. I prefer to passively absorb random information as opposed to actively researching a specific...
'peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god' - Kurt Vonnegut. Whenever someone asks me to do anything out of the ordinary i hear this in my head and say fuck it, let's go. It's a...
Ahh well the simple answer is to not be so hard on yourself, but that is the end result of an overall change in mindset and doesn't address your question as well as it might. I think the feeling of...
Yep, i think after an intial emotional connection (or leak) we are prone to retreat, analyse and agonise over every shitting, little detail. Most other people don't do this, which may mean they...
I'm always thinking of what else i could be doing which makes me get bored with just doing one thing. But i sort of hop between things quite impulsively as a cure for this boredom, so i guess it...
I quite often scream insults at the idiots on the news. I don't know if that's the same thing though because technically i'm talking to them.
I think it's a good idea man.
I found a poem in one of my notebooks that i'd forgotten about and it used the phrase 'permanent facade'. It stuck in my head when i was signing up, and it kinda fits the whole anonymity thing we...
Progressive libertarian. Technically. But i'm not a voter, because currently that changes nothing. Even if voting did matter, i'm not entirely sure what would be achieved by my idea of the perfect ...
thx 4 sharing, made me LOL
Nah according to wikipedia it's around 8,000, but compared to the city i live in now, over half a million, it might as well be a few interconnecting caves and a campfire.
Apparently you have never been to my small town before.
City. For the convenience of 24 hour shops and readily available drugs. There's also usually a more progressive attitude and you're choice of friends isn't restricted by distance.
Sorry to disagree, but i think the addition of 'entity' gives it a little more panache. If anything it makes your name better simply by association. Also, if ambiguous entity ever says anything...
I saw a ghost in an elevator once, it was floating right behind this girl. I got so scared i froze stiff and shit my pants. The girl just stared at me for the longest time.
Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others. -Ambrose Bierce.
As long as you're not making fun of his dead brother i think you're safe. But what's the point arguing with people who can't do rationailty anyway? It's pushing a cow up an escalator, sisyphus style....
I organise my study time based on how loud my inner monologue is screaming 'oh fuck'. The decibel level usually increases exponentially with each passing day before an exam. I have tinnitus.
I dunno about you guys, but where i'm from if you try it after 12 noon, then the joke is on you. Stupid rule. I don't wake up till way after then so i usually miss out on the fun
Being labelled a 'lazy genius' does nothing other than placate my ego. Good grades - oh i'm really intelligent. Bad grades - meh, circumstance. But, the bottom line is that hard work is just as...
Same brah. I remember coming across this: http://personalitycafe.com/intp-forum-thinkers/4763-25-varieties-intps.html and my result was 'deadhead', maybe there's something to it... Don't think...
So, i was daydreaming in class today and found myself taking part in an anti-lizard/capitalist revolution; hacking government computers and gunning down chinooks simultaneously. Fantasy clearly. But...
If, in my opinion the relationship was open and i mentioned the other girls and you didn't say anything. Yep! Obviously i'd be aware of potential concerns, but actual ones? Unless you were to bring...
Yeah, you should definitely deal with any trepidations you might have (especially with other girls coming over), try and make sure you are both on the same page with regards to the 'relationship' (or...
Tread carefully my friend, the more badass you are now, the more crippling the analysis of your actions later. Ti yields to noone.
I'm occasionally right about things, but it's easy to get carried away and think you're mystic meg. We are predisposed to remember all the times when we correctly predicted something and we give them...
I get you. Your whole post sort of encapsulated a feeling i've had for a while now, especially the last year or so. Not exactly sure what it is though, kind of like a prevailing sense of...
Hmm, lying and coming up with some touchy feely bullshit to make them feel better is the socially acceptable thing and that's what they expect (i think). I just freeze and make weird facial gestures...
Father? Is.. is that you?
Did you read the thing you quoted? I'm referring to the part where it said 'i never troll' in particular.
I never troll. That being said, OP is a fag.
Fuck, i'm 20 now. It doesn't even seem real having a 2 at the front of my age, i can't hide behind teenage angst or post-puberty blues anymore. Do i really have to start acting like an adult? Like a...
32473 Awkwardly standing in the kitchen at parties since the big bang.'