
Analysts INTP

Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

'and this ^ idea will change, in 3, 2, 1...

u are right it is like I might be bipolar jeez, hope not:shocked:

^ this is your opinion

In2itive why is she reacting like this?

lol you're just feeding your procrastination in order to act, you have to be less aware. You do not think, you do. DO DO DO What you fucking gonna do? Doesn't matter. DO DO ...

Tonight I had made a hard decision for which MMORPG I should be start playing with my friend. I picked Forsaken World, why? It can run on my prehistorical computer and it's free. arrghh Was it a...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zklqr1xj32Q if this is not amazing, then what it is?

WiFi points, so I can feel less awkward parks. I love chilling in parks, but I need a perfect spot. Not too crowded, not too wide opened, you know... and here, ofc. the INTP subforums

I, ah It is hard to say. I will give you a secret. I cannot sleep. I can't stop thinking. And I'm doing this thing... I imagine stories, characters, ideas, even the idiotic thoughts, and create...

I believe this is the reason why, after all these idiot, moronic beings did, I still put hope in them. Are you as afraid as I am, that we won't find love? What Erudis said is so true, in my...


my first hook up was by making her write her answer on my cell phone. Because I was so shy, I 've wrote my question and then handed it over my mobile. Forever alone, now

it's not an illusion created by our brains it's an idea invented by man as religion *grabs pop-corn*

What would be the main goals for an INTP? //because, in my case, I won't create any goals unless it's in my own use. My only goal and biggest, is to live this country. But in order to achieve...



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34ZtT4Th9Ys stupid society

It usually happens. I'm pro at it Q_Q  I was thinking,  http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6tf9qNJY41r9i4veo1_500.jpg

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Owg-NaUoHHo //Random fact. I'm used to turn pain/sadness/depression into hatred towards the world and/or myself.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7NdBIA4zJg Why there cannot be peace? Just love and happiness. I hate humanity and its condition. I want my freedom. I don't bear hatred, but against myself....


haha funny post

my prehistorical cavern can't handle DotA2 Q_Q but I used to be very good at dota, 'till I discovered LoL. Now all I know is QWER


I never had a girlfriend fml :frustrating:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfC3eVjmpfo artificial jellyfish made by a sheet of silicone and rat heart cells

in every game I play, I like to support my team or sacrifice and go as a tank. as in tf2, the doctor/the engineer as in dota/lol, the healer/auras/warder I played wow, only because my best...

today it was a fucked up day I woke up at 3:50 pm ate something, watched an episode from Lie to me Then, around 5:30 pm I went to play football I sucked. And then, I snapped. I got so mad...

rainy days. it's sound it's music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7Z7USWo2Lk ah, huh

you do not live in the past. lol you are here all of your current actions will be gone. Unless they are kept as a remembrance, into an archive.

It's me, after spending too much with no electricity

right handed, male

ow, well put!

happy birthday!

jokes like ^ because are put in a logical way

idk who are the other two in correlation with personality types the raptor must be INTP, what could be the other two?

It works like this http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/238/114/a28.jpg Let me feed your paranoia http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Conspiracy_7f805f_2922079.jpg...

Pro: succeeds to walk in public con: wonders wtf is he doing there

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ9yn8vLdig Orgasmic!

she's awesome! yet, can't beat my Hermione

i like your optimism i am paranoid, only when I'm not sure of my calculus, theories, assumptions. It's kinda irrational to believe you're being followed. It seems, to me, that you lack...

that's schizophrenia 1. The Real World: Mental Hospital Edition This is the true story of three schizophrenics, who all believed they were Jesus Christ. It wasnx92t long before they stopped being...

I'm going trough the same shit. I don't want to be like my father. But doesn't matter which path I'm taking, seems to bring me towards the same end. That INFP had right... What you try to change...

Happy birthday! Here's a cake. Easy vanilla cake and syrup mix 100g white chocolate Basic vanilla buttercream mix 12 giant chocolate buttons , 6 cut in half treat-size pack chocolate...

:unsure: I'm too introverted. I'm ashamed of myself.

wherever I'll be living, I want there to be joy and peace ah, this neighborhood...

FigureSkater u must be a fan of Hurts or Depeche Mode if not, I am. haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHwnO2RW_r4

i had a so called crush. it made me wish for more. I wanted to be a man. on Oct the 31st, I'll be a man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hdL65J8m9A'