'Might I be artistic? I appreciate style, Physical, and linguistic, So I'll try to beguile From within rhythmic theme With a shitty rhyme scheme.
I'm not terribly reserved in truth. Usually some peice of sarcasm is enough. Morally, though, there are a few topics I'll shout about. At school I often find my peers are rather censorial, and don't...
First of all, Truman was not in office at the time. It was Roosevelt. So regardless of whether or not he had prior knowledge the war was well on by the time Truman came to power. So what would you...
It's tragic that it happened, but in Truman's shoes, it was the only call. Sacrifice millions of American soldiers. Soldiers who didn't want to fight in a war, who didn't choose to be soldiers. The...
See if you can pick up a copy of any of Dr. Paul Eckman's books. Quite technical but good for this sort of thing. He also cites his studies, and peers clearly and simply. Then there's Keirsey's...
I went through a similar awakening a few years back. (I was also in high school.) I just cut them all out, I changed schools shortly thereafter, because that school was more convenient. I'm happier...
That's inconsistent in one person, let alone a whole type. Sometimes I'll eat like a starving hellbeast, others like a dainty eighteenth century narcissist. Of course that's a farcry from empiricism,...
Last movie I watched was a documentary on Hunter S. Thompson. I don't wnt to live his life, I've my own that promises just as much if I grab it. Last fiction movie I saw was some shitty High School...
Well the words 'vampire archetype' are quite vague. In the sense of Vampires versus Werewolves (Where vampires represent hihgher order cognition and a shirking of instincts, and werewolves represent...
The average INTP's entire social strategy is chameleon-mode. Basically adapting traits, and/or mannerisms of your conversation partner to maximize vibage. Find common ground, look less condescending.
That's probably, because Female INTJ is a very rare occurance in the set of INTJ. I believe the male to female ration is 4:1. Maybe more.
My first reaction is spite. Nothing personal, you see, just poor association. Once I muscle my way through the gut reaction, however, I find ENFPs quite charming. You're generally quite entertaining....
I very much like this experiment, and think I may do the same soon for a variety of reasons. As you are requesting the reasoning behind our conclusion that eliminating bias is impossible I will...
Knowledge and power are the same thing. And in this context love is a selfish choice. When you could choose the capability to aid people who've not the basic amenities of life, choosing love, is...
Knowledge, power, wealth, or love? Well two of those things are the same, and love is poorly defined and selfish. Wealth will help you meet the nessecities, but an excess is doesn't make you happier....
I studied the fuck out of this a while ago. It's an amusing party trick, but little else in the way of practicality. Though, 'tis incredibly useful in certain thought experiments, and entertaining to...
So I'm not the only INTP secretyly in love with INFJs? That comforting.
I would dance, if I could dance, but I cannot. I would like to learn, though.
I think that, for the most part, for a species to have reached a point of interplanetary colonization it would have to have a moral structure that values intelligent life. I think that, otherwise,...
I'm a bad 'people person,' not because I'm an introvert, but because I've no desire to talk about things that don't interest me, and I don't share many common interests with the common man. The only...
Foremost be free. Give us reign, don't be offended too easily. Or easily at all. Or have an average threshhold of offense. If we feel like we can be completely honest, then we'll love you. Part of...
I'm nto going to give advice on the things you didn't ask. Letters are meaningful. I prefer writing and recieving letters than other forms of communication. At least when it's something of this...
I've only taken it once. I failed the writing portion but I've had a lot of official and competitive recognition of my writing. I would like to become a writer. Then, of course, the math section...
I'm a bit of a brony myself, but I'm not quite like that. Though let me posit my hypothesis, I believe it is a part of the urge to be a part of a counter-culture. To stand out.
What were your teen years like? Awkwardness and misery. General aloofness, and sadness. Not all permeating, mind, just omnipresent. I have extreme difficulty actually working in school. I'm a senior...
I can conjure up very few examples right now, actually, but one of my favorites is definately Lo. It's super low-budget, shot almost entirely on a black soundstage. It's an exellent example of...
I once had what was, essentially, a month long discussion on exactly how I would take a woman, and exactly how she would respond to each situation before I realized she was interested in me...
A partner that's smarter than me? Well not for long. I will rise to her level. I love being challenged, I will be smarter for it, and I will do my best to challenge her.
I get bored. That's usually why I drop friends. Often we just grow apart. Sometimes they just get way too dramatic. As an example, I've one friend who jumps from supposed serious comitted...
I'm in. I'm waist deep. Chest deep. Drowning. In my commitment, I mean. I've been meaning to write more lately, and have been considering it as a career path. Even if it's bad it's practice....
I'm doing pretty well, I think. Or maybe I'm not really an INTP. I've not heard any of these in years. But I do have a few good ones from lately. While looking someone in the eye: You scare me....
School was always difficult for me. The subjects were simple, enough. I would quickly absorb all relevant data, and use it to form futher opinions and notice deeper phenomena within the subject. But...
I like it. It's pretty accurate.
You say you look like Mila Kunis? Is he gay? This is a legitimate question, mind you. On average, gay men, regardless of MBTI, will not want to date any woman. Up next I recommend you take a look...
Ask them directly. Our body language is simple, and easy to read for the most part. It's just that feelings themselves are impossible to decipher for them.
My eye rings are so dark they absorb light nearby. Everything within a foot of them looks darker.
As soon as I saw the OP my first thought was, super-robot/Computer. Superbrain that can repair itself and make improvements? Yes please. Or ecstacy. Not the drug the emotion. I feel that would be...
>ESFJ Well this is novel. Anyway, he seems to be interested, from the data you've given. That may be skewed, however, by wishful thinking. If you've plenty in common, you've a lot to work with....
Look for somebody who's in a semi-public place. (He's probably there more out of feeling compelled to socialize than a desire to do so.) Doing an essentially non-social activity. Internet, book,...
Ecstacy graduating into confusion which invariably ends in general self-loathing. That may be a fault of my own. Love is subordinating fact to perception. Or perhaps that's infatuation? If that is...
My little brother is an ESFJ. To say that I am unlike my little brother, is the same as saying I am unlike a slug. There is no real overlap. I saw the child throw away one hundred dollars he didn't...
Right now I'm digging through al of Hitchen's article's on Vanity Fair again. He'll give me another tangent to follow after that. I'm also reading Redshirts right now. Highly recommended. Several...
Have no doubts about it lad, the friendzone exists, and it is a cold place to be. Also it should be said that nice has very little to do with the equation. It is the implications behind being nice....
Primarily I would say that you should have enough in common to enjoy the other's company, but enough difference to stay entertaining. To make you experience new things. Apart from that keep the...
Try taking this to INTPforum. They're a bit more specialized, and from my observations, have older posters.
Rule one: Look intimidating. I never really got teased much. When I was younger I did, and my mother taught me how to handle it. Don't react, it shuts them up. Limited self-deprecation it takes the...
Friends? Where do you buy 'em?
Photons are a thing. /Thread
From your description I'd type her as an ENFP. But that's not what is important. What is important is that she's either pathetic, or a monster. Either way it's only pitiable for you to continue...
I brood. I shut myself off and brood. Sometimes I'll turn off all the lights lie down and brood. Sometimes I'll brood on a walk. Usually I don't wear headphones as it distracts from my thoughts,...'