'(somewhat off-topic) We're all already living in virtual reality. Our brains take sensory input provided by our senses and create a coherent virtual reality we perceive as 'real'. The brain even...
Not really poetry, more like lyrics to non-existing music I guess. It's what I scribble when I'm bored in school, just play around with words, that sort of stuff. Never posted my stuff anywhere...
I'll tolerate a lot.. apart from abuse of authority and unnecessarily being a dick in general. The tree that doesn't bend, breaks. The tree that bends too far is already broken.
Absolutely nothing stays in my mind as well as useless memories or knowledge. Not like I can ever remember anything relevant or important though.
Tolerance isn't just some abstract ideal to strive for, it's a practical way we generally live our life. Most people are member of some identifiable group of people or minority. (from...
I smoke weed once in a while (whenever I have any really, but I don't really care if I don't). Drink if it's a night out in pubs but that's not too often. Smoked cigarettes for a year but quit, after...
I'll go out a lot of the time if I'm asked to, as long as it's an environment that allows for conversation. Once there I'm reserved for a while, then when I get more comfortable I'll be able to talk...
Especially if after searching for 30 minutes, the item in question is in the only place that it makes sense for it to be in for other people. Personally I suck at looking for things if someone else...
Lack of motivation stemming from disillusionment in society (stemming, in turn, from reading a lot and not just the normal angst you see from young people?). It feels like even if I cured cancer and...
I used to be an extreme hermit, but during the last year or so I've managed to start enjoying social gatherings somewhat. I feel like being in a relationship has allowed me to be more in touch with...
Sometimes when I walk around deep in my thoughts I almost lose my balance and fall into a ditch or whatever (if I'm walking next to one obviously)... my friends find it funny, I used to think of it...
Description fits almost perfectly to someone I know 90% surely to be an ENFP.
1.) Do you read entire books orally? No 2.) What’s your opinion on audio books? What are your favorites? Why not? Good for travels (mp3 player) and enables people who don't traditionally read...
Can't recall all conversations on command. If they were interesting, intimate or memorable for some other reason I'll probably remember them quite well. I do sometimes find myself remembering a...
I think our love for theories and mental models can turn against us. When we receive new data, we will try to first implement it into our existing model of how the world works. If that model includes...
Sarcasm is hard to pick up in written communication, but sometimes it seems like the vast majority of people are oblivious to it in real life as well. 100% deadpan delivery doesn't help a lot. I...
Guess I could be called a social democrat. In the United States I'd be called a godless hippie commie faggot, that's for sure. I believe that capitalism is the only viable way to generate wealth, but...
When so what are you thinking about? is a hard question, purely because honestly... you're not that sure yourself anymore. Most of the time I like how my brain goes off on random...
It's like my brain is in overdrive 24/7 where it creates indecision, random thought tangents etc. When shit hits the fan, brain kicks it up a notch and makes multiple serious snap decisions without...
That's exactly why I wouldn't recommend it. The main character, who is an obvious self-insert, only has one thing you can really call a character flaw, and even that is being clumsy, which is...
Looking at the other programming, I find it to be one of the greatest human achievements that they managed to out-fake all other television with 'reality'-tv. edit: I'm not opposed to a format...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LCwI5iErE :happy:
Sony Vegas is nice, recommend it.
Nah, I just see what's bullshit and don't bother with it. :tongue: But yeah, I've been meaning to do the dishes for weeks now...
I agree analyzing would be the better term, as problem-solving implies there's a specific problem with a specific solution to be found. Real life problems and abstract thoughts aren't usually like...
100 minute lessons with maybe 20-35 minutes worth of actual substance drive me out of my mind. It also seems people are awful at recognizing stupid, useless busywork and will jump at the chance to do...
Stalker, an absolute classic and arguably one of the finest films made. Let The Right One In, the best vampire movie of the decade comes from Sweden.
(pics are big cause im lazy) I got dragged along when the global marijuana march happened, got a few pretty sweet shots from there. ...
You're either trolling or just full of shit, either way I feel like I'm wasting my time here.
I'm not in a depressed state, I used to be. I have also talked to several doctors, patients and psychologists. That video is talking about 'depression', that is, feeling blue, feeling like crap....
That is not what causes depression and neither is any one thing. There is no miracle cure, there is no way to avoid getting depressed by acting in a certain manner. Quoted part shows great ignorance...
So I can fix malfunctioning brain chemistry by thinking happy thoughts? Cool. You don't realize a person with depression can't change their state of mind, that's why they're depressed and not...
Looking at the position of our posts it might look like I was addressing you, but I guarantee that it wasn't intentional, it's just something that generally annoys me a lot (and got reminded by your...
Anyone claiming you can get out of clinical depression by changing the way you think or just cheering up or whatever clearly has never been very depressed. As someone who has, I am annoyed at our...
I like video games, probably since they're one of the few things I'll freely admit to being very, very good at. They allow me to let go of over analyzing and go with pure intuition and reflexes....
I don't know what I'm doing 10 hours from now, not even going to try 10 years :tongue:
The problem is you need to already like movies to see good movies - anyone just grabbing a movie by random is going to be sorely disappointed, generally speaking. There are movies that are effective...
I used to play quite a lot of sports when I was younger, stopped and now am starting to play soccer with friends etc again. Healthy body, healthy mind I guess. I just couldn't enjoy playing in real...
First you start tripping and then you die, feeling like you're transitioning to another dimension, universe, heaven, hell or whatever. This is the coolest idea about what happens when you die to...
The only dream I remember is one from a year back or so, when I was getting crucified to a moving train (operated by some ancient South-American indian tribe). The train was made of birds. After they...
Having paramilitary police raid people who grow weed (not to fund organized crime) is like the fire brigade setting fire to your house and putting it out. Sure, the fire's out but there wasn't a real...
How does that work? Illegal -> criminals sell weed -> criminals acquire guns Legal -> criminals don't sell weed -> criminals can't use this income to acquire guns I don't get the underlying...
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Just like there was a reason alcohol was prohibited in many countries, it doesn't mean it was a good idea and it doesn't make...
To be fair this is highly reliant on what you smoke (some will make you speed up, some will make you slow down).
The only thing that can without much effort switch my thinking overdrive off with are hobbies (or whatever) where you have to learn a lot of smaller actions that fit within a larger framework of...
When I was a kid I used to be pretty naive, after a while you get used to seeing how much better the world could be, how it could become that way and that no one else seems to give a shit. Turns a...
TED is just all kinds of wonderful. ...
While we're posting videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayaGk0TMDc LEAP is a wonderful organization and should get much more publicity.
Painlessly, no matter swift or slow. A total surprise with no time to register would be nice I guess. Preferably not alone, it's a shame hospitals generally don't have rooms for terminal patients who...
Why Pot is Illegal Racism and profits are a reason I guess. I'd also like to add that decriminalization in Portugal has caused the HIV-infection rates to collapse, halved the number of hard drug...'