'I was 6 or so, and my teacher had us copying and solving math problems from the board. I finished very quickly, and occupied myself while the class finished. When we regrouped, children were called...
Query-poser: Who are you? Me: (Stares intently into the eyes of the questioner, becoming stiff and motionless upon hearing. Remains gazing until an understanding is established: ‘there is no...
I prefer to keep my objects minimalized, so my space is pretty tidy.
It is possible that the gap between my time-frames has to do with the numbers themselves; I can't think of any reason why 10-12 shouldn't be just as well as 8-10 and 12-2, but it's been rejected.
May I interest anyone in a bottle of tears? I started collecting tears on one of the many occasions where someone becomes vulnerable in my presence. They're fools, really; I don't know why anyone...
I am irritated by driving, amusement parks, and taking the same vacation plans routinely.
My neglecting to elaborate constitutes some denial of other evidence which I'm assumed to have assumed trifling, or hadn't the capacity to recognize at all.
I become consumed with the awareness of illnesses I didn't come in with!
Here's one! This thread was designed as fuel for a group of conspirators in need of new ideas.
If you entered a room and I was near the door, you'd hang your coat on me.
While out on a walk, I noticed an ink-drawn paper sign on somebody's front door. It read, “Do Not Disturd.” Naturally, I held it.
“So, are we trading suggestions now, or what? I'm bursting with good ideas!”
I have so many abstract cats, I can't even count them all.
I had a friend whose INTJ dad worked ceaselessly to make me blush whenever I came over. The reddening of my ginger skin seemed his purest delight. That last sentence, removed from context, could...
What constitutes a lack of thought?
I've lost my sense of age. Let us indulge our tastes for wine and cheese while we discuss this phenomenon.
Sheep with staffs.
Delete; I meant to post this in the thread about what pisses us off.
Ah, the rush of crime.
You are publicly humiliated, but earn redemption through your manner which proclaims, x93That didn't just happen. No, I'm serious.x94
I am not perceived as being socially skilled, because my social skills do not match social customs. They are fairly refined, and I thus become appalled to observe what is ‘common sense,’ along with...
I was sent out to purchase plums, and I accidentally bought nectarines. *fist enters drywall*
A scant rain is causing an open window to drool into a makeshift curtain. They make the sound of delicate osculation. It is pleasant. This window is my subsequent occupation to feeling poorly.
The one who is drowning, of course.
“The cinema,” blurts the brain. “It's almost a box! And it has a big picture!” Hush, kid. I'm trying to watch.
I don't like those at all. Actually, I find it endearing to be addressed formally.
Insanity and the INTJ . . . Here. Have my P-ness.
There are people in this world whose suicides I worry will be realized. There are books in this world whose contents I worry I will not.
I'm too sexy for this party. (♪♫♪♫)
The coinage of escapism, sincerely.
Look for ways to troll.
When boxing up your books is both a joke and a game. Here's a box for your books, is the joke. Tetris, folks, is the game.
I lead from the shadows, emanating a warm, fresh cookie smell.
That's . . . precisely it.
I'd like a hero.
It's a seasonal flower, this particular sorrow. How could I have forgotten my summertime melancholy?
Right outside the door of a cultural center.
You're very welcome, of course. How did you come to that realization? Edit: . . . Woah. Masculinity.
An INTP liked it? EQUALLY IMPOSSIBLE. I had been trying to figure something out, and when it didn't work, I replaced it with a period. It was text-formatting stuff.
I wouldn't punish my child for swearing. I think I might've seen you early this evening, nezumify. You looked like your profile picture.
To imagine one's troubles as they'd appear in a Disney animation is a certain comfort. E.g., Coffee is spilled into my lap. I imagine myself leaping to my feet and flicking the glossy, steaming...
You only disappoint Ceiling Cat, evidently. Unless he's into that.
Hope is a watched object of mine.
I callous my fingers with my teeth. That way, I can only mumble, and have a single unoccupied strangling hand.
When you fall asleep and miss important engagements. (This isn't my first infraction. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm shitty.)
It haunts me to carry a lie. That said, I carry as many truths in my special sneaky sack of secrecy as . . . well, anyone. Any person with a large sack in their possession.
Accurate descriptions, indeed. Thank you for your search.
Yes, pardon me.
I have experienced sleep paralysis, though I am certainly conscious when this happens. I don't think I'm poisoned. It doesn't frighten me, normally. Do psychopaths often scare themselves?'