'About 80% Bernie. I thought that might be due to me being biased towards his positions since they are very much inspired by the social models of the Nordic countries, but it's interesting to see that...
I actually thought this thread was going to be about identifying as different isomers of organic molecules that contain pi bonds.
This joke is getting pretty old at this point.
I'd like to think that Trump says the things he does to deliberately appeal to the republican audience without seriously entertaining those notions himself. Too bad I can't bring myself to believe...
I'm certainly not the most handsome guy around but I've always found it difficult to understand how much time and money people are willing to spend for sake of appearance. Of course, it's a different...
I personally find the lyrics of this song to be quite fitting for the purpose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KckCsw_JyJI
The people who just read this forum and never post a word.
I thought this would serve as decent background music. Then he started talking.
Just post the link to the video, it should get embedded automatically. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWE_M0CX9So Lindemann did not dissappoint.
Nulcear missile base. More of a location than a situation, but the situation will follow from this.
Libraries would be a pretty good bet. However, people don't go to libraries to talk with people. And INTPs don't go anywhere to talk with people.
I was about to say that nothing on the first page indicated that my statement would be untrue but I double checked and found the necessary clarification. My mistake.
I'm just amazed at the fact that you can still get paid in cash.
This doesn't neccessarily have much to do with INTPs but you might find this interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNznD9hMEh0&feature=youtu.be
it's 1 a.m., you don't have any work to do and you think I should fix myself another cup of coffee.
I still buy physical albums on occasion, so I use the DVD drive to rip those. I also play some old games that I bought back when digital distribution wasn't a thing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Aside from the sentence being grammatically broken, it seems to imply safe stagnation is preferable to advancement.
I was quite impressed by the new Nightwish album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJb3xwtpmmc
I'd imagine there'd be a severe lack of decent scientific papers.
Some good old Yngwie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4OxW_0qqv8
People who are some of the funniest guys on forums, then suddenly retire.
Neither does emotional pain, under a certain amount. I'm assuming we're considering worst case scenarios in this thread.
Some, but not nearly as much as some people. But I never said that in my post in the first place. All I'm saying is if you imagine feeling constant severe physical pain, it's a hell of a lot worse...
If you think mental pain is worse, you haven't suffered that much physical pain.
Several cups of coffee troughout the day. About a litre or two in total. I'f I have to pull an all nighter I'll have a few bottles of energy drink. I'd love to try the death wish coffee but damn it's...
Or maybe it's misery in the sense that the What are you listening to right now? thread already exists.
I was hoping for something a little more creative than that. 2/10
I know, that one is the best replica that I've seen and the props of the guy who made it (Harrison Krix) can cost you several thousand dollars. The original Disocovery-era helmets Daft Punk used...
Try a Daft Punk helmet
Berserk has all of the things you listed in spades. Watch that series, right now. Same goes for Cowboy Bebop.
Around my friends I'm mostly infamous for my increasingly cynical and/or sarcastic comments.
BREAKING NEWS. I may not give a shit. ...Wait a minute, you think you're not INTP because you had an anxiety attack?
Looks like I'll have to go get more popcorn.
When I need to concentrate I put on my headphones and play calm music or rain noise (rainymood.com). I have no problem with working in silence, but the silence makes it easier to hear sudden...
Yup, my sleeping rhythm is a misnomer.
I'll just quote Tim Minchin: Throughout history every mystery ever solved has turned out to be... not magic.
See the post above yours.
That was more of a joke than a serious statement. Still, in my experience INTJs seem to be a lot more judgemental than INTPs.
I'm playing the devil's advocate here, but one can argue that in a culture where malnutrition is prevalent, an overweight person can be healthier than average. Of course this depends on exactly how...
If I wanted to be happy I'd stop reading the news.'