May I say that this is the most obnoxious piece of music I've heard all day? ESFP
Maybe he likes it hard...
The vocals seem like they would appeal to an Fi dominant, and it also sounds a little emo so I'm going with INFP.
This is the weirdest song I like. Mostly weird because of the lyrics, and also a bit funny. Lyrics: Are we rolling?A one, a two, a three, a four ...
I'm not really into racing games but Driver: San Francisco seems like it has an interesting concept.
IXFX because of the composure and P because of the constant progress in the song.
You smell different when awake. Another variant: Bro, it's a social experiment!
Stevie Nicks' Fleetwood Mac.
I think you should try something from the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind or newer). Although there is a lot of fighting in them, you can't often take breaks, talk to people and find more about the...
ethylene Why is this funny?
When you're having a separate conversation in your head while someone's asking you a question and end up offending them by saying yes.
You only realize how dirty your shoes are when you walk into a shoe shop. One more: If you ever take cyanide, remember to also take a bullet to your head. Just in case. You don't want yourself...
JustMe I like the joke itself but not the caption.
Dyanzo I'll have to thank you for introducing me to this rather interesting subgenre of a subgenre. Any Pink Floyd fans here?
Making threads go bizarre, hurting brains and offending people on accident are all INTP things.
I can't and it makes me genuinely furious.
12 headphone jacks will make for some... interesting parties.
You know you're an INTP when you don't speak up in groups because it's so obvious, everyone must already know it. I don't know if this one was posted already and I really can't know, considering...
I do similar things. I like to run up or down the stairs while singing Beethoven's No. 5 loudly and stepping with every note.
Memeophilic Patrick is actually just a bully if you think about it, not very likable to me. 128
Tom Lehrer.
You know you're an introvert when you say hi to every animal you see but avoid human interaction.
Personal ~ * My real name is Bogdan but I do not prefer it. * Male Location - Serbia Personal(ity) ~