
Sentinels ISFJ

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.

'The giggle fits. Oh my god the giggle fits. I'm a pretty small guy. 5'5 130 lbs and on top of that I'm cursed with the Asian Flush gene so alcohol easily affects me. Aside from the...

Having lived with my ESFJ mother and ESFP sister for all my life I've only recently learned to never argue when their inevitable emotional outbursts show their ugly faces. :P If they ever direct...

Hi! :) http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/404115_359041200815064_810607505_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/539833_355232441195940_1536487342_n.jpg ...

HAHAHA. There's no doubt in my mind Anderson Cooper is definitely the submissive one.

As a gay ISFJ male the gay was strong on that one. Anderson Cooper made my gaydar go off every time I watched him haha. I agree that it's hard to find straight male ISFJs; I know only two male...

I think because some of us are more reserved to strangers we tend to give off a vibe that isn't very ISFJ so it's hard to identify other ISFJs we aren't very close with. I could've sworn my new...

May I join your club of unrequited gay-to-straight love? :( It's only been 3 years for me but the feelings still persist and judging from everyone's posts it'll probably stay with me for a very long...

Meow. My name is Ralph. Hi! I'm a bit of a lurker. :frustrating: I don't really post much but I read these forums from time to time. I like to take comfort from the fact that there are people like...

...unless they mean cuddlesluts! Then why yes, yes I am.

Though an instrumental, this song is my definition of peace. My definition of contentment. My definition of happiness. Something that I strive for in my every day life and during those moments when...

Ugh. Nothing gets me more upset than people being snooty and judgmental. Just reading that annoyed me because I thought of times when that has happened to me or witnessed it happening to other people.

All I know is that ESFJs make great parents. 3 of 4 ESFJs I know are mothers and boy do they love their children and they do the absolute best they can to make their kids happy. One of the ESFJs I...

I'm so sorry to hear that RyRy. :( I empathize with you. My first break up ended similarly to yours with someone who I loved immensely and it crushed me. It took a really long time to get over him...

My smile. :)

This pretty much. It usually takes this or for me to hit rock bottom to motivate me to do anything that logically is what I should do but is not what I want to do.

The first time I heard this song I was covered by so many goosebumps it actually started to hurt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSLdptE5aFw Florence means so much to me. Her first album...

That's a good sign that she is at least interested in you. :) I'm usually not the first to initiate a conversation. Unless I need something from you, a favor, an answer - anything - I probably...

I'm an avid gamer. I started gaming around the Playstation 1 era and it consumed my entire childhood. I used to love RPGs. I played every Final Fantasy game up to 9 until I stopped when they...

Utterly and incredibly submissive.

how commonly do you have people seeking to confide in you or ask for advice/help? Sometimes, more common than I would like. :P I very much enjoy it in controllable doses! Is it a common place...

I would just like to quote all of this for emphasis. My ESTP best friend has gotten a lot better with being emotionally expressive and I'm really happy. It's probably because he's had two really...

Ooh! I just remembered! I didn't actually say how I cope with my feelings now. Hehe. Usually if I'm home I grab some headphones, lie down, close my eyes, shut everything out, clear my mind and...

They say that to you because you ARE awesome! :D

I've actually been pretty good with controlling my emotions lately. Really I just force myself to stop thinking about it. It used to take all of my energy to try to find a happy place when I start...

Yay I'm a pretty fairy! All I do here really is lurk around the forums cause I love reading what everybody has to say. RyRyMini, Mina, firedell, NekoNinja, and letsride always provide good reads....

I don't think this counts huh? Lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwFdi7D2XMk

LOL 10char

Hi Flourish! My name is Ralph. And ummm. ...I'm an ISFP! I'd like to meet more ISFPs too. :) I'm not much of an artist. :( I don't see myself as a very artistic individual. I'm not musically...

You're pretty. :>

Beirut makes such such pretty music. *_* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiq6dreiUms Ex sang me this song. I just about died. So cute! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNGdHme4r2A

Tasks for somebody who doesn't live in my house? Pretend like you don't exist! Phone - OFF. Facebook - LOGGED OUT. MSN - CLOSED. *happily plays video games*

Right now I'm meowing and pawing the air. I was going to just write a bunch of meows down but then I thought that would be weird. *sigh* ...like this is any better. :frustrating:

Embrace your awkwardness and clumsiness! Hehe. :D I'm a bit of a klutz and I've learned to just laugh at myself. Hiding it usually just leads to embarrassment when the awkward decides that it...

I'm sad that I just finished the last of the Dr. Pepper in the house. :[

Someone mashed up Adele and Gnarls Barkley together and it sounds beautiiiiful! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuQCqCdZZ-s

Yay! I read your thread but I didn't post because everything I was going to say has been said already. I'm so glad you were given a second chance! :) My ESTP best friend/ex used to occasionally...

Honestly, those are the only emotions my ESTP best friend has ever shown me...and I'm the only person he confides everything to. We had a discussion/minor argument two days ago actually about his...

Ohhh if only. Hehe. :tongue: Thank you for the responses! I appreciate it. :) He's a lot more cheerful again. We just played video games and talked a lot together and it was a good temporary...

I am most definitely absolutely positively...a kitty. ...meow. :3

Twentyyyyyy!! ? :D

Relevant. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYX_zhlTDr8

I'm 19! :) I turn 20 in a month. PS: For a second I forgot my age and had to think. >_< That can't be good.

I've never participated in any middle/high school dance. I was much too busy being consumed by video games at that point of my life hahaha. No regrets here either! I would've just felt really...

Hi! :) I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. My ESTP best friend has been really down and I want to cheer him up a bit but I don't know the best way to do it. Usually when he's upset he can just...

My best friends are ESFP, ESFJ, and ESTP. They can be extra loud and extra annoying but I love them and I always have lots of fun with them when they manage to pull me out of my cave that is my...

Meow mrow mrow meow meow. :3 MROWWW. ...I'm sorry I feel like a kitty. Do you guys sometimes feel like being a kitty?

Lol! Definitely not inappropriate. I love squishing people's cheeks whenever I find them so freaking adorable but they don't like it. :< I want my cheeks to be squished!

The only time I ever told my ESTP ex about my feelings is when I'm at the point where I've exploded. I didn't want to ever upset him, make him feel bad, or anything to make him feel anything other...

Hmm. Best time to pull away... I think the better option would be to not let yourself get into a situation where you have to pull away from someone. Find somebody close you can confide your...

You guys are all so cute and pretty. :) :) :) These pictures make me smile. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/168420_10150110105838245_780653244_7508829_6134367_n.jpg Yoshi! ...'