
Sentinels ISFJ

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.

'I'm an ISFJ, but whatevs.... 1 -- I'm 31 but I am mistaken for being in my early 20s very often... Too often sometimes to the point I find it obnoxious.... 2 -- I have 3 daughters ages 11, 10...

Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice.. I've been reading some self help books and I think it has been helping me move in the right direction.. Since therapy wasn't working, these...

ESFPs.... Fo sho! I feel like a cat hissing with an arched back anytime I'm around them... They annoy me to no end!! My my husband is an ENTJ... We both have what each other lacks (if that makes...

My husband is an ENTJ and we are very different in regards to how we deal with everyday life.. He's a natural leader and can get tasks accomplished in the quickest and most efficient manner... I, on...

Total madness!!!! For surrrrre


My husband is an ENTJ and he skips lunch a lot at work when he has a lot going on..


Inside-out ENTJs...!!! Love that.. Dude, we've been married for 10 years, he def knows that it takes me a while to figure out what I'm going to say... It just frustrates him...!!! You'd think...

That's fine (but not really fine) Let me know if you need anything! (And you actually mean it!!!) ummmmmmm.... (This is my reaction when I am being judgmental but don't wanna admit it out...

I came out as a Peacemaker Soul... Sounds JUST like me!!!

I took the self test, and according to the results, I am highly sensitive... Merp

I have NO idea what an HSP is.... What is it?!

Strange.... My husband is an ENTJ and wears flip flops, big pants, t-shirts, baseball hats (they are SEXY!!) and has tattoos... And you're right, it's how you wear it...!! He's doesn't need to dress...

Thank you all for this advice.. It's times like these that I wish I had faith in a higher power to help me through this (especially since I don't really have any close friends who live near me right...

I'm currently going through the toughest time of my life :( I can't see myself recovering any time soon... How do you all deal with severe emotional trauma? I went to counseling for like 6...

Ohhhh I need white noise to sleep also....!! Sleeping in silence hurts my ears... Ha!


Whining and crying, fo sho!!!!

Haha!! I can't stand doors opening and closing constantly.. Or crunching of chips right in my ear.. Or disgusting noises that are made with your tongue.. Or silverware hitting plates and bowls over...

My husband is an ENTJ and his mother is an INTJ.. They can have rather deep conversations, but they aren't close.. She has zero regard for his (or anyone else's) feelings.. He also says she just...

Whoa...! Why do you feel like ISFJs in particular invade your privacy? Are you giving them a reason to not trust you?

It depends on what I'm forgiving.. Sometimes I can easily forgive if it wasn't a big deal, and they tried to make amends by apologizing or whatever.. If it's something HUGE that has caused me...

--Arrogance is one of the biggest turn offs for me.. And confidence can come off as arrogance to me sometimes also.. --I hate men who have no self control!!! Men who can't control how much they...

LMAO!!! This is hilarious... Bc I totally hate repeating myself..

Dude, seriously!! I can totally relate to this... I spent 6 years in a place and my husband was gone the last year I was there.. And no one ever called me to see how I was doing while he was gone.....

his weight fluctuates a lot.. But he exercises at least 3 times a week.. And I let him know it bothers me.. It's just odd to me that it's not something that he seems to be able to control... Maybe...

He has at least one double shot of espresso a day.. No sodas or anything throughout the day..

It's very bizarre...!

Whoa.....! My husband doesn't do jobs fast, he just has to find the most efficient way to do it...

This is what I do... And when the hair is super rough or really wavy, I pull it!

hopefully you'll be lucky like me and your metabolism won't slow down..! I have put on alil weight since HS but I was way underweight then... I'm at a healthier weight now... And when I have a job, I...

True that...!

my husband has a crap ton of energy too.. He never stops to just relaaaaaaax.. He's gotta be moving something

Now that sounds like an ENTJ mentality.. Makes sense to me, somehow.. Now if only he'd read your thoughts about it and realize that it's rational thought, and change his behavior... Haha! Probably...

He's definitely not ADHD.. I was just curious if it was something that other ENTJs do..

I always realize I'm doing it... But for whatever reason, I don't stop! Grrrrr

The hubby's an ENTJ and he can't sit still, ever! He has to be moving... Whether it's tapping his fingers or moving his leg from side to side, he HAS to be moving in some way... It drives me crazy!!...

Weird.... Wonder if this is common among ISFJs..?

That makes sense!! That could totally be why I do it.. It's nice to know I'm not alone

I have no idea how we can stop.. It really sux and it's frustrating!! I haven't had a haircut in 18 months bc of it :(

I have trichotillomania (I pull out my hair).. It's supposedly a form of OCD.. I've been doing some form of it since HS.. I hate it! I'm not actively trying to stop pulling.. It's a stress relief...

I didn't care in HS.. I smoked a lot of pot and didn't try.. I still graduated with honors though.. I have done five semesters of college and realized that I am a perfectionist when I actually care!!...

Ohhhh geez.... Ummmm where do I start..? I'll just name some I like in no particular order... 21 Jump Street - Jonah Hill makes me LMAO in that movie.. Hahahaha!! Forrest Gump - it's like a...

I myself never act fake.. I do things for people bc I want to help them! I don't have any other motive.. And honestly if they think my niceness is fake, then they don't know me very well..!

I don't know if there's much you can do about spiral thinking.. I myself am in therapy, and it won't take away all the negative thoughts I have everyday.. I've been like this my whole life... It...

6 is extremely difficult for me....

Yep, that's me too :( I wish I could control it..

I'm actually married and have 3 kids.. Haha! I re-read my post and I made it seem like I was single and what I was saying was what I'm looking for...! Ooooops haha! Mostly everything I said are...

I'm totally guilty of spiral thinking... I hate it about myself!'