
Sentinels ISFJ

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.

'I like to think that nothing's final, and that everyone gets to be together even when it looks like they don't, that it all works out even when all the evidence seems to say something else, that you...

Just music. https://youtu.be/8N-qO3sPMjc

Music https://youtu.be/8N-qO3sPMjc Sounds like a manipulative relationship. Props to you for not falling for it fam'.

Music https://youtu.be/8N-qO3sPMjc

Music https://youtu.be/8N-qO3sPMjc That's kinda funny, I was reading an article on AI and how we're already feeling the affects of AI based programs influencing the average persons...

http://i.imgur.com/LROarXX.jpg Here's to hoping that we take bolder, and brighter steps in the right directions for our upcoming futures. Happy memorial day everyone. Best of wishes.

Holy buckets that looks abysmal. Whoever thought Rompers look remotely allright needs a slap.

Assuming what you said is true @ That you gave him the chance to learn the same skills as his Junior but he still said no and is still mad at his Junior I'd say he didn't like him in the first...

I kinda just chalk Unreliability (without some form of reasoning) to a low form of disrespect. If you said you were going to be at XXX at Whatever time, but you weren't, you show that you don't...

I'd say no since Perpetual motion creates energy while continuing motion. Orbit's caused by Gravity/Magnetic fields and eventually both of those change depending on each objects mass/density, so...

Being with friends/family that I know care about me just as much as I care about them. I kind of melt around my favorite people just by feeling their presence. I feel like I really do belong...

I missed you PerC.   http://i.imgur.com/hTsqi0B.png

You'll get the same replys here you got on the /r/ISFP subreddit so instead of fishing around for an answer you think you deserve, take the answers you're given. If you two were having consistent...

Being told you're appreciated, IMO, matters the most. just tell'em how much they matter. Forthright appreciation is the best imho.

Most N-Types come off as psuedo intellectuals imo. Either way, Happy Easter everyone. Best of wishes.'


What prompts you to heed what someone has to say? A; My amount of respect for their moral integrity and whether they measure up to my own to some degree. I'm down to hear everyone out but there's...

Rant People who ask for more hours at work but then turn around the next few days asking others to pick up the shifts they don't want are the worst kinds of people. From the bottom of my...

Hey, tell mE what you want me to sAY YoU know I'm s t u p i d for you Hey can you come and come out and PlAy ? YoU kNOw I'm s t u p i d for you ...

http://i.imgur.com/H5lE1Cf.jpg I can kind of see it. You might be onto something because now that you say it I sorta get that vibe. He is pretty habitual.

Not ISTJ but my bud and I typically play Dwarf Fortress when we're over at each others house. He's a pretty big fan of Intricate and Immersive RPG's I've noticed. We have alot of the same...

I keep getting caught up in problems whether they're personal, political or just.. emotional/health related. The typical stuff I can't really control, y'know? It kind of just clicked that I...

I can't stand Theoretical math but everything else, IMHO is enjoyable. To an extent I wouldn't wana like.. Get stuck in an office doing it all day or somethin funny.

http://i.imgur.com/acPQS4I.jpg I wouldn't say it's all that innacurate besides maybe the T in ISTP. edit: I thought it over and I suppose the only part I really feel weird about is that it...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J6hxKcYdXg Life's kinda cool somedays when you get past the months of trash leading up to it. I'm ready for more of the good stuff right about now.

http://i.imgur.com/gcbCIEV.jpg Politics suck

How do you enjoy spending your time? Reading, talking to friends, exercising and usually playing videogames. LoL, Tf2 and WoW in specifics. What fictional character do you relate to the most...

Wondering if this is all an ignorant joke, or a plan. @ Trump http://image.prntscr.com/image/2500f070d21d4934b0bc776176bca11f.png So peachy' all things considered.

Yeah. Pence is definitely a bible-thumper but at least he's a spineless one. maybe we could boot his happy butt from office too and get Ron instead.

I'unno man. There's alot of trump voters who have stopped supporting him all together from where I'm from over this Exec. Order. Just give it time. Still think he was a better choice then Hillary...

imho we'd be better off with pence. Or even paul ryan if we can make it that far. I've always liked paul-ryan though so I'm kinda biased.

http://i.imgur.com/ZNw4qHF.jpg u can do it, i beleeb in u


That's like, everyone and everything though. It's kinda funny how everyone thinks that just because we're all human, we're the same. But by being Human we're inherently unique and by every human...

I thought it was cute.    http://i.imgur.com/DGdqdq5.jpg

Some of the happiest dreams I've had have been ones where I just pack a bag and leave. edit: Troll in the way it's definitely not who we wanted so by making ironic jokes and two-faced...

I did because I didn't think you'd get that I was teasing you since we don't talk that often, and maybe you'd take offense. :c

the little /s means sarcasm. The entire comment was sarcastic. you're perfect. shh.

you? a w a r e? w h a t t t t t /s

Hot as hell, isn't it? Mmf. Met a female ESTJ the other day and oh my gosh' stunning. Si's a learned language/interpretation though, it's more of the way that they present themselves and...

For some reason I was dreaming about walking down a side street at night in the small town I grew up in. It was summer I believe because I could feel the humidity on my skin and there was a warm...

Yeah, I was laughing as I typed it. I wonder what kinda spaghetti-code a dev would have to write up, if they even could with BBC to make it a feasible idea. Maybe someday.

Keep forgetting people can change their names. I kinda wish you could put aliases on people you're friended with, atleast account/client side.

I've noticed that sometimes your mind is probably the most dangerous thing to your sanity so I've gotten into the habit of exercising when i'm in that phase. It's done wonders so far atleast. I've...

If it's any consolation, I know how ya feel. I usually have the same cycle. Recognizing the pattern's the first step to fixing it though. If you ever figure it out you should tell me about itt'....

My gut reaction? Your friends seem superficial about Master BM's. Your line of thinking makes way more sense. That and it contains your daughter's bad cleaning habits to her own pieces of the home,...

It's kind of bittersweet having a reliable paycheck everymonth but always getting suckered into putting in more hours then you're supposed to. Seems to be a reoccuring theme with my Brothers...

sidenote: instead of making two posts I should edit/add contents of a new reply I want to add to the old post just to save space. Durp He could just be trying to touch bases with you. He...

Salary work I'm betting?

grats, nerd only 3.5k more to go. :skellie: :skellie::skellie::skellie: :skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie: :skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie::skellie:'