'Confession: I have the preferences of an eight-year-old when it comes to movies. I love cheerful, funny shows with heart, like the Pixar films (particularly The Incredibles) or other Disney films...
Someone who doesn't care when they cause others to feel pain or discomfort. Someone who goes out of their way to cause pain or discomfort in others.
a) If I'm with people I really like, such as my family or my closest friends, and if I'm in a good mood (which is about 80% of the time, and 15% of the remaining time I'm just feeling ho-hum) then I...
44435 44436 From Invisible Bread -
You know you're an introvert when you're literally never bored, because even if (for some strange reason) you don't have a book to read, then you've got your own brain to entertain you for hours on...
I am an excellent finger-tapper. Seriously, give me a hard surface and I can drum out a rapid diddle-um diddle-um diddle-dee-dee-dee for hours. Oddly enough, my musical fingers tend to annoy my...
You know you're an ISFJ when you sometimes/often/always have to be pushed, pulled, poked, dragged, and basically manhandled into doing anything new, different, scary, or risky. (And even though...
Twigs: My goodness, all of these, yes.
You know you're an introvert if you've ever had to stop yourself from saying these words: Of course I like you--I like you a lot! You're one of the nicest people I know. I just really hate...
The first time I got 25,500; the second and third times it was 27,800. The margin of error seems to be rather substantial... :happy:
Phoibe That... that's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard of anybody saying to somebody else. :crying: PLEASE GIVE YOUR FRIEND A HUG FOR ME NEXT TIME YOU HAVE THE ENERGY RESERVES NECESSARY...
20 out of 20, which actually surprised me--I was expecting that at least a couple would consciously tighten up their eye area to fool us. :ninja: I guess I'm too used to looking for trick questions....
ISFJ intruding... I can remember that Black Beauty, Where the Red Fern Grows, Howard Pyle's Robin Hood, Little Women, and Peter Pan all made me cry by their endings; I'm pretty sure that...
I can see how we might test as extraverts if the test is focused on work/school situations... I've found that I'm far more willing and eager to put forth the effort to interact with people when it's...
Oh, I know. Trying to cram each type into one pithy phrase rarely works well. :rolleyes: But the actual profiles are better. Here, since I'm in such a typing mood, here are the first two paragraphs...
Awesome thread! :tongue: You know you're a finker when you can watch a sad war movie one day and come out with dry eyes, but then get distressed the next day over seeing a fly get caught in a...
Type Talk, by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen, is pretty good (and cheap, if you buy it used). It doesn't go into cognitive functions, but it gives a very nice overview of the MBTI with good...
I recently ordered The Pirates of Penzance with Kevin Kline, Angela Lansbury, Linda Ronstadt and Rex Smith. Watched it with my family the other day, and loved it. The Pirates of Penzance (or The...
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qA_Or-9Efqs/TzxMQ4sR15I/AAAAAAAAAO8/c5VhCs4cp7c/s400/Introvert+Meme.jpg via Introverted Church: An Introvert in 4 Views
Or, on that note, when you always have people worried about you because you keep to yourself so much. Don't get me wrong, I think it's nice of people to try to draw others out of their shells--I...
...Or, alternatively, when you stare at the teacher for a moment with a betrayed expression before trying to catch their eye while shaking your head frantically and mouthing, Please, no!
I can't think of anything besides what you've already listed... but I'd be interested in seeing the video. Would you be willing to post a link if/when you put it up? :)
Honestly, my first thought was that SJ's would just go with the original answer... obviously it was to get to the other side. ...Or, alternatively, the chicken didn't have a reason, because...
I consider myself an optimistic pessimist. Or a pessimistic optimist, I'm not sure which. Life generally kinda sucks, but I still love it and I try to look on the bright side... so the glass is...
Thanks! It didn't occur to me to put in some I'm not an ISFJ, but... options. I'll try to remember that for next time. :)
This isn't exactly a You know you're an ISFJ when..., but a general observation about the ISFJ forum. I've noticed that we are far less likely to use profanity or vulgarity in our forum than...
Having somebody play with my hair. Heaven. For that matter, just about any soft, repetitive touch, like when somebody draws on your palms with their fingertips. Sleep. I love sleep. Love...
THE HORROR. :shocked: (:wink:) Yeah, I would be truly freaked out if that were to happen on any forum or website... I might have to retire from the Internet in shame. You know you're an ISFJ when...
I'd like to second Shadowdust's post. I'm of the opinion that actual romantic love comes about after time--time spent getting to know each other, time spent in each other's company, time spent simply...
They're very close, but not quite the same... avoidance is not doing something, and procrastination is putting something off. I guess procrastination is temporary avoidance, but the word...
Aw, that's nice. :happy: Thank you. 1. If it looks like someone needs help, then yeah, I'll start getting worried about them and try to figure out if I can help. But... sometimes it's kind of...
teddy564339 I agree that pretty much everybody procrastinates to some extent; it's just that, while I was in another thread, I was surprised by the number of ISFJs who said that they tend to...
Sevchenko You know, I'm not exactly biased against iNtuitives... two-thirds of my family are iNtuitives, and my best friend is an INTP, and they're all awesome. But on PerC, I have to admit that...
Dear ISTP, I know we'd have a lot of obstacles to work out in a relationship, but I'm willing to try... 'cause my goodness gracious, you guys are all so attractive, and I don't mean just...
Do you have a problem with procrastination? (ISFJs only, please.)
I really enjoyed reading everybody's responses to this thread--especially Seeker99's response, which I would like to +1 very strongly. :) I do think that an ISFJ's laid-back-ish-ness (hey, if you...
You know you're an ISFJ if you're kind of glad that the ISFJ forum is so sedate and quiet, because you've looked at some of the busier forums and you just don't think you could keep up or be...
InsanityRemix Well, it was nice to have you be part of us for a few seconds! :proud:
gracianne Yay, another Pooh Bear-lover! :proud: You should really see the 2011 movie if you get a chance... they did a great job with it. All the sweetness and character of the older shows, with a...
You know you're an ISFJ when you still like to watch Winnie-the-Pooh--and you thought the new movie was terrific--and you always kind of related to Piglet, so stuff like Piglet's Grand Adventure...
Another Christian here. :) Chickydoda, I'm not positive about your OP--it seems like you're asking if any of us are Christian, because your sister isn't but is interested in supernatural things, and...
SZOCK: re: wishing you could wear a costume. YES. THANK YOU. I've often wished that ski masks didn't have negative burglar-type connotations...
I know there have been tons of posts about parties, but I believe this one is different: You know you're an introvert when having somebody throw you a surprise party would make you burst into...
Danielsearch I don't know why I find it so adorable that you call your girlfriend a dork, but it's just cuter than heck. :proud: It sounds like you two are sweet together. :crazy:
You know you're an ISFJ when it's sometimes weird to be around other xSFJ's, because it turns into a sort of well-meaning nice-off: Can I help you with those sandwiches? Oh, no thank you,...
These are similar to what other people have said, but I think they're different enough to post. :) No. ... No. ... But I don't want to! ... Oh, fine. Am I being annoying? When somebody...
Last night, as a friend and I were playing a card game: Friend: Aww, how did you get more points? Me (jokingly): How do you know I'm not cheating? Friend: You're not. You would have told me...
I usually test as an ISTJ. Partly because I'm pretty sure I'm kind of borderline on the T/F divide, and partly because I usually take personality tests when I'm in a think-y, logic-y,...
Giant Panda... but, you know, looking at all the other possible results, it kinda looks like any of these can be at least mostly applied to the average ISFJ. :unsure:
55%. I don't know how to interpret these results, though... I mean, looking at all of you guys' results, the test seems to skew a bit high.'