'ISFJ and INTP relationships are pretty steady, once they get going. It can take a while to develop, though, since both parties can be rather shy upon first meeting... but a good, relaxing social...
I find it weird that we naturally have a silly side, despite the way we appear. I have been known most of my life as a dork and I love it =)
I Sincerely Feel Justified ...in loving on you!
Being super-sensitive. It's an area I am growing in, but I still find myself overreacting or freaking out at any criticism, even if it's positive.
Good question! Most INFJ's I know IRL are almost exactly the same personalities as ISFJ's. I keep confusing the two, honestly =)
I really want to read all of it, but there's so much information (and big words! ;) ) I can only read little chunks at a time! Haha. Thanks for posting!
I admit it: I purposefully lose so that the other person feels better. I could care less if I win or not. If I win, i'd feel bad for the other person. Usually the people I play against are...
My mom is an ISFJ, and if I had one word to describe her it would be angel. Throughout my childhood, she has always had a gentle, soothing voice, never showed her anger, was a good listener, and...
Wow. That hit me hard. So true! As a male ISFJ I can totally relate. My ESFJ ex-girlfriend really taught me this. It took her a long time of being loving back for me to open up to it. My whole life I...
Why am I here? Well, secretly, the ISFJ's are planning to take over the ISTJ forum...I mean! You didn't hear that... Personally I check out this forum to see if I typed my friend right (i'm...
Lost, the unfortunate downside to ISFJ's is that it takes us forever to warm up to things. The best thing for you to do is continue to show love and respect constantly day by day. Eventually she will...
It would take a lot of persuasion and trust for me to let someone else nurture and take care of me. Like others, it depends on who it is. If it's someone I barely know, I might resent it and fight...
So, do you still live close to home? Negative. I live one state away from it. I live far north in the above state and my hometown is far south in the other state. If not, do you miss being home?...
I can safely say that at least 3/4 of the time I am doing something for others in some way, shape or form, even if I don't realize it. It's just how I am wired =)
My very first thought: OUCH!!
Usually what I do with people that are way different is just observe how they act and then act in a similar fashion to them (i.e. if I see someone who loves jokes, I throw in one to make them laugh)....
Usually what I have to do is step away and try to find what inspires me personally. If I can tap into that, and hold that in my mind, I can do almost any work that's thrown at me.
When I was 19, this new employee swore I was 30 years old, had a wife and kids, and a house. o_0'
I really liked Superman for some reason. My INTP brother loved Batman and would often tease me that Batman doesn't need super powers to be awesome!
They are just jealous, honey! ;)
Well said leuma =) Welcome to the forum!
For information- my friend is an ESFJ and i'm ISFJ so it's only one letter off =D
My first time I took it I was a 2, and I just retook it and im a 9. After reading into them, 9 seems to be more of my past self (childhood) and 2 is my current behavior. Type 9 totally rings back to...
I'm the most paranoid person I know when I shop, eat out alone, etc. I can't stop thinking about what others are thinking about me, that if I walk down the aisles of a grocery store that people are...
All the below are my opinions. Are ISFJ less sexually permissive?- Like many said, I would only be sexually open if I am in a committed relationship (for me, marriage). If its against my morals...
I have two INTP's in my life: My brother and a friend of mine. With my brother, he's almost always sarcastic and catches me when I misword something. I usually have to think of what to say before I...
1. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I like my bed perfectly made. If it is not, I can't sleep. It's my OCD =D 2. How many pillows do you sleep with? One or Two 3. Do you...
My dad is an INFJ and my mom is an ISFJ.
Dear ISTJ's, Stop posting so much! The ISFJ's can't keep up with you! I keep glazing over and seeing some thread tagged [ISTJ] on the Overseer category. Sincererely, ISFJ. <3
When you are too considerate of others feelings to let out your own!
ISFJ raised Christian, was born again in late 2008. I consider myself more of a Christ follower than Christian. Religion has left an icky taste in a lot of people's mouth, but the goodness that Jesus...
I would agree with changing I to an E. It would be really handy to be more social and know how to speak to people in public. I get writers block, but with speaking.
For me, all my relationships have begun with friendships. ISFJ's can take time to warm up to people, and slow to respond to calls of relationships. For example, my last relationship with an ESFJ I...
I had a man crush on my INTP friend...does that count?
I use up all my social extrovertness out at work and with friends. When I come home, I shut down into introvertness and wind down haha.
I usually hate being the leader, especially when quick decisions have to be made that affect people, so I will usually follow, even if its not something I want to do. I'm trying to work on that...
My first job was at a fast food place for two years, then I worked at Target for 4 years. Now i'm currently working at a local thrift store. I left Target for lesser pay because the thrift store has...
I was always thought of as the smartest kid in class during high school. I'm actually pretty oblivious, but I listened and did my homework.
My dad is an INFJ and 2 years ago when I first brought my girlfriend over (ESFJ) he looked at her for a few seconds, then walked upstairs to his room. After she left I went to talk to him. He just...
I'm a softie. In no way can I be a tough guy haha.
Sadly I feel like I am as athletic as Smalls sometimes!
We ISFJ brothers love to get affirmation! I grew up for years not really getting that affirmation, and what happened is that I became a prisoner in my own mind because I felt like I was the only one...
I'm not usually scared perse...just really really nervous for a few months until I get the new routine down!
It's a rougher life than most for ISFJ's, since we naturally put ourselves down in the bottom rung lol. He should definitely come hang out in these forums and get to know some others like himself. It...
Remember, ISFJ's can be deep thinkers too...not of mathematical stuff or whatever, but usually about people and circumstances. Our imaginations can run wild as we anticipate all scenarios, including...
I'm not too sure personally, but my INFJ dad is happily married to my ISFJ mom =)
When I took this quiz in the first place, my INTP friend said to do it in the mindset of when I was a kid. What surprised both of us is that for the I function in ISFJ I scored 89%. Here's what...
What strikes me the most is when someone asks me how I am really doing, and gives me the same attention and love as I would give out to other people.'