
Sentinels ISFJ

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.

'I hate that I am still in love. And probably ever will

Thanks for your words. I need to talk with my flatmate, if there's a calm moment.. maybe I'm just a bit sensitiv. The other city means the other city ;) I kind of have two flats, because I got a...

I don't feel good in this flat arrangement / sharing. My flatmate constantly uses the living room just as one would one's own room. She only sleeps in her room. Unfortunately to get to my room I have...

Rollercoaster indeed! Had a super fun evening with some friends and stayed over at a dear friend's flat who will leave the country for some time. We spend the afternoon together with some amazing...

So much better today! Tine to look forward. I am excited about work again! (I don't get to whine - I got it pretty good!)

Just cam eback from the very first session with a psychologist. So happy that I finally got an appointment. I cried all the way through. I don't know if it will be ok or if should try another one. I...

ärks!! Feelings, loneliness, life decisions, friends, self-doubt, insecurity !! Could my inner cinema just stop playing?! Why does it always have to this way? Why do I always have to be...

@Ningsta Kitty and @LawyersAdvocate: thanks a lot for your input! The problem is there was no real breakup and still if there's any chance I'll hang on for the moment. But in the same time start...

Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm kinda crying now (here. in the public library) I will keep your words in mind! You nailed it.

I have my heart broken by this one ENTP. The one and only guy for me. And it won't stop hurting. We had this intense time and he said some intense things, and suddenly he won't have time anymore for...

I want that. I need that. My ENTP leaves me in a cold place and I fear he has moved on. Not a good time for me

Where can I find useful information about this?

The sign she need is just as you said: She needs to be sure you have feelings and want to commit. To speak for myself I never will admit to feelings I am not sure they're returned. And for...

so, I called my ENTP person and it seems like tomorrow will be the big talk. Wanted to have it now, but he's on his way to a party (and I feel left out again - seems like there really is no longer...

saintcirone: I think you're on the right track - she likes you! Don't overthink it! She's waiting for a sign from your side. When you open up she'll feel comfortable eventually and open up herself ...

I made some hints about MBTI and personality types a while ago and how it helps me to understand people better, but he despises it. Concerning psychology the one and only person for him is Freud. And...

Peace_Be_With_You Thanks so much for this comment! These are the very same problems I encounter in my relationship. They get me frustrated all the time and thinking in that moment if it's all worth...

same here. sometimes it's so hard. but still I am fascinated and can't stay away. I am afraid it will never change and I'll always have to wait and be patient

this way you (unintentionally) hurt and suffocate people. they might feel dominated and disrespected as well (oh, there are recent experiences talking here :/)

they get lost in their projects, so their private life is nearly non-existent and their partner suffer -.-

YES (I hate this 10 characters policy..)

Same here - advice is much needed!!

As the title says: what's your current profession and how do you see work in general? What would be the perfect way career wise for you? Can you imagine to work in an office from 9 to 5? And how...

It's always good to know about the other side. But please don't withdraw because of those reactions!

You are so right! I always thought I am socially awkward till I got comfortable with the way I am. But there are still times when I worry and stress myself how to connect with other people. I got...

:/ Sure, but I think it was kind of an overreaction. It was a heated and emotional talk.. We haven't talked since then.. Don't know. I don't want to stress him. (He's an ENTP btw)

It's weird. I tend to forget specifics of conversations, but I desperately don't want to lose them, so written communication is always great. In some days I'll have a new mobile and I don't know how...

me again.. what's your view of the introvert part? do you like it or does it frustrate you?

Great, the boyfriend finally revealed why he's so distanced the last months: He thinks I am depressed and because of betrayal and getting hurt by two close, depressed people in the past he shies away...

Great, the boyfriend finally revealed why he's so distanced the last months: He thinks I am depressed and because of betrayal and getting hurt by two close, depressed people in the past he shies away...

;) this typology.. so reliable

It depends. I can forgive a lot and every person is as imperfect as me. I always hope that my failures and flaws are forgiven. It gets difficult when the conflict is not resolved when I and the...

Hm.. in parts you're right; I experience it this way. I vs E can clash like that, but keep always in mind it depends on how much pronounced the E or I is. I can recommend this book by Marti...

Yeah, most of our miscommunications are because of that. But now I know a bit better how be both tick We can handle the extrovert/introvert differences pretty good.. But as said before every...

I am so pissed of with myself. I cant finish this thesis and time is literally running out. It seems like I finally could get a job and wouldn't rely on my parents' money anymore. But I cant't finish...

I think I've always fallen between these two and have never been satisfied. I could always empathize with the quiet and shy ones who where often the as you call it 'nerds' (we don't have this term or...

This. As they seem to connect with everyone I keep wondering what they see in me or any other person. Do you, ENTPs, like everyone or do you just like to talk with them?

um.. I didn't use constellation in any astrology meaning. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to pick the right words in a foreign language ;)

Um.. I don't quite understand this.. They are conflicting and at the same time duals? I already read that this constellation can have lots of conflicts but when they overcome them they can...

the earth explodes. kidding they get hurt. might be terrible if you don't want to lose them ;)

I worry about personal relationships.. being in serious relationship for the first time and then with this fabulous, self-confident person is sometimes stressful :) ESL means English as a second...

I just see a lot of similarities between us. We have the same values, humor, possible life choices, interests etc. I am drawn to his personality like never to one before. He often speaks out loud...

Why do you think don't they get along; what are their arguments about and in which way does their behaviour conflict? I just want to realise if their behaviour is similar to ours.. And I...

I second all of this! I am fairly new to MBTI and enneagramm but I tested 2w1, 9w1, 6w5. I don't know how common or off this is for an INFJ..

Did you have any solution? What's the current status? I feel like I am in the exact situation, so your experiences would help me a lot to figure out myself and us!

What's an unhealthy / mature ENTP like? I looked at my results again and there's a fine line between INFJ/ISFJ. The results in the second category were closer than any other. But I suppose the...

From my side it's just good to know how he works. After some time and reading stuff about ENTPs it's much clearer for me. I never have been close to such a type, so I haven't had an orientation on...

What would these little details be? And if you don't care about them anyway wouldn't it be indifferent if someone does for you?

Funny to see how one can make assumptions because of personality types that are way off and as you see can differ a lot. For myself I a much clearer about why we can get stuck in debates, because at...

Guys, this was suppossed to be a thread for good examples! :P Sorry you had these experiences, but it doesn't has to be the same for us here. Even if you know one ISFJ doesn't mean you know them...'