
Sentinels ISFJ

Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.

'I always forget where I put my keys, therefore I must have inferior si as opposed to being dumb ;) So as the saying goes...You don't know what you have until you lose (Dom+aux+tert) it?...

Not doubting your argument, but higher IQ sensors tend to come off as intuitives to others because they process things faster. You're looking at Da Vinca (ISFP) and Picasso (ESFP/some sort of SJ). On...

IMO, if you get moments where you say things like, I was like WTF or She is like 'what is this, I don't even then it's likely Si as work. You're expressing yourself as though you're coding your...

I guess a better way to ask the OP would be what would bother her from other people the most when she has negative emotions.

I just told an suspected INTP that he sometimes annoy me. He acted like OMG SO I'VE BEEN DOIN' IT RONG and he shattered into a hundred million pieces. @OP, I guess the next question is what kind...

[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] This tends to trouble me too, because how big picture, is how big picture? On the inverse we can have N's mistype as S because ideals/perfection means that not a single...

I think Doll meant to that as trolling into her own personal satisfaction of evil.

It could mean sensory processing of when shit hits the fan (i.e. yelling, look on their faces) or afraid of what FE is currently experiencing. Having some indepth understanding or idea of what will...

What kind of small things? When do you feel this way, and what is often the reason?) (I feel I can go with ENFP and even ISFP despite the si in your photo analysis as well, so I'm going to keep...

Only explanation I could give you is that maybe it has something to do with people exerting friction on some parts of your personality but as you become an adult, what stays, stays.

Not implying that FE doms can't apply themselves to animals or secretly hate everyone, but it sounds Fi-dommie. Although it could be that you're enneagram 3w2 giving that SPARTA feeling to the...

^ Title initiates.

Could be FE's need for harmony backfiring against OP, just sayin'

I see the world as...1) ...a bundle of possibilities to be explored and unraveled. The world is objectively full of possibilities but if I say course it's full of possibilities, look at how history...

Oh really; I'm currently in a fine arts university program studying art ideology, psychology, philosophy within it as mandatory so you can pretty much get that it's modern art, not technical fine...

I'm 2w3, 9w1, 5w4 tritype. Not solid on my mbti type atm :/

INFP, INTP, ENFP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ. Getting there...slowly, slowly...........................stop? Hopefully. ;P It's possible people with more sensing in their stacks need to noodle...

I wrote in a paragraph or so as a disclaimer. If you end up doing more work than you should for my humble sake, then that's your problem ;) Dat FE.

I'd give every single human within sight my credit card number so I can watch all the crazy shit ensued. Also, I'll look in the face of politics with whatever u mad face I can realistically make,...

Type 3w2 ESFJ's are probably the type who organizes everything for the event and still manage to make everyone personalized coffee. Because supporters are also leaders? Type 2w3 ESFJ's are...

So far in the What's my Type forum, going more so by doms... Fi types might either associate with it, relate to what they like or feel the need to change things. FiSe tends to just feel while FiNe...

I had this feeling that you're an N, then I checked your profile and went Bingo. Yeah, people asked me the same thing too and I felt I had to go the extra mile. Wanting to strip off to easy mode...

My most sensor portion of a dream... Well, before I slept I was looking straight ahead (which was a window) and I dreamt...of that window view so I had no idea it was a dream. Then all of a...

Just wondering how different groups perceive or absorb the same external reality. Just share your impression of the image in a paragraph or so. Thanks~ ...

Just wondering how different groups react to the same ... external reality? (Yes, Spade's test). Just describe your impression of the photo in a paragraph or so. ...

Just wondering how different groups perceive different...realities? Just describe your impression of the image in a paragraph or so :|  http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8093/8476743612_a305233dec_z.jpg
Just wondering how different groups perceive images o.O Just describe your impression of the photo here.  http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8093/8476743612_a305233dec_z.jpg


Right, but you can reason that NI-TE is evolutionary common because NI-TE helps you pop out of danger beforehand like a magical card trick or something. Si is also about internal well being in...

That's boring :C

Wellllllllllllll I guess to be fair introducing the functions may as well be a course in itself.

Obvious ISFP is obvious.

I'm guessing one of the following: IFP ITP EFJ ETJ Thinking/feeling functions evaluate stuff. Thinking looks at the logical properties of things and how it relates together then attach...

Think about how you are at stress. If you tend to conclude things when you're stable and conclude things when you're unstable, you're likely some sort of judging function leading person as opposed to...

Well...the desire to understand yourself and others is raging common because other people reflect so many things about our place in the world. There's so many users on the forum, it's inevitable to...

This thread is golden: http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/126949-how-you-see-16-types-gif-form.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_i-XL_fm6E

I don't see how being a 3 and an ESFJ is so incompatible. That ne tert ought to get you somewhere. Pretty sure that the ETJ's shouldn't be the only get shit done sort of person.

I wonder how complicated it could be for high school students just to explain what the functions are :confused:

I believe I experienced an Fe/Ne loop before, which in other words means emotionally independent on other's approval by trying to be more than we currently are. I'm not saying that this feeling is...

Well...the color of their fur makes them unique but at the end of the day, it's still an animal that demands you to give them food and wipe off their waste products. So all the things that makes...

How to sticky copyrighted contents :tongue:

Maybe loops refer to an emotional reaction to immediate stress until it tears down to the inferior. I mean more powerful spike in anxieties. You can have many, many spikes but it doesn't necessarily...

6238862389 What's the difference between a black cat and a white(and brown) cat?

I find it ironic that SJ's apparently need a guide to being hip and new, over a thread about the hipster level of a particular group of people. But hey, nothing begins if we don't will it right...

:wink: I guess that's where my epiphanies come from then. Teewhy

Don't take life (too) seriously, because for what you're worrying or fixated upon, it's not the final conclusion. And there probably be never a conclusion to the present beyond the future ;)

You kind of just boxed yourself into this ESFJ box. You're probably looking for forgiveness and for someone to cut you the slack. You're bothered about your adequacy to protect the emotions...

Fe-dom is about right. I read about the TI inferior and it seems to fit together, expecially the part about not remembering too much what's going on (Ti's convoluted thoughts). I believe I use SI,...

1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Curiousity, wondering where I fit in and how I relate to others. Valuing other inputs? 2) What do you yearn for in life?...'