
Explorers ISFP

Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.

'I know! I put ISFPs in the same group of people as I put NF's in.. ISFPs are more NFs than ISTPs are NTs, just to illustrate my case :happy: btw have you considered checking out ENFP vs ISFP...

My Fi gets in the way of being uninhibited and typically SPish... i have a thirst for excitement, but at the same time emotionally i just want to stay home

Yep.... always drawn to some kind of inner vision, some kind of dream, of how I'd like reality to be, and longing to make it real, emotional, cyclothymic, earthy. its me :proud: i drown in my dreams...

I analyze my feelings a LOT because they are so confusing.. it's one feeling after another and sometimes they just don't add up, so yeah, I'm not good at talking about my feelings often because I...

2s from what I know :happy: 4s are basically introverted heart people, 2s more extroverted heart people

Hey, that's what I do :-)

Down to earth people, social/emotional people, basically; that's my experience. ISTP's, ISFP's, INFJ's.. not only those types, but these three immediately come to mind.

Sounds INTJish. 'specially the part about 'i dont have tact', and how his writing style is intellectual, but lacks emotional impulses and instinct. He talks almost exclusively about how less he...

Christian, became so at 23. I don't see ISFP's as being stereotypically religious, although are really serious about emotional values, thus giving them a more religious interest by nature. ...

-God -Love (caring for close ones, being with them, and waiting for The One) In between is just alotta pastimes, and mostly art.. :)

Just discovering patterns in my emotions helped me; it's not that chaotic, and I can predict some of it, and if you know what's coming, or how to deal with emotions period, it's 50% of the load

I wouldn't think too much about it; ESFJ's can be like that. When they have a really bad day, they'll do it to anybody, regardless who it is... And.. some ESFJs are nicer than other ESFJs (some...

...when you're into astrology/the paranormal/dark magic/anything related even if its simply more exciting than mundane day-to-day reality =) PS: sorrys about the multiple post. have to watch that...

I'm a total grammar freak, but sometimes imperfect grammar is just cute and... 'internet' style of writing is okay with me. (what is internet style of writing? these kinds of sentences)

INTP and ISFP are sooo much alike man There is a definite difference though... you know the NT/SF thing but still. Both artistic spirits

I either tune out or I'm often completely engulfed in the experience To conclude *nods* I understand what you mean

(Didn't read all 41 pages, so maybe this is already posted, but....) ...when you love cats:laughing:... but in the end refuse to keep them because they die...

I knowse... :) But, 'perfect' because they always strive to be perfect to the world. A good strife :) I really really respect 'nice guys', 'nice girls', I just don't find myself a really good fit...

You really like perfect boys? You kinda lost me at 'gets good grades' I like people that take an effort towards people, but this is too much :D I don't like 'perfect gal/boy' really for...

Don't know about Anne Hathaway; haven't seen enough of her to really tell. Lady GaGa: strange, but not sensitive enough to be ISFP IMO She does make her own clothes, thats ISFPish/ESTJish I...

Bad girl beats the superficial, dishonest type that uses conformity to gain superiority, but other than that it's not really a pro or a con; all I care about is if she's sweet and intense :)

I don't think so :happy:

Darn right. :) But, I think ISFP's too try to understand their feelings to change how they might feel or solve the situation alot I think?/ But in general, yeah

well for example i do alot of 'sudden changes' - i might decide that I'm going to switch careers, or move someplace else, or what else... or something like that but less extreme, but you get my...

4w3 (the romantic/the artist) sx/so/sp. my tritype is prolly 4w3 7w8 8w9. i used to think i was 7w8 or 8w9, but the 4ness is too prominent. Enneagram Personality Type 4: The Artist

totally agree with this

Elton John, Genesis, Phil Collins, Fiona Apple, Eminem; those are my favourites and the ones I have on my MP3 player. There are lots of others, but these are the ones I can think of now, and its my...

Black, and the darker shades of red and blue I'm a darker isfp *insert dark smiley*

i'm an isfp who had an infp partner for 5 years, so maybe i can have a go at this :) Maybe it was just this one INFP, in that case please correct me, but I found infp's to be more paralyzed by...

I dreamed about bicycles... lots and lots of bicycles, and I was climbing, making my way through this jungle of bicycles. How intruiging :cool: Then I woke up (2 mins ago), and all I wanna do is...

Stress makes me hyperactive so I can't sleep :( I usually listen to music/make music/sing, talk about stuff (the higher the stress, the more it becomes a rant:) ), make plans, clean, eat, drink...

Not really an ISFP thing... but people who have problems ie cocaine and stuff, they have such troubled minds that I have different sets of rules for; I'm not gonna make them live on the streets, I...

ESFP's can be low key; they're still sensitive feelers. A lot of people would peg me ESFP, but then again, an equal amount of people would peg me ISFP. It depends on how I'm feeling, how...

They are alike, ISTP/ISFP; I can't think of really good advice.. I thought Angelina Jolie was ISFP but she turns out to be ISTP. ISFP's are more 'crazy in the head', even if that just means 'feeling'...

Yeah right. LISTEN ISFP'S; ARE THERE ANY FAMOUS PERSONS YOU PERSONALLY PEG AS ISFP? Oops. Sorry; if caps is forbidden, just say so and I'll correct myself. *blush* My pegs for ISFP: -Fiona...

ISTP's I know usually go for the weed and pills (MDMA), ISTP Eminem openly talks about his on-and-off sleeping pill addiction (Vicodin, Percocet, Tylenol PM..). Another ISTP I knew used cocaïne...

Ten minute dishes. (No vegetable slicing 'n dicing) You need: -mushroom sauce (powdered, just pour some milk over it, and it turns to sauce) -sliced mushrooms (in a can, you wanted easy here's...

Word! Me and my best friend (at the time, I later switched schools and we moved to another neighbourhood so it was only 4-5 years, not my entire childhood or something) always *had* to have...

me too. confession: sometimes i feel im a lesbian. :)

Tennis, Arkanoid (yes, really old stuff... im an '86 kid), Super Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Doom

i LOVE clothes

IMO: thats okay if youre INTP or something, but, not ISFP - I mean I'm like that, loner, but also, I desire to feel a connection to other people 24/7 and I can't focus on anything else really, but,...

You are really, really beautiful as in; a beautiful person, not just 'youre eye candy' or 'you play piano well, that is attractive'. Means most to me :) No one ever says that to one another no...

poetry/music/lyrics, video games.... i played video games til i was 13-14 though, later on it was just music (i developed piano playing skills and singing, and songwriting so it was enough to be a...

Uhhuh. All this talk of visions of goodness and feeling 'different' (experiencing the world different with your heart and mind), I share that thought.

Bothers me too; I like thinking for myself. Doing something without knowing why is subordination to me. 'If you do that, we'll give you a treat. Don't ask why; nobody's asking for your opinion,...

ROFL :laughing: That is funny!!:laughing:

Insist that there is something you are not getting, you need to understand something; I know something you don't know, some deeper knowledge about 'all of this'; instead of just saying Sorry I...

Tell that to an ISxP specially :tongue:

ISFP, Stimulants, Cocaine; makes me feel connected to the world, instead of 'inside an isolation room' (I feel I'm never connected enough and always pretty much isolated from the world to some...'